Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第五期
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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十九卷第五期  中華民國 113年 10月出刊                  October 2024
                                              發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 張簡瑞璨
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本   ● 113學年新進教師自我介紹 (上 )
                                              編輯小組: 郭毓倫、戴伶巧、蘇佩珍、劉芷瑩、戴芳煒、陳婉如
                                              英文翻譯: Emily Wu、Winnie Liu、Amy Wang、Audrey Chuang、                   ● 112學年度高中升大學榜單
                                                    Joanne Huang、Janet Hsu、Debby Chun    期
                                              刊   頭  : 雙語部 5A Stephanie                      ● 112學年度國中升高中榜單
                                              學校網址:          要   ● 溫馨啟航,點亮學習旅程
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  ● 薪傳.心傳
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 混齡教學的腳步與發現
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                              雜誌類登記證 ● 局版台誌第 283號

              113 新學年開始囉!歡迎各部新生                                  The 2024-25 School Year has Begun!
              入學!                                                Welcome to All New Students!

                                                                     School is back in session! During the two-month summer
                  開學囉!在兩個月的暑假中,實驗中學校內有                           vacation, our school undertook various renovations and maintenance
              許多空間進行修整維護作業,並請清潔公司完成整                             tasks, and a cleaning company was hired to complete thorough
              體清潔工作,讓許多地方都煥然一新,用嶄新面貌                             cleaning. Many areas have been renewed to welcome returning
              迎接回到校園的學生與初來到實驗的新生們!                               students and newcomers with a fresh and new campus!
                                                                     On the morning of August 30, excited teachers and students
                  8 月 30 日上午,實驗中學的大門口湧入帶著興                       filled the entrance of the school, joyfully kicking off the 2024-25
              奮又期待的心情回到校園中的師生,熱熱鬧鬧地開                             school year. Students gathered in the activity center for the opening
              啟了 113 學年。各部學生依序於活動中心集合進行                          ceremony, marking the start of a busy academic life. The elementary
                                                                 department organized welcoming activities that encouraged new
              開學典禮後,迎接忙碌的學習生活。國小部兒輔室                             students to work together and explore the campus, setting a positive
              辦理迎新活動,帶領新生以互助合作的方式闖關,                             and anticipatory tone for their elementary experience. Meanwhile, the
              認識校園、並為國小生活畫下一個充滿積極與期待                             bilingual department held drawing and photo-taking activities for new
              的起點。而雙語部則為新生辦理進教室前的畫畫、                             students before entering their classrooms, providing wholesome small
                                                                 welcome gifts. The junior and high department had already completed
              打卡拍照活動,並贈送螢光筆作為開學小禮。高國                             training for newcomers before the start of school, helping them get
              中部則在開學前就已完成新生訓練,讓初來乍到的                             acquainted with the school. We wish all students and teachers a fruitful
              新生們對學校有更多的認識。祝福全校師生開學愉                             school year!
              快,教學收穫滿滿!                                          Kindergarten Holds New Student
                                                                 Orientation Day to Make "Going to
              幼兒園辦理新生適應日.讓「上學」                                   School" More Fun
                                                                     To help new students who are entering a new stage of their
                  為了幫助初次離家的新生,即早適應上學新生                           lives and going to school for the first time, the kindergarten teachers
              活,幼兒園部的老師們,提早預備好溫暖的學習環                             prepared a welcoming learning environment by hosting a two-day
                                                                 "New Student Orientation Day" from August 26 to  27. The event was
              境,於 8 月 26 日至 8 月 27 日,一連兩日,舉辦「新                   conducted in groups and by scheduled time slots. Accompanied by
              生適應日」活動。活動採分組分流,預約時段的方                             their parents, the children packed their school essentials at home and
              式進行;由家長陪同寶貝,於家中收拾好上學必備                             participated in "checkpoint activities" at the kindergarten. Together
                                                                 with their parents, the children carried their checkpoint cards and
              物品,到園內進行「闖關活動」。寶貝們與家長,                             searched around the classrooms for items labeled with their name,
              一同拿著闖關卡,尋找教室中,貼有自己姓名、座                             student number, or photo, such as backpacks, blankets, lunch bags,
              號或照片的書包、棉被、餐袋⋯⋯等物品的家,建                             etc. This is to create a sense of belonging. Most importantly, through
              立歸屬感;更重要的是,透過一對一的接待歷程,                             one-on-one interactions, the children were able to meet their class
                                                                 teachers and build a trusting relationship, all while being accompanied
              讓寶貝們在家長的陪伴下,認識班級老師,建立信                             by their parents. The learning environment helped childrens get ready
              賴關係!而預備好的學習環境,有效誘發寶貝們的                             for school life and effectively sparked their "playful spirit"! However,
              「玩心」!但新生適應日當天,只開放眼睛視玩,                             on the day of the orientations, students were only allowed to observe,
                                                                 there was no hands-on experience. This made the children even more
              不開放雙手試玩,寶貝們說:「什麼時候可以去上                             eager and excited for the real school experience, asking "When can
              學啊?我好想玩煮飯的遊戲」、「我下次要開學的                             we go to school? I really want to play the cooking game," and "When
              時候,要第一個玩積木」⋯⋯。經過了新生適應日                             school starts, I want to be the first to play with the blocks!" After the
                                                                 New Student Orientation Day, it seems like there are even more things
              後,「上學」好像有更多值得期待的事情了!                               to look forward to about "going to school"!
                                                                                                   學校要聞      1
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