Page 4 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第五期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 5期

                                        雙語部   Ms. Louise Harvey

                                             My name is Louise Harvey. I am excited to be the 3rd-grade teacher at
                                        IBSH this year. It will be my first year at the school but I have 13 years of
                                        varied instructional experience in Taiwan. I am a creative, resourceful teacher
                                        that is invested in educating with a holistic approach to encourage students to
                                        reach their full potential. My goal is to create and maintain a communicative and
                                        supportive classroom, in which each student feels safe, secure, and appropriately
                                             I initially studied Architecture and graduated in 2001, but when I started
                                        travelling, my passion for teaching became apparent. In 2019, I completed my
                                        Postgraduate Certificate in Education at the University of South Africa. I am
                                        currently completing my Master's in International Education from Sunderland
              University which has provided a wealth of information that will complement my teaching repertoire. I am
              eager to see what we can accomplish this year.

                                                         IBSH 雙語部   Ms. Lucy Emily Hsu

                                                              I am Lucy Emily Hsu, and I am a high school English
                                                         teacher starting at IBSH this year. I graduated from UCLA
                                                         with a double major in English literature and psychology and
                                                         have a Master's degree in education from The College of New
                                                         Jersey. I have taught in Taiwan and in Myanmar. I was born
                                                         and raised in the United States, mostly Southern California,
                                                         but my parents are both Taiwanese and my mother would
                                                         bring  me  back  to  visit  Taiwan  during  summers.  I  am
                                                         conversational in Chinese, but my reading and writing are
                                                         very basic. I have now lived in Taiwan for a total of 8
                                                         years. My husband and I have two daughters, ages 6 and 2.
              My older daughter is a first grade student at IBSH this year. When I am not teaching, reading or taking care
              of my daughters, I enjoy cooking, baking, playing the piano, and practicing yoga and martial arts.

                                        IBSH 雙語部   Mr. Monty Harrison
                                             Mr. Harrison holds a Master of Education degree, USA teaching certificate,
                                        undergraduate degree in English Literature, and a decade of teaching experience.
                                        He enjoys roller skating, board games, audio books, and the Oxford comma.
                                             According to him, “As technology develops and the world changes, the
                                        most stable resource students can invest in is their own thinking. Refined
                                        communication skills, collaborative strategies, and critical awareness empower
                                        us to build the world we want to live in. The Language Arts shape how we
                                        perceive our reality while empowering us to influence our communities through
                                        the evidence, reasoning, force, and beauty of deliberate expression.
                                             “Student success is less about being brilliant and more about being
                                        resilient. We’re here to learn, so meeting each day with the expectation that we
              will continue to encounter challenges and make mistakes is the first half of the Growth Mindset. The second
              half is trusting that we will continue to improvebymaking mistakes as we face down those challenges. Life
              isn’t a static experience – so our time in school should help prepare us for what lies ahead.”

               4   111 學年各部新進教師介紹
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