第十二卷第八期   九十七年一月十五日出刊     January 2008














iBeat 2007

Timothy Hsu and Rebecca Quee

Three months of school might turn even the most enthusiastic, hardworking students into soulless zombies marked with stress and fatigue. To solve this problem, two major clubs from NEHS, Bilingual Department’s Interact Club and the Experimental Department Student Council, join forces every November to host Beat Concert, seeking to provide entertainment for students while raising money along the way. This annual concert is also one of the few events where students from both departments unite and have a chance to interact with each other, be it cheering for the same performances or singing along to the same songs.

This year’s Beat Concert was one of the largest, with over four hundred students, parents and teachers attending. The theme, iBeat, was inspired by the overwhelming impact the iPod has had on music and modern culture in general. Colorful decorations of iPods and arcade games adorned the gym, setting the hip and playful atmosphere. Even more impressive and diverse were the performances themselves, which ranged from traditional Chinese music to hip hop dances to electrifying rock songs. Agreeing to the saying “the more the merrier,” Interact and EDSC specially invited students from Hsinchu Boy’s High School to perform, causing squeals of delight from the female audience. Other highlights included a breakdancing and hiphop performance by Bilingual Department’s dance clubs, D.Co and DDC, and Watermelon Man, a unique jazz performance also by Bilingual students.

Three hours, twenty one performances later, everybody was reasonably exhausted, but many people agreed that it was a night well spent. All in all, much money was raised, and Interact donated a total of 15,000 NT to the Lux Mundi Home for the Severely Intellectually-impaired. Anyone who participated in this year’s Beat Concert should feel proud to be making a contribution to society!


2007 iBEAT 音樂高峰會



        堪稱實驗中學年度三大活動之一的音樂高峰會將在這天展開。才一放學,只見老師還在台上滔滔不絕的講著課,台下的同學早就消失了ㄧ大半。我們幾個身兼表演者和記者身份的人也趕緊收好書包,前往活動中心進行彩排。抵達的時候,舞台前早已聚集了許許多多急著要試音的同學,人群裡面也穿梭著學聯會幫忙會場整理的學生,另外雙語部的同學們也趕著在活動開始前把會場佈置好。 ……再一下下,一年一度的音樂盛會即將展開!

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        ……散場的時間到了,2007 i-BEAT音樂高峰會,結束。


NEHS Students Successfully Participate in Two MUN Conferences:

Ms. Elizabeth Wyant

The Model United Nations program allows students to convene as if they were members of the real United Nations in order to debate and to help solve world problems.  It is my honor to be the new Director of this program and to write this summary of our students’ achievements.

In November, NEHS students traveled to Singapore for the annual THIMUN conference during November 19-24.  Kevin Chu was a judge in the International Court of Justice, and delegates represented Haiti in the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council.  The delegates were:  Kenny Wang, Gary Liou, Lilia Chen, Jessica Liang, Theresa Lou, Sharyl Sun, Alice Huang, Cliff Chen, Sunny Tsai, Annie Chang, and Kenneth Jeng.   In addition many NEHS students helped to publish the MUNITY newspaper, which reported on the events of the conference.  Andrew Tarn was the Assistant Editor, and the reporters were:  An ya Yu, Pertz Liao, Grace Chou, Joanne Lii, and Yee Wen Huang.  The students also enjoyed seeing the sights of Singapore during this exciting trip.

On December 15 and 16, NEHS sponsored the 3rd annual local MUN conference, HSINMUN.  Five schools from around Taiwan attended.  Li Chu, Mark Chen, Kevin Chu, and Timothy Hsu chaired the Security Council and the Economic and Social Councils.  David Williams, a distinguished founder of the MUN conference in The Hague, the capitol of the Netherlands, also attended the conference as an honored guest, and gave the closing speech at the conference. In addition, a great press corps put together a newspaper which reported on the events of the conference.

Our students are now preparing to go to the American School in Taichung to participate in an MUN conference in March.  Kevin Chu and Timothy Hsu will serve as chairmen at this conference as well.  Our students have distinguished themselves all year as stellar members of a growing MUN program which promotes and develops their debate and research skills. I wish to thank Nancy Wang, Tiffany Chen, and Janice Rossing for their great assistance to me in organizing the Singapore conference.  I also wish to thank all the teachers, students and staff of NEHS who helped to make HSINMUN possible.  The MUN program would not be able to grow and prosper without all your help!