Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第五期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 5期

              並不影響學子們為自己與學校追求榮譽的積極                               brought by the pandemic, students' eagerness to pursue
              表現。高三 5 班趙訢閎參加第54屆化學奧林                             personal excellence and schoolwide honor were not
                                                                 hindered in the slightest.
              匹亞競賽榮獲金牌,而同樣就讀高三 5 班的張                                  From class H305, Hsinhong Zhao won gold medal
              博甡則在第 34 屆亞太數學奧林匹亞競賽及第                             in the 54th Chemistry Olympiad, while Boshen Chang
              63 屆數學奧林匹亞競賽兩項競賽中,獲得銅牌                             won bronze medal in the 34th Asia Pacific Mathematics
                                                                 Olympiad and 63rd Mathematics Olympiad. Among
              的佳績。而今年的高級中等學校分區科學博覽                               the well-performing high school participants of the

              會中,中學部學生也有很好的成績,其中更有                               high school science fair, three particular works gained
                                                                 the judges’ favor and epresent Hsinchu City in the
              三件作品獲得評審青睞,代表新竹市參加全國                               national science fair! The three works lived up to
              科展!而這三件作品也不負眾望,在國展中獲                               expectations and achieved fine results in the national
                                                                 exhibition. Among them, Tinghan Tseng from H302
              得好成績,其中高三 2 班曾亭翰獲得電腦與資
                                                                 won the Exploration Spirit Award of the Computer
              訊學科組探究精神獎、高三 2 班和高三 3 班學                           and Informatics Division; the work jointly produced
              生尤映筑、吳沛穎、蔡晴如共同合作的作品則                               by Yingzhu Yu, Peiying Wu, and Qingru Tsai from
                                                                 H302 and H303 won the Team Collaboration Award of
              獲得動物與醫學科團隊合作獎、高三 5 班張博                             the Veterinary and Medical Division; Boshen Chang,

              甡、胡婷芳、謝承翰則獲得物理組第三名。學                               Tingfang Hu, and Chenghan Hsieh from H305 won the
                                                                 third place in the Physics Division. Congratulations to
              生們的努力有目共睹,也感謝老師們平日的指                               all participants’ hard work and gratitude for teachers’
              導!                                                 guidance along the way.
                                                                 Elementary Department Represents
              國小數理領域健全發展.代表新竹參加全                                 Hsinchu in the National Science Fair,
              國科展                                                Demonstrating STEM Excellence

                   本校國小部自然與生活科技領域教師群                                  For many years, elementary department science
              歷年在科學教育上熱忱耕耘、用心設計課程、                               and technology teachers have invested much time in
                                                                 shaping lessons and activities dedicated to fostering
              安排相關活動,讓學生不論在課堂中或是課後                               scientific literacy for students both in and out of class.
              時光,有更多機會建立科普基礎觀念。110 學                                  During the 110th school year, the elementary
              年國小部參加新竹市科展,更因疫情影響而改                               department participated in the Hsinchu City Science Fair
                                                                 hosted remotely due to COVID-19. Under the guidance
              為視訊科展形式進行,在國小部行政人員及郭                               of department administrators as well as teachers Yuanfu
              原甫老師、陳育豐老師、郭婉容老師、黃于芳                               Guo, Yufeng Chen, Wanrong Guo, Yufang Huang,
                                                                 Yusheng Lin, Qinghui You, Ruhua Chen and Xiangling
                                                                 Chen, the students earned an honorable first place!
              及陳香伶老師的大力協助及學生們的努力下,                               Among the participants, "Spin! Spin! Spin! Thousand-
              蟬聯國小甲組第一名的榮譽!其中,由黃于芳                               Revolutions of Paper" by the mathematics group of Ms.
                                                                 Yufang Huang and "Winds Behold - The Observation
              老師所率領的「轉!轉!轉!紙轉千迴」數學                               and Research of the Urban Wind Field Canyon Effect"
              組作品,以及林育生老師帶領的「掀風倒谷-                               by the earth science group of Mr. Yusheng Lin were
                                                                 both applauded by the judges, moving on to represent
              都市風場峽谷效應的觀察與研究」地科組作品                               Hsinchu City in the National Science Fair. “Spin!
              皆受到評審青睞,代表新竹市參加全國科展競                               Spin! Spin! Thousand-Revolutions of Paper" won the
              賽!在眾多強棒作品中脫穎而出,「轉!轉!                               teamwork award of the mathematics division while
                                                                 “Winds Behold - Observation and Research of the Urban
              轉!紙轉千迴」榮獲國小組數學科團隊合作獎;                              Wind Field Canyon Effect" won the excellence award
              而「掀風倒谷-都市風場峽谷效應的觀察與研                               of the earth science division! We express our utmost
                                                                 gratitude to all administrators and teachers for their hard
              究」榮獲國小組地球科學科佳作!感謝老師們                               work and assistance!


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