Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第一期
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實中園地                                                   印

                                                                The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                                   第二十九卷第一期  中華民國 113年 3月出刊                      March 2024
                                                   發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                          National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                                   發  行  人: 張簡瑞璨
                                                   總  編  輯: 林容安                                本   ● 《揭露!白色真相》白色恐怖景
                                                   編輯小組:  何美璇、郭斐粧、張文怡、黃昱銘、周良和、林安英、戴芳煒、               美紀念園區實境解謎參訪體驗
                                                   英文翻譯:  Wei Hsi Mar, Daisy Lee, Tara Wu, Fiona Wu, Shiue Lang Chin,   期  ● 國小部體育校隊介紹
                                                          Winnie Liu, Emily Wu, Debby Chun, Angela Chuang  ● 科學班-確實冬令營
                                                   刊   頭  : 國小部 三年一班 黃丞禾                       要
                                                   地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                            ● Visit Japan and Taiwan with
                                                          300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  Friends
                                                   TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813  目
                                                   設計印刷:  富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                             ● 幼兒園世界母語日活動
                                                   雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

                    實驗中學 41 週年校慶.「龍騰虎躍                                 NEHS 41 Anniversary!
                    實中兒 , 五部合一創 41」                                        The 41st anniversary celebration of our school was held with
                                                                       grandeur on March 20th. The ceremony commenced promptly at
                       本校 41 週年校慶於 3 月 20 日 ( 三 ) 盛大登場!
                                                                       8:00 am, featuring a captivating opening performance by the High
                       由全校各部精心安排的校慶大會於上午 8 點準時開                        School Brass Band, performing "To Be Vivid Stars" composed by
                    始,由近年在音樂賽事中的常勝軍-高國中部管樂隊準                           Takeshi Yagisawa, and "Galaxy Express 999" arranged by Masaru
                    備了開幕表演,演出由八木澤教司作曲的「To Be Vivid                     Honma, followed by enchanting renditions from the Elementary
                                                                       dept. Choir and delightful presentations by the kindergarten children.
                    Stars」,以及由尊屋雅德編曲的「銀河鐵道 999」。以盛                     The festivities culminated with a musical drama and cheerleading
                    大磅礡的氣氛,為校慶慶祝大會揭開序幕。接著,由國小                          performance brought by the bilingual department.
                    部黎燕芸老師帶領合唱團表演「乘著氣球上天空」以及                               Beyond the activity center, the creative fair "Love, Healthy,
                    「生日快樂」兩首曲子,用童稚響亮的歌聲為實驗中學慶                          and Waste Reduction" also drew crowds at booths set up by students
                    生。在合唱團表演結束後,本校最活潑可愛的幼兒園小朋                          of NEHS and IBSH showcasing various second-hand items, delicious
                    友們登場,帶來「」的歌舞表演。最後,由雙語部的歌舞                          foods, and creative games to liven up the atmosphere. A portion of
                    劇表演以及精彩的啦啦隊表演,為今日的校慶大會畫下完                          the earnings from the fair will be donated to charity, transforming the
                                                                       love and care of the students into practical help for the community. At
                    美的句點!                                              the same time, the Science Building Chinese Language Classroom,
                       在活動中心之外,「友愛、健康、減塑愛心園遊會」                         the Bilingual Department's Future Classroom, and the Primary
                    也吸引了大量的人潮,由國小部、國高中部及雙語部學生                          School Comprehensive Learning Classroom showcased students’
                                                                       exemplary work. Additionally, a parenting seminar in the International
                    共同擺設攤位,各班發揮創意和實踐力,讓園遊會充滿活                          Conference Hall was also taken place, fostering collaborative growth
                    絡熱鬧的氣氛,各式引人入勝的二手商品、香氣誘人的美                          between families and educators.
                    食攤位、創意十足的遊戲攤位一路排開。園遊會收入扣除                              This day was not merely about celebrating a particular day; but
                    成本後,將捐給慈善團體,將孩子們的熱心與關懷化為實                          rather marking a milestone for all the memorable moments created
                    際幫助人群的大愛。                                          by students, teachers, and parents at the National Experimental High
                                                                       School. In this school, every student is a part of our collective growth,
                       當日同時還有學習成果展,分別在科學大樓國文科                          and every birthday is a day worthy of being celebrated together. Let
                    教室、雙語部未來教室及國小部綜合學習教室展示出各部                          us continue to foster an environment brimming with laughter, warmth,
                    學生用心完成的作品。幼兒園並於國際會議廳辦理親職講                          and intellectual growth. Happy School Anniversary!
                    座,邀請關心孩子們的家長共同成長學習。                                Resuming  Exchange Activities:
                       這一天,我們慶祝的不僅僅是一個特定的日子,而                          Romance and Democracy in
                    裡,每一位學生都是我們共同成長的一部分,每一個生日                          Strasbourg, France
                    都是我們共同歡慶的理由。祝福實驗的校園永遠充滿歡笑                              In early 2020, our school organized an exchange program to
                    與溫暖,師生同在知識的海洋中不斷成長,祝福我們每一                          Strasbourg International High School in France. However, due to
                    個人都能勇敢追求夢想,勇敢面對生活的挑戰。實驗中學                          the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, reciprocal visits between the
                    生日快樂!                                              two schools were suspended. This year, through the concerted efforts
                                                                       of teachers and administrative teams from both sides, the exchange
                    交流活動重啟.遇見浪漫與民主的法                                   program has finally resumed.
                                                                           Composed of delegations from the high school and bilingual
                    國史特拉斯堡                                             departments, our visit to Strasbourg was led by Ms. MeiHsuan Ho
                       109 年初,本校辦理出訪法國史特拉斯堡國際高中的                       from the High School Department and Ms. Savannah Lee from
                    交流活動,在參訪團回國後,就因新冠疫情而停辦兩校互                          the Bilingual Department. Departing on January 19th, our students

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