Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第二期
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實中園地                                                   印

                                                                The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                                   第二十九卷第二期  中華民國 113年 4月出刊                        April 2024
                                                   發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                          National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                                   發  行  人: 張簡瑞璨
                                                   總  編  輯: 林容安                                本   ● 校慶好好玩
                                                   編輯小組:  戴芳煒、蔡依玲、潘信華、何美璇、姚宛柔                      ● 日本九州中小學羽球賽參賽紀錄
                                                   刊   頭  : 國小部一年五班謝佳玲(鏡像對稱彩虹版畫)               期
                                                   地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                            ● 法國史特拉斯堡國際高中出訪記
                                                          300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  要  錄(上)
                                                   設計印刷:  富泰設計  財政部印刷廠
                                                   TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813  目  ● 花蓮文化交流參訪
                                                   雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

                    綜合教學大樓開工動土.典禮圓滿完                                   Groundbreaking  Ceremony  for
                    成                                                  Integrated Teaching Building
                       本校於今 (113) 年 3 月 27 日上午,擇定吉時舉行校                 Successfully Held
                    內新建綜合教學大樓工程開工動土典禮。新建綜合教學大                              On the morning of March 27th, 2024, our school conducted
                                                                       a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new Integrated
                    樓位於本校學生宿舍及多房間宿舍後方空地。竹科管理局                          Teaching Building on campus. This new building will be located
                    王永壯局長、營建組曹長勇副組長、企劃組杜正宇專門委                          behind the student dormitories and multi-room dormitories of our
                                                                       school. The ceremony was attended by numerous distinguished guests
                    員、竹科實中家長會陳咪咪總會長及各部會長、常務委員                          including Director Wayne Wang from the Hsinchu Science Park,
                    及財務委員、全國各園區實中校長、啟達聯合建築師事務                          Vice Chief Engineer Mr. Tsao from the Construction Management
                                                                       Division, Commissioner Mr. Du from the Planning Division, Ms.
                    所呂國勝建築師、國隆營造黃國華董事長等眾多貴賓皆出                          Chen Mimi, the President from school PTA, and Presidents of all PTA
                    席與會。典禮上,張簡校長致詞時回顧本校創校緣由及近                          from each school department, executive committee members, finance
                    年發展,更特別感謝前任李健維校長、前總務處柯同洲主                          committee members, principals from all the NEHS and NNKIEH,
                                                                       Mr. Lu from KEDAK Group Architecture, and Chairman Huang from
                    任、前主計室王慧儀主任的統籌規畫以及國科會與竹科管                          Quantum Asia Construction company. During the ceremony, Principal
                    理局大力支持,讓這棟從 109 年開始規畫的綜合教學大                        Chang Chien delivered a speech, reflecting on the founding of our
                                                                       school and its recent development. He expressed special thanks to
                    樓,得以順利開工動土!感謝負責設計監造的「啟達聯合                          former Principal Roger Lee, former Director Ke Tongzhou from the
                    建築師事務所」呂國勝建築師,配合本校各部門需求多次                          General Affairs Office, and former Director Wang Huiyi from the
                                                                       Accounting Office for their planning, as well as the strong support
                    來回討論;也感謝營造廠商,國隆營造工程股份有限公司,                         from the National Science Council and the Hsinchu Science Park
                    祝福工程平安順利,質量俱佳,如期完工!                                Administration. Their efforts facilitated the smooth commencement
                                                                       of construction for this Integrated Teaching Building project that was
                    國小羽球隊赴日.參加九州中小學生                                   planned since 2020. Principal Chang Chien extended best wishes for
                                                                       the safe and successful completion of the project with high-quality
                    羽球賽奪兩冠                                             standards as scheduled.
                       本校國小部羽球隊在今 (113) 年初曾接待來自日本熊                     The Elementary Badminton Team
                    本縣八代市羽球協會及中小學頂尖羽球選手,並獲邀參加                          Won Two Championships at Kyushu
                    三月底在八代市舉辦的「第 16 回九州中小學生羽毛球交                        Elementary and Junior High School
                    流會」賽事。羽球隊共 10 名選手參與本次賽事,於三月                        Badminton Game
                    底出發前往日本熊本縣。在多方奔走聯繫之下,選手們於                              The Elementary badminton team had the honor of hosting top
                    3 月 28 日及 3 月 29 日兩天,分別與熊本縣的 Winner 羽              student badminton players from the Yatsushiro Badminton Association
                    球俱樂部和八代市的羽球俱樂部球員一同練習,並進行多                          in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan earlier this year. Subsequently, they
                                                                       were invited to participate in the "16th Kyushu Elementary and Junior
                    場友誼賽。而 3 月 30 日及 3 月 31 日兩天的重點賽事,                  High School Badminton Game" held in Yatsushiro City at the end of
                    兩名選手組成一隊,以雙、單、單順序對戰。第一天以小                          March. A total of 10 players from our badminton team participated in
                                                                       this event, departing for Kumamoto, Japan in late March. The players
                    組循環賽方式進行,第二天則以前一天的成績為基礎,將                          engaged in practice sessions with members of the Winner Badminton
                    各組打散,重新安排對戰表,以單淘汰方式進行賽事。實                          Club in Kumamoto Prefecture and the Yatsushiro City Badminton
                                                                       Club on March 28th and 29th respectively, including several friendlies.
                    驗小將們發揮平常在校隊學到的技巧與戰術,過關斬將,                          The highlight of the event took place on March 30th and 31st. Two
                    歷經一整天的比賽,最終由 6-5 洪翊軒、5-1 何嘉騏奪下                     players paired up to compete in doubles and singles matches. The first
                                                                       day involved a round-robin format within groups and the second day
                    高年級男生組冠軍、4-1 謝秉諺、4-4 許恩齊奪下中年級                      single-elimination matches.

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