Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿八卷第五期
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實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 112年第 28卷第 5期

                    們建立起「我是國小學生了!」的儀式感,也                               eventful academic life at NEHS. Apart from the elementary

                    讓一同陪伴的爸媽們,陪著孩子們慢慢適應班                               department, the kindergarten department hosted their welcome
                                                                       ceremony around late September, which also gave the new
                                                                       elementary students a refreshing feeling. (For in-depth reports
                    的國小生活做好準備!除了國小部之外,幼兒                               regarding the elementary department welcome events, please
                    園部也於九月底為新生辦理迎新活動,帶給中                               check out pages 10-11)

                    班孩子們耳目一新的感受!(國小部迎新活動                               Enthusiasm in Volunteer Tutoring at
                    報導請見第 10-11 頁)                                     Beipu

                    熱心擔任課輔志工.高中部學生前進                                       Our school has applied to create a plan in which the
                    北埔                                                 Counseling Room Office’s teacher Ms. Yi-Fang Hong led
                                                                       26 students from the High School Department of NEHS
                        本校申請青年署的青年自組團隊計畫,由                             during summer break, tutoring and helping out with Beipu’s
                    輔導室洪宜芳老師帶領 26 名高中年段學生,利                            students. This is the third time our school has cooperated with
                                                                       Beipu starting from the 2022 school year’s summer break.
                                                                       This tutoring volunteer event lasted four weeks, and students
                    學生提供課業輔導。這已經是本校自 111 年暑                            from our school took turns to help out and tutor. They also
                    假以來,第三次與竹縣北埔國中合作。本次活                               had thorough practice and prepared well by discussing the
                    動為期四個星期,由本校高中部學生排班、輪                               questions and tips to solve them with each other. We really
                                                                       appreciate our Ms. Hong for leading our students, as well as
                                                                       Beipu’s Dean Mei-Ying Hong for helping out so much. In
                    授前,也會互相討論上課形式及解題技巧分享。                              addition, we also want to shout out to the students who went,
                    感謝洪宜芳老師的帶領,也十分感謝北埔國中                               who were willing to sacrifice their summer break to volunteer
                    洪美櫻主任的熱心牽線及協助。更要謝謝這些                               to help out students from Beipu. We wish that this strong
                                                                       passion can influence more students, and we look forward to
                                                                       more students volunteering and joining us in this meaningful
                    陪伴需要協助的國中生,讓他們在學習上能更                               event! (For in-depth reports, please check out pages 12-13)
                                                                       Elementary Department Hosts
                    年能邀集更多的志工共同參與!(活動報導請                               Summer Camps, Bilingual Plan

                    見第 12-13 頁)                                        Continues

                    國小辦理短期暑期育樂營.雙語計畫                                       Currently, our school's elementary department continues
                    持續扎根                                               to participate in the bilingual program by the Ministry of
                                                                       Education and continues to hold educational camps during the
                        本校國小部持續參與國教署部分領域雙語                             summer this year. Teachers who are passionate and willing are
                                                                       invited to assist in starting the classes, and English teachers of
                                                                       each grade invited their students to participate. Teachers in the
                                                                       elementary department demonstrated their talents and skills
                    段英語老師邀請學生參加。國小部老師們大展                               by offering a variety of interesting courses, such as painting,
                    長才,開設五花八門的有趣課程,例如:繪畫、                              origami, cross talk, physical fitness, baking, scientific games,
                                                                       mathematical logic, board games, chess skills, and many more.
                                                                       The content of the classes is diverse to ensure that kids will
                                                                       be able to enjoy a great summer vacation! Thank you to the
                    同領域,也讓孩子們度過一個愉快的暑假!感                               elementary department and the administrative team for the
                    謝國小部行政團隊的安排,也謝謝老師們的付                               arrangement, and to the teachers for their hard work.

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