Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第三期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 3期

              同策劃拍攝影片,由六年四班學生擔任小記者,                              of a welcoming film, students from class 604 took on
              向泰國夥伴們介紹他們生長的城市及台灣美                                the role of “reporters,” introducing their hometown
                                                                 and Taiwanese delicacies to the Thai students. Two
              食。接著,六年四班的學生們與泰國夥伴進行                               online sessions were hosted, with students of both
              兩次線上交流,討論文化議題、分享彼此國家                               schools bringing attention to the cultural similarities
              的文化異同。透過國際教育交流活動,學生們                               and differences between the two countries. Thanks to
                                                                 this year’s exchange event, students developed a deeper
              對於自身文化有更深刻的了解,也能夠對夥伴                               understanding of their own culture and a heightened
              國家的文化有更多的認識。感謝協助辦理國際                               awareness of their Thai companions’ cultures. We
              教育的行政人員及老師們,讓學生們留下美好                               express our gratitude to the faculty who had made
                                                                 this international experience possible, creating lasting
              的回憶。(相關新聞請見第 3-5 頁)                                memories for our students.(Please see p.3-p.5 for more

              111 學年度新生抽籤.以網路直播方式進
              行                                                  111th School Year Students Draw Lots
                                                                 Via Digital Streaming

                   每年四、五月間,本校最大的活動就是「新                                Annually, every April and May, the “New Student
              生抽籤」,到場參與抽籤活動的工作人員、公                               Lottery” is the biggest event as thousands of people,
              正人士、代表、報名學生及家長總人數動輒千                               including staff members, notaries, representatives, and
                                                                 students, participate throughout this event. Due to the
              人。近年因疫情,改為以線上抽籤的形式進行,                              recent pandemic, the lottery has transitioned online,
              邀請公正人士代替家長抽籤的網路直播模式。                               inviting notaries to replace the parents for drawing the
              看似簡單的抽籤活動其實有繁複的前置作業,                               lots. This seemingly simple event has a complicated
                                                                 preparation process, including assessment of prioritized
              包含優先錄取人選資格審查、抽籤名單審查、                               admitted students, examination of name lists, production
              製籤、培訓等。由於以視訊直播抽籤方式進行,                              of lots, and training of staff members. Because the
                                                                 process is run through an online platform, staff members
                                                                 have gone over the process many times with a serious
              程序,相關工作人員在抽籤前,便多次演練流                               and attentive attitude in order to guarantee the most fair,
              程,力求以公平、公正、公開的方式、嚴謹慎                               open, and just process for all participants. The 111th
                                                                 school year kindergarten, elementary, and middle school
              重的態度進行抽籤作業。111 學年度的幼兒園、                            new student lottery successfully finished at the end of
              國小及國中新生抽籤作業在四月底順利完成,                               April. We express our gratitude to all staff members and
              感謝所有辛苦的工作人員及到場協助抽籤作業                               notaries that have made the job a just and fair one.
                                                                 Wash Hands Frequently, Wear Masks,
                                                                 and Maintain Social Distance  Let’s
              勤洗手、戴口罩、保持社交距離.共同對                                 Fight COVID-19 Together!
                                                                      As the number of COVID-19 cases increases,
                   隨著 COVID-19 確診數逐漸攀升,台灣各                       schools around Taiwan have entered an alert period.
                                                                 According to the latest updates from the Centers for
              地與各級學校也進入警戒期;根據疫情更新及                               Disease Control (CDC), many schools have held
              疫情指揮中心的指示召開會議決定應變措施、                               meetings to decide on contingency measures, and after
                                                                 careful evaluation, they have notified administrators,
                                                                 parents, and students about the update, many already
              成為校園的日常。學校各部都繃緊神經,時時                               adjusting to these changes. Our school has become more
              關心各班學生身心近況,以便在最快的時間獲                               cautious of the epidemic, taking measures to ensure
                                                                 students’ health and facilitating efficient communication.
              得資訊並有效傳達訊息。教師們則在實體教學                               In addition to preparing materials for in-person teaching,
              之餘,做好線上課程,甚至線上線下混成教學                               teachers have also prepared for possible transitions
              的準備。疫情尚未達到最高峰,請大家務必遵                               to online schooling and hybrid teaching. Because the
                                                                 pandemic has not yet reached its peak, please follow
              循「勤洗手、戴口罩、保持社交距離」的基本                               the basic epidemic prevention rules of "washing
              防疫法則,保護自己也保護同學及家人,共同                               hands frequently, wear a mask, and maintaining social
              度過疫情難關。                                            distance" to protect yourself, your classmates, and
                                                                 family members, so we can overcome the epidemic

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