第九卷第七期     中華民國九十三年十二月十五日   Dec. 2004

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學聯會    →English



◎高二二班 邱鈺棋 徐政祺


吳主委,在淡江大學取得物理碩士後,赴美國休士頓大學修得物理博士學位,後來在大學任教十多年,並致力於超導研發,獲頒多項獎項:如 美國國家科學院  Comstock  Prize
T. Matthias Prize等。



奈米最重要的精神,不是我們現在所看到的奈米商品,那只是其中一部分產出成果,是比較低層次的。奈米科技研發的主要目標是在研究自然所運作的方法,推廣永續發展的科技。在這種新的科學技術中,涉及了  DNA  和葉綠素等生物科技上的研究,其發展層面很廣,所以國科會的計畫也是朝多面向發展的,因為奈米本身就是在研究一種材料,可以應用在很多方面。關於國科會奈米科技發展的重點,大家有機會可以上 http://nanotaiwan.sin





現在市面上有很多商品,我們很難去避免或阻止民眾受騙,只能建議消費者不要輕易相信!價格V.S. 價值,想想看值不值得花那麼多錢去購買,尤其對於不了解的東西,不必迷惑!就像使用名牌貨一樣,其實穿起來舒服度差不多,功效差不多,頂多是多個 logo,就不要讓自己受控於一種盲目崇拜的虛榮心。










奈米(Nanometer,縮寫為 nm)是極短的長度單位:一奈米是一米的十億分之一長 ( 1nm = 1x10-9m ) ,僅為十個氫原子的總長。由於科技進步,科學家已能製造出奈米尺度的新材料,並發展出觀察、操控、與量測如此微小物體的新技術。奈米科技即是一門研究上述微觀世界物質的科學與技術。

奈米科技中有許多新奇的特性,和我們日常生活中的經驗大不相同。譬如由碳原子組成的奈米碳管,其機械強度比鋼鐵還要堅硬。由奈米粒子製成的發光體,能展現量子物理特性,發出不同顏色的光。而由雷射光束在顯微境下聚焦而成的雷射鑷夾,可以非機械的方式補捉並操控單一 DNA 、 蛋白質、細胞、或細菌, 因此得以精確研究其本質特性。此一技術進而可用來量測兩個微生物體之間的交互作用,開創利用物理方法來研究基礎生物問題的新領域。




Interview with Dr. Wu Maw-Kuen:
His Succes, His Expertise, and His View on Life

◎10B  Tiffany Kuo

Introduction to Dr. Wu

We had the pleasure of having Dr. Wu Maw-Kuen , minister of the National Science Council, over at our school for an interview. Nanotechnology had been a major topic of research in the National Science Council recently. It is also the focus of this interview. 

Dr. Wu has graduated from the University of Houston. He also has obtained a professor degree and taught in the States for many years. After sixteen years in the states, he moved back to Taiwan. When asked why he moved back to Taiwan, he joked that it was because of patriotism. But then, he went on and talked about all the events that led up to the change. “Well, a man at a certain stage will think about the next stage in life. At that time, I was about forty. I did have some accomplishments in academic and work so I started thinking about the next step in life. At the same time, President Li (李登輝前總統) was interested in setting up work in the area of studies I was working in and asked me if I wanted to go back. There were certainly many factors. It had to do with the opportunity, timing, and activity at that time (even though it was right at the peak). The pay in the US was better, but Taiwan's life was more dynamic. The working environment in Taiwan was friendlier. And also, I had made a promise to myself right after I went to the States that I would go back to Taiwan. Another factor was my child's education. If there wasn't this school (NEHS) that my children could have came to, I don't think I would have came back. I always say to prepare at a certain stage and then the opportunity comes, grab it and just go.”


After many other jobs in Taiwan, he took the job as the Minister of the National Science Council. A main focus of the National Science council is to research and develop Nanotechnology. 

Nanotechnology is the study of an object that has the dimension of a nanometer (10-9). Objects at this dimension are consisted of a cluster of atoms (each atom is 0.1-0.5 times of a nanometer) or molecules. At this dimension, most of the atoms would be sitting on the surface of the object. Because of that, the characteristics of object changes and is different from the characteristics of the object when it is a larger dimension. 

The beauty and importance of nanotechnology is that every living organism starts from an atom or a cell. So when we get a fuller understanding of this small object, we will have a more complete understanding of living organisms. For example, we know that plants get energy from photosynthesis. But as to how photosynthesis really works, down to each and every single process, we don't really know. Photosynthesis involves a very detailed mechanism of nano objects. When we get a more complete understanding of nanotechnology, we can better understand how everything works together. 

Nanotechnology is now widely researched and developed in the world, Taiwan is not excluded. The products resulting from nanotechnology are in a low end of research to the National Science Council. The most important reason for researching and developing nanotechnology is to improve our knowledge and lives. Nanotechnology is researched and developed to understand DNA, how sicknesses work, it can be used to understand many things. Details on the research and development of the National Science council in nanotechnology can be found on http://www.nano-taiwan.sinica.edu.tw.

There are many applications for nanotechnology. Toilets are one major application for nanotechnology. Normally, the toilet will stain, but with nanotechnology, the toilets will be more sanitary and easier to keep clean. (“Maybe you can tell your principle to change all the school's toilets,” he adds.) Nanotechnology can be used to restore old paintings that are barely recognizable. Nanotechnology can also be used as air fresher. Another application of nanotechnology is that it can be used as a cloth material. Because of nanotechnology, our clothes can be waterproof and anti-stain, so when anything spills on them, they will not stain. The use of Nanotechnology is very wide. 

Today in the markets, there are many products that classify themselves as nano-products, but many of these products are fake. We asked Dr. Wu. for advice on keeping ourselves from getting cheated. “This is part of National Science Council's responsibility. While making nanotechnology more wide-spread, we have to have a set of rules that identify if the object is made out of nanotechnology of not. We need to have a government regulation. This should come out in a year or two. But for now, the consumers have to make a choice themselves. Is it really worth it to spend so much money on this nano product? It is just like buying brand names. Regular clothes and clothes with brand names are both comfortable. But with brand names, people will take one longer look at you. What is the trade off between utility and price? If the price is too much over utility, then it is not worth it. But if there is a nano product that has evidence that there is a different, better effect, then maybe it is worth it to buy the item. Nanotechnology is still in the process of research hand development and there are no absolutes. Most of the comesmetics with brand names should be really made with nano material. About food, we are still not sure. 

Words to students

Dr. Wu had once said in 高希均’s book <一流書, ,一流人,一流社會> “Training the best human resources will result in a better society.” As students, we are getting trained so we can do society a greater good in the future. He gives some words of advice to us, students:

“It is important to have a rich life. In middle school and high school, friends are very important. My friends from middle school are still my friends now. Because your friends all have different backgrounds, you can learn how society works. The three years of high school is the three years you start to see your future. It is in these three years that it is the easiest for you to learn new things and have a strong ability to judge right and wrong. You need to have your own thoughts and personalities. You have to use this opportunity to express yourself, through music, art, and different books. Not just school books, but also very many novels. I used to read knighterrant novels. We were not allowed to read these books during my time, but I still read them anyways. I want to stress this. Do not work and study just for getting into a good college. I think NEHS does a good job in this aspect. Do not work just to be a good student but work so you can build your life. 

Understand what you like and go pursue that path. I was in charge of the Olympic competitions, I saw many people with potential. But sadly, their parents didn't want them to pursue these roads because of the rough life ahead. Do not change because of your parents and society want you to do. If you pursue what you really like, eventually, it will pay off. If you try your hardest, the result will also be good and you will always get a job. The only difference is the difference in pay. And the pay doesn't matter, as long as you love what you are doing”


