第十五卷第二期  中華民國九十九年四月十五日出刊  April  2010


Week without Walls




發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:施燕萍  黃珍汝 張重文 Elizabeth Wyant

英文翻譯:Theresa Lou  Kristen Wu


地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News






高中部於319日在國文科教室舉辦「物理辯論競賽」,由高二4班與高一5班學生組隊參賽,就複雜科學問題進行辯論。競賽以全英語方式進行,學生對問題經過充分、深入理解,並提出具有說服力之論證,再經由辯論過程中澄清與辯護,而達到物理科學概念之深入學習之目的。「物理辯論競賽」自1月初籌備伊始,參賽學生們經過分組、資料蒐集、閱讀、思考與整理、提出英文論述、戰略推演等冗長準備過程,雙語部物理教師Mr. Jay Shumway並應邀就「以英文進行物理問題辯論之相關技巧」為學生做賽前培訓,終於在比賽當天兩隊學生均充分展現對物理問題之深刻理解以及英文口語表達以及辯論能力,精采。感謝劉秀敏老師與行政教師熱心主辦,以及清華大學物理系周亞謙教授、Mr. Shumway以及劉秀敏老師撥冗共同擔任競賽評審,預祝明年能延續此一精彩的學術論戰,成為實中又一個永續的傳統。


台南一中與實中雙語部的交換學生計畫於於3月間成功完成第一次交流。38日至12日之間,10位台南一中的高二與高三學生在雙語部進行一週的參訪與上課。38日當天的歡喜迎賓以及中午與接待家庭的餐敘揭開此次深度交流活動的序幕,接著參訪學生們依年級分別編入10A10B11A11B四個班級正式隨班上課,並參與10乙和11年級的中文班和AP BiologyAP Chemistry兩個選修班的課程。5天課程之外,雙語部並特別安排廖伯森教授在39日就「大學入學考試英文科作文與翻譯試題之評分標準與應考方法」為學生們作專題演講,以及在310日下午安排新竹市區參觀,以期學生們的來訪能在課業、生活以及新竹市景觀與人文上都能有所認知與體驗。感謝9個接待家庭對來訪學生在生活起居與交通上的協助與照料,並肯定工作人員籌備與辦理此次交換計畫之辛勞與努力。台南一中校長並且熱情邀約本校高中及雙語兩部學生參訪台南府城,體驗南台灣的艷陽與熱情。



NEHS Celebrates 27th Birthday

        NEHS celebrated its 27th birthday on March 24th. Teachers, parents and students started setting up for school anniversary early that morning, bustling between classrooms and designated booths. The ceremony started at 8 a.m. in the gymnasium and opened with a performance by the school’s orchestra, followed by inspiring speeches from teachers and guests and performances by students from all departments. After the ceremony, students enjoyed the anniversary flea market, karaoke competition, and the exhibition in the school library. Special thanks to Mayor Shiu, Dr. Y.C. Ho from the Science Park Administration, former principals Dr. Tai and Dr. Wu, and PTA Chairman Mr. Chen for taking time to celebrate NEHS’ 27th birthday. Let us all wish NEHS a brighter tomorrow. 

Elementary Department Wins the Title of “Reading Bedrock”

Elementary department has always emphasized the importance of reading, and has designed a reading curriculum and various activities to make reading fun. Students from all grades and classes are blessed with the opportunity to grow a passion for reading, at the same time improving comprehension, oral, and writing skills. Elementary teachers believe that the stronger the reading ability, the more knowledge, learning aptitude, and creativity a person will have. The Elementary “Reading Follow Me” program won first place in the citywide “Reading Bedrock” preliminary, and received the grand award along with 200,000 NT at the national competition on March 31st. Thanks to the elementary department’s teachers for their hard work and congratulations on their success! Check out the Elementary Department’s reading website for more details of their fabulous work.

High School Department Conducts "Debate on Physics” Competition

High School Department conducted the “Debate on Physics” competition on March 19th at the Chinese Classroom. Classes H2-4 and H1-5 participated in the debate on complex science issues in English. With prior studies and in-depth understandings, students brought convincing evidence and persuasive arguments into the debate and learned scientific concepts through the process. The preparation started in early January and students went through the lengthy process of forming groups, collecting data, reading, thinking, writing English arguments and designing debate strategies. Mr. Jay Shumway, physics teacher from IBSH, helped train the students on how to debate Physics topics in English and both teams did well. Thanks to Ms. Laura Liu for her enthusiastic efforts in hosting this event and judging the competition, and to Dr. Y.C. Chou from Tsinghua University and Mr. Shumway from IBSH for taking time to be the judges. We wish to continue this debate next year and make it another tradition of NEHS.

Tainan First Senior High Students Visit IBSH

Tainan First Senior High (TNFSH) and IBSH successfully completed the first student exchange program. 10 students from TNFSH participated in classes with 10A, 10B, 11A, and 11B from March 8th to the 12th. Other than the 5 days of class, IBSH arranged for Professor Liao Bo-Sen to lecture on the topic of college entrance exams on the 9th and a tour of Hsinchu city on the 10th. Special thanks to the 9 host families for taking care of the visiting students and to the organizers of this program. Principal Huang of the Tainan First Senior High invites students from both High School Department and IBSH to visit TNFSH and experience the southern Taiwanese culture soon.

Kindergarten Students Clean Lakeside

Kindergarten Department held a lakeside fieldtrip on March 26th between 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Jin-Shin Lake. Students and teachers enjoyed the gorgeous spring blossom while picking trash at the lakeside. Beginning this semester, Kindergarten Department implements a “Character Education through Environmental Care” program. Through regular classroom clean-ups and the once-a-month "Green Day" cleaning activities, students will build up cleaning skills and the right attitude towards service. March 26th was the first "Green Day" activity and it concluded successfully. A series of activities will follow: April 16th, “Little Environmental Soldier” program invites teachers from Tzu-Chi Recycling Station to teach recycling through games; May 7th, “Appreciation Tea Party” teaches kids to express gratitude to elderly and to be a good helper at home; June 11th, students show their appreciation by beautifying the campus; June 26th, parents will join the students for a final clean-up. Through these activities, we hope students will learn to cherish their environment, to show gratitude, and to build good character.