第十三卷第六期   九十七年十一月七日出刊   November  2008








< 97學年度高中部國文作文比賽第一名作品分享 >

題目:  <盼望

第一名   高三1   張容珉




十七世紀,法國巴黎的街頭,一個穿著破舊,全身散出臭味兒的男孩正張開鼻翼,大肆吸取周圍的一切。「香水」被翻成多國語言,之前還拍成電影的名著,正是描寫這男孩 一個嗅覺天才兼變態殺人犯 的故事。男孩畢生最大的夢想,便是調出世上無人能及的香味。他企求著複雜多變的華麗,耽溺於詭譎層疊的芬芳,而這絕世的理想竟成就於少女的體香,於是他犯下一件件的謀殺。這男孩怎麼知道這是錯誤的呢?他的盼望太過強烈而專一,道德只不過是路上的一粒絆腳石,而他不容許阻礙。這也是盼望,卻形成峰利的刃,割傷了許多人。




< 97學年度高中部英文作文比賽第一名作品分享 >  

2008 Senior High School Department English Writing Contest, 1st Place

題目 Topic: <The Value I Learn from My Family>   

第一名 高一4 薛世卿

Edited by 12A Stacy Lin, English editor for NEHS Newsletter


The value I learned from my family is to utilize my time with wisdom. “Don’t waste your time.” “Maximize the efficiency of every single minute.” These lines of talk are often heard in my home whenever I am doing homework or preparing for tests. My dad likes to work fast and effectively. That is one of his apparent lifestyles. And, of course, I wish I could be just like him.

About four years ago, when I was working on an important science-fair project, I found out that I had to work smart to deal with both my science project and schoolwork at the same time. I had to think up different ways to save time. And I often rewrote my study plan in order to strike a balance between schoolwork and the science-fair project. During that time, I did a great job in managing my time under my dad’s guidance.

        However, things changed when I became a junior high school student. Dad gave me less advice. I tripped several times, like making no progress in learning math, or even failing the exams. Things got worse when later I was assigned to develop a science game for the lower graders of my school. I was totally exhausted in the following two to three months since there were too much work to do, besides the regular quizzes and mid-term exams.

Then I made up my mind to do my best. I started to make plans and executed in an effective way, which I learned from Dad. Every night I would take a piece of paper, think of every assignment that was not yet completed, and wrote them down as the main to-do list. In addition, I would take a smaller piece of paper, and wrote down the things I would do the next day in a well-considered order. (“Priority is very important,” my dad often says.) Then, when I got up the next morning, I would do my works one by one following the plan I made. After a few weeks, this method was proved to be extremely useful, as I got a big success on my game-designing project, and did pretty well on my exams. During that particular time, I realized the importance of using time wisely.

When I became a ninth grader, making plans was becoming absolutely necessary since I faced the high school entrance test in May. Quizzes were given in almost every class. Even though I didn’t attend cram school after a tiring day, there were only about three and a half hours left for study during each night. Therefore, I made the long-term plans, which were lists of the main subjects and the chapters I had to review, and also the short-term plans for preparing for quizzes. And, of course I still studied very hard both day and night. In those months, I enjoyed doing two things: crossing out the items on my plan list back and forth violently with red pens while finishing the items and sprawling on my bed with nothing on my mind while sleeping.

It turned out that I did a pretty great job on the high school entrance test, and I chose to enter my dream school: NEHS.

“Maximize the efficiency of every single minute.” I found the advice very useful in many events, and I took it to heart by making plans. Well, time flies. Now I am a senior high school student. Numerous challenges and unpredictable events are waiting for me, but I won’t be frightened or panic; instead, I will use my ultimate weapon, the ability of time management, to fearlessly face every challenge. And I think I would remember this as my most precious and useful value at the back of my mind forever!