Page 11 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第二期
P. 11

The Newsletter of NEHS 113年第 29卷第 2期  實中園地

                                                                                            11A Hannah Fu

                                                     When I first approached the school, I was fascinated by the view. The
                                                 school looked like a castle or any place except a school. We later learned
                                                 in the tour about the history of the school and how the school had worked
                                                 hard to keep the school up to date with sanitary and other standards while
                                                 preserving the original structure and appearance. Their curriculum was
                                                 completely different from ours; they chose classes based on their language
                                                 departments and did not have a homeroom. When Melany did not have class,
                                                 I followed her to Le Foye (or the cafeteria) to study or just have fun with
                                                 friends. I loved how there was a lot of free time between classes. Once, we
                                                 even went out to a bakery to get a Pain au chocolat (chocolate croissant).
                                                 Another thing that really surprised me was the atmosphere of the classes. All
                                                 the students were enthusiastic and active, or maybe hyperactive, to answer
                                                 the teacher's questions or even ask teacher questions. Their learning was
                    mostly online, which made all their backpacks lighter than ours.

                                                                                             9A Kao-Yi-Chin

                        This  first  image  shows  the  famous  catholic  cathedral  located  in
                    Strasbourg, Alsace, France. It stands in the Centre of Place de la Cathedrale
                    at 466 feet was the world's tallest building from 1647 to 1873. It is t the
                    sixth tallest chu This building was placed as a UNESCO world heritage list
                    due to its 13th century Gothic architecture. It also combines some feature
                    of the Romanesque architecture. However, we didn't a get a tour inside due
                    to the time getting a tour guide, but we went off around the nearby Roman
                    streets around this cathedral. We visited around 10am which is a great time
                    to visit in the morning due to its busy streets. The way the building is
                    constructed gave me a memorable moment such as the horses on the sides of
                    the cathedral. The meaning of the bird which means peace which is related
                    to the independence of Strasbourg between France and Germany. If you have
                    a ticket, it is always possible to climb on top to the spire.

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