Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第八期
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實中園地 The Newsletter of NEHS 112年第 27卷第 8期
實驗器材到日本,而日方學生也準備了精美的點 in Japan. On the first day of the program, our students were
心袋與暖心的手寫小卡回禮。第一天的活動主要 expected to lead and explain the lab procedures in English
由高二 2 班學生帶領脇町高校的學生,利用事 with the lab equipment sent to Japan. Afterwards, both
先寄去的器材進行科學小實驗,要用英文說明實 highschools exchanged a few words and started introducing
驗流程可不容易呢!接著,雙方學生介紹寄給對 their cultural snacks. On the second day, students engaged
方的小點心,一邊大快朵頤,而不再僅僅是「視 in deep discussions concerning Sustainable Development
吃」。第二天,雙方學生進行 SDGs 議題探討。 Goals, and split into groups to assess the importance of
such goals while finding potential solutions to the problems
學生們分組針對分配到的問題事先思考解決方 previously addressed by the SDGs. During the duration
案,在小組討論時提出方案進行溝通討論,與友 of the exchange program, both groups established a
校同學協調統合出一個最終解決方案。在兩天的 closer relationship, and we look forward to the long-term
交流活動後,雙方學生情誼更為深厚,也期盼兩 development of the relationship between the two schools.
Hsinchu City Team Relay Competition
新竹市大隊接力競賽.各部選手卯足全力為校 Outstanding Performance
In the 111th school year, NEHS sent out our elite
111 學年度第 14 屆國中小學學生普及化運 class relay team to honor our school by competing in the
動大隊接力競賽新竹市複賽,於 111 年 12 月 16 14th year of the elementary class relay Hsinchu Semi-
日在新竹市體育場盛大舉辦,本校各部派出菁英 finals on December 16, 2022 at the Hsinchu Stadium. Last
隊伍為校爭光。國小部由去 (110) 年的五年級大 year, the elementary department 503 won first place in
隊接力競賽冠軍,現在的六年 3 班出馬,勇奪國 class relay, and this year, 603 placed third in the B group!
小 1600 公尺大隊接力 B 組季軍!而中學部則由 In addition, for our middle school representative team,
703, 804, and 903 competed in the middle-school 2000
國一 3 班、國二 4 班及國三 3 班出馬,各自獲 meters class relay, receiving fifth, sixth, and third place
得國中組 2000 公尺大隊接力國中七年級級別第 respectively.Furthermore, our high-school representative
五名、八年級級別第六名及九年級級別季軍!另 relay team participated in the high-school 2000 meters
外的高中組 2000 公尺大隊接力則派出中學部及 relay with a combination of NEHS and IBSH students,
雙語部聯隊,分別奪下高中男子組冠軍及高中女 and high-school girls placed 2nd, and high school boys
子組亞軍。感謝張文怡老師、蘇純慧老師、陳志 placed 1st! Big thanks to all the teachers, including Ms.
傑老師、鄭維欣老師、蕭郁璇老師、蔡明憲老師、 Wen-Yi Chang, Ms. Chun-Huei Su, Mr. Chi-Jie Chen,
楊淮羽老師、張家銘老師、江函芸老師、雷秀萍 Ms. Jess Cheng, Ms. Yu-Hsuan Hsiao, Mr. Ming-Hsien
老師、劉貞蘭老師及林迦老師的指導。 Tsai, Mr. Huai-Yu Yang, Mr. Chia-Ming Chang, Ms. Han-
Yun Chiang, Ms. Hsiu-Ping Lei, Ms. Jen-Lan Liu and Ms.
為人權寫信.寫信馬拉松活動 Chia Lin, who worked really hard in helping our students
perform well and receive the greatest honor.
今年,國際特赦組織同樣發起「寫信馬拉松」, Write for Rights: Letters for Human Rights
透過此活動,一起參與 2022 年 12 月 10 日的 and Amnesty
世界人權日。2022 年國際特赦組織發起名為 In commemoration of the 2022 Human Rights Day,
「捍衛示威!」的全球倡議行動,邀請全校師 Amnesty International once again hosts its annual Write
生一同關心世界各地人權受到不平等待遇的對 for Rights campaign, with students and faculty of NEHS
象。本校則由學務處辦理,在圖書館與輔導室 joining the effort to defend protests and send support to
前方走廊公布需要大家聲援的名單及資訊,提 individuals facing injustice and inequality around the
供大家以書寫信件或明信片的方式聲援受難 world. Arranged by the academic affairs office, posters
者。除此之外,學務處也於 11 月 28 日至 12 detailing each activists’ information were placed beside the
月 12 日在圖書館辦理行政大樓一樓辦理人權 school library and guidance office, then to be referenced by
特展:釋放台灣政治犯-海內外人權救援展、 letter and postcard writers. Extending the theme of human
李明哲特展(李為本校第九屆校友),現在相 rights was an exhibition on detained Taiwanese political
關訊息移至行政大樓一樓,歡迎有興趣的師生 activist Lee Ming-che (Lee is an alumni of NEHS from
term 9) hosted from November 28th to December 12th
移駕至行政大樓了解更多與我們切身相關的人 in the library, and is now relocated to the first floor of the
權議題。 administration building for viewing.
2 學校要聞