第十三卷第五期   九十七年十月十五日出刊   October  2008









                                  採訪記者:劉昱萱 莊善淯 鄭昕倫 謝璿 余安雅


顏宗明, 1951年生,台灣彰化縣人



(The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA) 







這次實中園地小組訪問的對象是新上任的新竹科學園區管理局局長──顏宗明先生。對於這位管理科學園區、且與本校有密切關係的新任局長我們有著許多的好奇。當然我們先做了不少功課: 找出顏局長的背景資料,設計所要訪問的問題,再經過修訂……

終於敲定了訪問的時間與內容。 於是,在暑假826日的下午,小編們在田靜逸老師的帶領下,怯怯地坐在寬敞的會客室裡,慌亂地準備前置作業。這時,局長一面等待我們陸續就定,一面輕鬆地聊起了先前與新產業的廠商會面的狀況,慢慢開始了我們的訪問,顏局長也娓娓道來……….


後來在職時,政府薦送顏局長去世界數一數二的 ──美國賓州大學的Walton學院做短期財務管理的進修,由於顏局長本身對投資分析這部份十分有興趣,因此也會想更了解這方面的知識。




管理局提供One Stop Service──單一窗口──也就是提供完全的服務Full service,辦理任何事情只要到管理局就可以了。相較於外面的廠商,辦環保的事務要到市政府、工安的事務要到勞檢所……等,其他不同的事務又要跑不同的政府單位。而在科學園區裡,因為經濟部、商業司、內政部、工業局…… 等部門皆授權給管理局,使它相當於一個小政府,消防、工業安全衛生、甚至連「土」都是由管理局審查的!這個服務讓廠商能專心做生意,不需要費心跑各個政府單位,進而提升廠商的經濟力。







訪問到最後,局長親切地與我們合照,愉快地結束了這次的訪談。臨走之際,我們凝視著牆上的匾額那句「科技發展經濟」,這的確代表著台灣經濟起飛的方向,突顯在國際政治弱勢下我們該努力的目標,我們清楚的瞭解到了「科學工業園區管理局」背負了如此的重責大任。 相信科學園區在這位擁有渾厚經濟專業顏宗明局長的帶領之下,必定能繼續成長、茁壯。



Interview with Mr. Randy Tzong-Ming Yen, Director General of the

Hsinchu Scince Park Administration

Our major interview feature in this issue is our latest Director General of Hsinchu Science Park, Mr. Yen. Much curiosity has surrounded this figure who is in charge of what comes and goes in the Science Park. After finally setting up a date for the interview, the reporting team sat with apprehension inside Director Yen’s office under the guidance of Ms. Tien. While waiting for us to get ready, Director Yen casually started a conversation about manufacturing companies, unknowingly opening up the subject the thread that would begin this interview.

It was no surprise to us that the Director, with his astounding versatility and ever-changing interests, switched from different fields of study to another early on in his life. Unlike most Taiwanese economics graduate students, Director Yen did not specialize in the social sciences in high school. Rather, the Director was a typical science whiz, his favorite subjects being math and chemistry. Majoring in applied mathematics in college, related subjects such as accounting and economics soon became of interest to the Director, who would eventually pursue these subjects in graduate school. While studying in graduate school, Director Yen was piqued by the study of econometrics, which requires an understanding of industrial development in economies, eventually helping him in his work with the Council for Economic Planning and Development. In 1981, Mr. Yen taught at Soochow University and Tunghai University part-time, teaching quantitative management, calculus and statistics respectively. In retrospect, the Director believes that math, economics, and financial management were all essential knowledge that supported and guided his career later on. Sent to the ever-prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania for further study in the field of financial management, Director Yen also fulfilled his interest in investment analysis years after graduate school.

        The Director began working in the Executive Yuan’s Economic Development Committee, followed by jobs in the Labor Bureau, Research and Evaluation Committee, and finally the Science Park Administration Bureau. When asked why he had made such a big career change, the Director smiled and said, “This change actually took a lot of courage.” The reason is that his original job in the Labor Bureau did not match his expertise; furthermore, he saw the careers of many colleagues who were in the same situation stagnated. Also, he had just come back from overseas, and wished to broaden his horizons. So, at the invitation of his colleagues, the Director decided to switch course. However, because the salary was substantially lower (“It was a matter of thousands of N.T., which in the 80’s was quite a huge amount!” said the Director,) he wavered for a long time between his interest and this practical concern, finally deciding to march toward his dream. “We must have ambition!” As someone with the experience, the Director encourages us to “be faithful to our own passion,” and that it is “best to work in a field we are interested in; otherwise, we will be miserable, and our job will lose its meaning.”

        When the Director first entered the Science Park Administration Bureau, he worked in the Industrial Business Department, which took care of tax issues, business status and outlook reports; even the policemen and security inside the Science Park were under his jurisdiction. He later transferred to the Investment Department, which was in charge of recruiting, approving, and evaluating businesses. After ten years of accumulating experience and knowledge, he worked his way up, step by step, to the position of Director. Next, the Director will use an even broader view of the future to a help Taiwan’s economy— reach a whole new level.

     When he mentioned the unique developments of the Hsinchu Science Park, Mr. Yen began speaking in a solemn yet excited voice: “The Science Park Administration provides One Stop Service,” he said, which means that the SPA provides services in many different areas. While companies outside of the Science Park have to make numerous stops at various places when handling files regarding the companies, they are not central to Science Park administration. Since various governmental units have authorized the SPA to act on their behalf when handling Science Park issues, the SPA is thought of as a “mini-government”—it handles all Science Park cases. The SPA takes care of everything from the inspection of fire escapes, to the inspection of the sanitation and cleanliness of the companies, to the allocation of land to the companies. This virtually all-in-one service helps the companies stay focused on the development of their respected companies, and saves company individuals from the hassle of complicated paperwork.

Because the SPA recognizes that the talented individuals working in the Science Park could be considered the cornerstones of the Science Park, the SPA works hard to ensure the convenience and quality in the basic infrastructure—roads, electricity, plumbing, and telephone lines are maintained and updated constantly. The Science Park, which has become not only an intellectual but also a cultural center of the country, continues to develop and progress as time goes by.

The environment of the Science Park is noticeably clean and full of scenic greenery. The SPA tries to maintain the park-like ambience of the community, which not only adds to the quality of life in the Science Park, but also increases foreign clients’ respect for the Science Park. Foreign companies correctly assume that since the surroundings of the companies are so clean and beautiful, the companies themselves must also specialize in the quality-control of their products; making them more willing to sign contracts with the Science Park companies.

The efforts of the SPA all aim toward the same goal—ensuring that company employees are able to relax and focus at work. Without the SPA, the Hsin-chu Science Park’s reputation would not be so renowned.

 Besides maintaining the quality of life in the Science Park, Mr. Yen also expresses great concern for the environmentalism of the Science Park. “After all, the Science Park focuses mainly on the production of semi-conductors, which produces a lot of pollution. We must take great care in handling the disposal of these pollutants.” Mr. Yen takes great pride in the Science Park’s water pollution control center- the best water pollution control center in Taiwan.

Not only does the Director wish for a “High-Quality Science Park”, he also pays special attention to the environment. The director observes: The Science Park, after all, is based on the development of semiconductors and other high-tech products. The factories often discharge water polluted by heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and other toxins. These wastes may cause serious damage to the environment, and must be properly-handled. At this point in the interview,  the Director proudly announced that the Hsinchu Science Park had the best sewage treatment plant in Taiwan, and that he intended for the Science Park to maintain this advantage.

To safeguard air quality, the Director also has factory inspections, with monitoring stations set up in order to protect the health of employees and to enhance the quality of work. For individuals, the Director believes that environmental protection is everyone's responsibility. He maintained that although people cannot help but to use exhaust producing vehicles in order to reduce traveling time, they can at least try to reduce the use of carbon, and carbon emissions. The Director also said jokingly, "If everyone's lights turned off at random, we may be able to build a power plant or save energy!

The Director warmly took a picture with us, bringing the interview to a happy ending. Before we left, we looked up to the sign on the wall that read the phrase "technology brings economic development". The sign showed the Science Park Administration Bureau’s heavy responsibility to maintain Taiwan's economic and global image despite the uncertainties of international politics. Under the Director’s leadership, we believed that the Hsinchu Science Park will continue to grow and thrive.