Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第八期
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十七卷第八期 中華民國 112年 1月 15日出刊 January 2023
發 行 所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人: 張簡瑞璨
總 編 輯: 林容安 本 ● 搭火車 玩實驗
編輯小組: 朱宜琪、郭斐粧、戴芳煒、唐玉琪、藍詩婷
英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、 ●走出戶外 讓我們看雲去
Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu 期
刊 頭 : 國小部 五年五班 謝沐耘
地 址 : 新竹市介壽路 300號 要 ●校長訪談記
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813
設計印刷: 富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目
雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號
歲末感恩活動隆重登場 The Grand Entrance of the Year End
Thanksgiving Events
過手作、帶領全校師生回饋感恩,為寒冬添暖。 As we approach the end of the year, each department
輔導室辦理歲末系列活動,包含謝卡徵稿活動, has hosted events relating to thanksgiving. This year,
將徵稿作品製作成精美的謝卡,提供師生在感恩 the Guidance Department brought about a few activities,
季節表達心意。另外,輔導室也邀請全校師生參 including writing cards to express gratitude and creating
ceramic coaster designs that will be presented next
與製作「美日 . 美句」陶瓷杯墊圖文創作,以自 semester. In addition, the Guidance Department invited
己設計的圖案加上自我鼓勵的佳句,製作出專屬 teachers to participate in a soap making workshop directed
自己的陶瓷杯墊;而設計完成的陶瓷杯墊,則會 by a famous soap making expert, 娜娜媽 . The Elementary
在下學期開學後展出。輔導室也舉行本校教職員 Department hosted a dance competition on December 23rd
支持團體活動,邀請作皂達人-娜娜媽蒞校進行 where the department invited faculty members to hype
寶石皂教學。國小部則在 12 月 23 日舉辦比舞 up the atmosphere as they performed on stage, exciting
大賽,國小部學務組邀請張簡校長、部內教師、 the dance competition to its climax. The Elementary
外師共同參與教師組表演,老師們一上台就立 Department performed various combinations of dances,
刻炒熱現場氣氛,熱鬧非常!國小部學生精銳盡 varying from solos, duets, and group dances. On the
出,從個人舞、雙人舞、小組到班級,將街舞、 same day, the Bilingual Department had a Multicultural/
民俗舞蹈、流行歌曲等不同舞風大方展現在舞台 Winter Concert which was separated into two sections —
上!同一天,雙語部學生也辦理多元文化/冬季 elementary and middle/high school sections — that all
音樂會,分為國小年段與中學年段兩個場次,學 provided exceptionally inspiring performances. Thank you
to all departments for hosting these events as it enabled all
生們展現十八般武藝,令人驚嘆不已!感謝辦理 students to feel the warmth of this winter season.
隆冬中感受到溫暖的氣氛。 Wakimachi High School Virtual Exchange
This year marks the seventh year of the student
自 106 年以來,與日本德島脇町高校的交 exchange program partnership with Wakimachi High
流活動已邁入第七年,每年由本校高二中的一個 School, Japan. Although students are limited to virtual
班級與脇町高校的學生進行交流活動,這兩年則 meetings through recent years, they have still interacted
改以線上交流活動進行。雖然線上交流時間有 quite well with the students from Wakimachi! This year’s
限,但仍希望能維持以往與脇町高校交流的特 event carried over a span of two days, from December
色-安排兩天的交流活動,由高二 2 班學生在 12th to 13th. Prior to the program, our students sent lab
111 年 12 月 12 日及 13 日兩天辦理。在活動開 equipment and Taiwanese snacks to Japan. In return, we
始前,高二 2 班同學就預先寄了一些台灣點心及 received delicate snacks and warm cards from the students
學校要聞 1