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The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第7期  實中園地
                                                    實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                             The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                              第二十四卷第七期 中華民國108年12月15日出刊                December  2019

                                              發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                                 National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發 行 人:李健維                                   本期要目
                                              總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 108學年度運動會集錦
                                              編輯小組:何美璇  何宜臻  黃寶瑩  林燕靖                        ●  108學年度運動會破紀錄及創
                                              英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng
                                              刊    頭:幼兒園 藍天班 陳艾昀
                                                                                             ● 幼兒園親子體能闖關活動
                                              地    址:新竹市介壽路300號
                                                        300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● Gender Equality Project
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                                                                             ● 我幫青蛙過馬路
                                                                                             ● Cupertino Student Exchange
                                              雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

              學年度校運會於十一月九日盛大舉行                              NEHS Annual 2019 Field Day
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                    The NEHS annual field day took place on
                   實驗中學108學年度的全校運動會,在11月9                      November 9th. Throughout the week, students cheered
              日週六盛大舉辦!在長達一周的運動週裡,天氣                            on fellow participants, embodying the NEHS spirit.
              都非常給力。11月9日當天也在大家的期待下,                           During the opening ceremony, classes used their
              是舒適的好天氣,為活動帶來滿場人潮,並為運                            creativity to craft opening statements and marched
              動員充滿盈盈能量,準備在運動會上大放異彩。                            energetically, proudly wearing class t-shirts they’d
              開幕式由各部班級帶來具有創意及巧思的進場台                            designed themselves; Principal Mr. Roger Lee also
              詞,並搭配精神抖擻的步伐、動作,國小部、國                            took the time to thank parents and Mr. Huang, the PTA
                                                               president. After the class entrance, the NEHS middle
              中部、高中部、雙語部及幼兒園依序入場。全校                            and high school department took to the field for their
              師生無不使出渾身解數,表現班級或學年特色,                            power dance, which incorporated Chinese, English,
              各色班服進場道具在陽光照耀下,更加朝氣蓬                             Japanese, and Korean music. Although their moves
              勃!李健維校長感謝本校家長會黃武雄會長對學                            were simple, they were synchronized and gave a stellar
              校校務推廣的協助,並恭賀黃會長連任108學年                           performance. Next came the IBSH cheerleading team,
              家長會會長。進場結束後,由中學部擔綱今年的                            who entered the field with great liveliness and school
                                                               spirit. After the festivities, the fifth and sixth graders’
              大會舞表演。中學部動員國一、國二、高一及高                            100 meter final dash, elementary and kindergarten fun
              二學生,樂曲融合中文、英文、日文及韓文,發                            games, and seventh to twelfth graders’ track finals
              揮「數大就是美」的精神,動作雖然簡單,但卻                            took place, with the teachers, parents, and alumni relay
              能創造出磅礡的氣勢!接下來是雙語部啦啦隊表                            attracting the attention of many during lunch. The
              演,由雙語部低年級年段的啦啦隊課後社團擔任                            afternoon activities started with the teachers’ games,
                                                               followed by the middle and high schoolers’ class relay.
              開場,一群活潑可愛的小女孩在場上活力十足的                            All the classes tried their best, marking an end to this
              表演!而正式的啦啦隊出場時,熱力四射的啦啦                            spectacular field day!
              上午並進行了國小部五六年級的100公尺決賽、                           Visit to Cupertino, USA –– Broadening horizons
              國小部、雙語部1-6年級和幼兒園部的趣味競賽,                              Teachers and students from the Middle School
              及中學部及雙語部7到12年級各項徑賽決賽。而                           Department and the Bilingual Department recently
                                                               participated in an exchange program to our sister
              各部教職員、家長代表、校友隊等的大隊接力競                            city, Cupertino, in the United States. On October 26
              賽,更是吸引所有師生到場觀賞,選手們竭盡全                            this year, under the leadership of Mrs. Jessica Wang
              力向前飛奔、爭取榮耀,現場歡呼聲、驚嘆聲與                            from the Bilingual Department, four students from the
              加油聲給在場選手滿滿的鼓勵!下午首先登場的                            Middle School Department and three students from
              是教職員工的趣味競賽,最後是中學部、雙語部                            the Bilingual Department departed for Cupertino,
              的大隊接力比賽,各班派出頂尖選手參賽,選手                            marking the fourth time our school has participated in
                                                               this program. Ms. Wang met with the seven students
              們奮力為班級爭取榮譽,為運動會劃下精彩的句                            numerous times before departure to prepare for the trip.
              點!                                               During the visit, the seven students attended classes

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