Page 13 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第六期
P. 13
The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 6期 實中園地
第十七屆 HSINMUN 紀錄
雙語部 11B 左芯怡 SOPHIA ZUO
On May 19th, 2021, the Central Epidemic Command Center of Taiwan imposed Level Three restrictions
for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. For the island, this meant that day to day normalities would
have to be put aside, and school, business, and leisure would now be largely held in the parameters of their
homes. However, for this year’s Secretariat team, who had been planning the conference since January, it
posed a wholly new question: Would HSINMUN even be carried out this year?
Flash forward to October 17th, where with the last bang of the gavel, it seems like that question has
been answered. With over 400 online participants logged on, 12 committees, 18 schools, and endless POIs,
speeches, and amendments recorded, the first online HSINMUN has far exceeded expectations. HSINMUN,
hosted annually by the International Bilingual School in Hsinchu Taiwan, is a THIMUN affiliated conference
that prides itself as the biggest bilingual MUN conference in Taiwan, and for proving that quantity and
quality are not mutually exclusive in MUN. The theme for this year’s conference was Multicausality: A World
Connected, extracting inspiration from how issues in this world today are not in a vacuum, and to solve one
means to alleviate and confront others. Our Keynote speaker, Dr. Allen Lien, was an apt example of our
theme: having done extensive? medical work in Burkina Faso, but also creating an orphanage that provided
schooling for children that has been up and running for the past 15 years. Dr. Lien spoke insightfully of his
own experiences working around the world, and also providing us with steps to problem solving and tackling
such intertwined issues today and in MUN debate.
第十七屆 HSINMUN 紀錄 13