第十三卷第六期   九十七年十一月七日出刊   November  2008








發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發   行  人:吳榕峯    PublisherRong-feng Wu

總   編  輯:田靜逸

編輯小組 尚愛梅 彭慧萍 Elizabeth Wyant

採訪記者謝璿 劉昱萱 莊善淯 鄭昕倫

英語新聞編譯 :  Anya Yu  Stacy Lin  Kristen Wu

刊頭作品 : 運動會邀請卡入選作品雙語部9B吳允馨Kristen Wu

地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

各部迎新活動  熱誠創意有活力  不愛實中也太難

91日開學以來,國小部、高國中部及雙語部都以不同的方式來歡迎新生加入實中這個溫馨的大家庭。國小部91日「大手牽小手」活動,大哥哥、大姐姐的大手緊緊握著小一小王子和小公主稚嫩的小手,加持了新鮮人的能量,勇敢邁入歡樂學習的國小部。高國中部的學聯會,則以青春熱力的各式創新舞招,成功的融化了所有新鮮人的矜持。 雙語部的Amazing Race 首次由學聯會、Interact 扶少團和Key club共同舉辦。這是個極具創新的迎新點子 -- 設計了6種障礙比賽,挑戰體能的極限。最後,終於在夜幕低垂之前的翻滾、汗水與笑聲中結束。


金風送爽校運到  全校師生顯身手

今年的校運將在118日舉行。自1029日的下午徑賽預賽開始,各方運動好手已摩拳擦掌,準備一展身手,締造佳績。11 5日是田賽及第二次徑賽預賽;1167兩日則是國小部及雙語部1 6年級的田徑賽決賽。8日下午的大隊接力將是校運的最高潮,並在教職員趣味競賽中結束一年一度的校運。我們熱誠歡迎家長在此秋高氣爽的周末假日,到校替學子們加油加油,共襄盛舉。


「悅讀聯合國」熱烈展開     書香滿園國小部





因本校再次榮獲教育部「高中職社區化」專案委託,第四屆新竹區高中生模擬聯合國將在10 25 26兩天照例在本校舉行。 今年將舉行「安全理事會」及「經濟及社會理事會」兩項會議。 四年來模擬聯合國活動規模一年比一年增加;今年共有來自新竹及台南8所高中,超過250位學生參加,是歷年參加人數最多的一屆。大會中的新聞組將出版一份新聞報導,讓我們拭目以待他們辛勤的成果。感謝諸多行政同仁及老師們的努力,我們預祝這次大會像往年一樣再次圓滿成功,並向前邁進一大步。



雙語部將在慶祝萬聖節的同時舉辦連續第四年的為「聯合國兒童基金會」(UNICEF)募款的活動。今年仍是黎芳白老師主辦,另外雙語部的Key club這一服務性社團也積極參與,他們在1015日週會活動時,分別對1-6年級和7-12年級做了兩場介紹世界各角落兒童生活貧瘠的錄影幻燈片,影片內容令人鼻酸感動。這項一年一度的有意義的募款活動旨在鼓勵生活在富裕中無憂無慮的我們,伸出援手,關懷救助這些貧童。10 29日將在活動中心舉辦萬聖節義賣會,期待全校師生家長共襄盛舉,慷慨解囊。


三位SBL明星球員示範球技    歡聲雷動High 翻天

你看過現場SBL大賽 (Super Basketball League超級籃球聯盟)? 你近距離欣賞過又帥又準的灌籃高手嗎? 希望你沒錯過1015日下午學務處邀請到的三位SBL明星球員 (台銀的胡裕偉、林志隆、達欣的程士航),到校做籃球易犯規則解說及示範投籃技巧。他們人高馬大、動作俐落,獲得滿堂喝采。與台下互動的33鬥牛及灌籃比賽更是驚險刺激、球球叫好。大家在與帥哥搶著拍照留念的驚喜中結束了這場新鮮有趣的週會活動。在此感謝三位大哥哥的熱心參與也感激學務處的用心安排。


為什麼在「萬聖節」有化妝遊行?  歡迎到幼稚園部找答案

你知道白雪公主、白馬王子、壞巫婆、彼得潘、或是虎克船長嗎?童話故事永遠是孩子喜愛的,童話故事中的人物更是孩子的最愛!每年的十月是實中幼稚園部最熱鬧的月份,因為最有創意的老師們,藉著西方1031日的 “Halloween萬聖節,精心設計了一系列有趣的活動,讓孩子們在10月的最後一週,快樂輕鬆的體驗「萬聖節」的由來與意義。這一週的 “Happy Halloween” 活動包括: 10/27萬聖節的活動介紹、10/29勇闖鬼屋、10/30闖關遊戲及10/31萬聖節大遊行。歡迎您與我們一起 “Happy Halloween”!

Welcome parties from all departments have successfully warmed new  freshmen' hearts

Since the first day of school started, the elementary department, junior and senior departments, and bilingual department have hosted their own welcome activities in order to greet new students joining NEHS school life. The big brothers and sisters' hands tightly held the first graders' hands together in order to give them courage and to guide them into their first year of learning in our elementary department.  The student council of the senior high school department created and organized many sets of energetic group dances. With teamwork and the passion, the student council successfully broke the ice and helped freshmen to feel at home. Lastly, on October 17, at the track, the Interact and Key club joined the bilingual department's student council and organized six obstacle racing contests called the “Amazing Race”. These creative and challenging games ended with tumbling, sweat, tears and much more laughter before dark.  


Autumn breeze will bring the Field Day soon, so let's strive to shine at in all sporting events

The 2008 school Field Day will be held on November 8.  Beginning with the preliminary track events on October 29, all athletes are ready to break the school records.  There will be a field final and second preliminary track events on November 5.  The elementary department and Gr. 1-6 students of the bilingual department will have the track and field contests together on November 6 and 7.  No surprise again, the highlight of the field day we predict, will be the class relay and the fun games joined by all faculty and staff of NEHS.  We sincerely welcome parents to join us and to bring your encouragement to our students.  


Hopefully the calm and peaceful atmosphere, promoted by the presence of such reading will spread through our campus and promote our Republic.

In order to promote reading skills, the elementary department has designed a series of activities to encourage reading entitled the “Reading Republic.”  All Gr.3-6 students are encouraged to form either reading groups or to read independently.  The reading groups can make up as many as five members.  The members in each group can be classmates, friends, siblings or even parents.  The “Reading Republic” encourages every one to choose more than one one-hundred-page book and to finish reading one hundred books.  The books can be well-known works of literature, novels, biographies, essays, travel logs and non-fiction, and science fiction.

After finishing a book, a student has to write a summary and comment on the “reading procedure record” with a teacher or parent signature.  All participants may also fill out a “recommendation book” on-line.  Finally, students are to submit both of his/her two forms to the section of research and experiment, office four, in order to get a “certificate of the good book-citizenship of the Reading Republic” and a new book from Principal Wu as a prize. We anticipate everyone’s support so that hopefully the calm and pleasant atmosphere of book appreciation can be felt in every corner of our campus. 


The fourth HSIN-MUN Conference held on October 25 and 26 on our campus

As part of the Ministry of Education sponsored “High School-based Regional Education” project, the fourth Hsinchu Model United Nations Conference took place at our school on October 25 and 26.  Each year it has expanded, and each year, more teachers and students have participated. This year, more than two-hundred-fifty students and teachers from eight high schools in Hsinchu and Tainan participated; this is the largest HSIN-MUN Conference we have ever hosted The Conference ran two United Nations forums:  The Economic and Social Council, or ECOSOC and the Security Council.  There will also be a student press team who will compile a newspaper which will report on the events of the conference. We are grateful to all the administrators and teachers who have made this conference possible.  We wish them the best and great success this year.


The Bilingual Department Hosts the fourth UNICEF Fundraiser

For the fourth year in a row, the Bilingual Department of NEHS will host the UNICEF Halloween Fundraiser headed by Ms. Levine. This year, the Key Club participated by presenting an introductory slideshow of UNICEF on October 15th to promote the fundraiser. The goal was to raise awareness and to encourage students to reach out to kids deprived of food, water, shelter, and the right to life. The Halloween Fundraiser will take place at the Gym on October 29th, and we hope to see you there!


SBL Superstars Visit NEHS
 Have you ever experienced the thrill of a basketball game? Have you ever seen SBL players play live? Hopefully you didn't miss out on the October 15th basketball demonstrations and performances in NEHS's own gym by three
 SBL superstars MR. Yu-wei Hu, Mr. Che-lung Lin, and Mr. Shi-hang Cheng. The three SBL superstars taught our students shooting, laying-up, and dribbling basics. They also interacted with NEHS students through 3-on-3 half court games and 3-point shootouts, which received applause after applause. With an exchange of gifts
 and photos, this event ended as a big success. Thanks a lot to the three SBL players and administrators of the office of the student affairs for making this event possible.


Why do people wear all kinds of costume on Halloween day?  Find the answers in Kindergarten’s celebrations.

Do you know the following characters such as Snow White, Prince Charming, the Wicked Witch, Peter Pan, or Captain Hook? Fairy tales are always among children’s favorite stories.  Every year, October is an exciting and fun month for the kindergarten department.  It’s all thanks to this Western traditional event, Halloween!  The most creative kindergarten teachers have especially designed a series of related fun activities to try to explain this Western children’s favorite day to an Asian audience.  There will be a week of “Happy Halloween” celebrations which will include “An introduction of Halloween” on 10/27, “Halloween story telling” on 10/28, “A Haunted House” on 10/29, “Halloween games” on 10/30 and “Trick or Treat” on10/31.  We hope you all can join us.  Happy Halloween!