第十五卷第五期  九十九年月十 五日出刊  October 2010









發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:郭怡伶  黃珍汝 楊璦禎 Ruth Poulsen

英文翻譯:Kristen Wu  Vivi Chuang

刊頭:2010 UNICEF (雙語部12B侯佩軒 Betty Hou)

地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

12TRML高中數學競賽  實中大放異彩



日本大阪府知事橋下徹 蒞校訪問




新竹市長許明財於98日下午在教育處科長黃玉梅等人陪同下,至本校嘉勉遠赴菲律賓服務的學生志工。今年一月及七月分兩梯次總共40餘位雙語部同學,經過校內徵選並獲家長同意後,透過國際非營利組織安排下,由中外籍教師陪同,為當地孩童及民眾服務,為期約一星期。許市長表示同學們不僅要學習獨立,也要互相合作 。相信這次的志工之旅,收穫一定很豐富,而且經過這段學習過程,同學們一定會更加惜福!


大手牽小手 歡迎加入實中大家庭

九月二十三日星期四的週會是國小部「迎新與敬師活動」。首先,國小部一年級的新鮮人各個頭戴著親手製作的華冠,在導師的帶領下踏進活動中心。並由六年級大哥哥、大姊姊的大手牽著幼嫩的小手一同穿越「歡迎隧道」,依序上台表演。新生們各個帶著天真活潑的笑容,在舞台上跳出心中的喜悅與純真,贏得台下一片掌聲。接著是敬師活動,感謝國小部家長會長張德華女士,為全體國小部老師們精心預備一束束鮮花。在台上由國小部學生演出「隱形的翅膀」迷你劇;在台下則全體學生同心合唱「隱形的翅膀」,並由各班班長獻給老師們一束鮮花。感謝老師在童年成長過程中,如隱形翅膀的天使般照護著每位學生,場面溫馨感人。(國小部 黃珍汝老師報導)


劉一老師時事分析講堂 嘉惠實中學子

雙語部西方社會科教師劉一老師(Mr. John Liu)教學風格嚴謹認真,於國際時事及美國政治分析見解獨到,極獲家長及學生的肯定。劉一老師曾於20103月帶領學生赴北京參加模擬聯合國且深具教學熱誠,應邀於6月分針對高三的應屆畢業生及高一學生分別開設全球國際時事分析講座,以平易近人且深入淺出的風格,跟學生暢談紐約時報刊載的國際重大事件及時事的相關研究與問題探討,包含中國住房問題,美國健保改革、伊朗核武擴張及中東和平進展等。該講座以英語進行,同學和老師完全以英語討論國際時事的經驗,讓學生獲益匪淺。


2010年薪傳營 應屆校友經驗傳承



沈芯菱「用愛看世界 不一樣的20歲」

現就讀清華大學人文社會學系三年級的沈芯菱,於915日到實中與國高中的同學們分享她一路走來貢獻在志願服務的點點滴滴及從小到大的人生經歷。搭配影片與照片,讓全體師生都被現場氛圍所感動。沈芯菱以自身的成長歷程為開場白,告訴莘莘學子們,縱使每個人的生長背景不同,有人含金湯匙出生,也有在清苦環境求溫飽的家庭,但相同的是擁有一樣多的「時間」。該問答讓所有師生恍然大悟,原來我們認定中能夠在社會上嶄露頭角的人,天生家世絕非唯一決定因子,如何運用一天24小時才是關鍵。演講內容無形中使同學體悟出「縱然我們的年紀還輕,但是可以發揮的力量不能被看輕,只要願意付出,沒有不能完成的事」。同時體會到自身生活幸福,需要好好的珍惜;而生活周遭仍存有太多不圓滿,也該是我們付出貢獻的時候了!(中學部訓育組 郭怡伶老師報導)

NEHS Win Medals in the 12th TRML High School Mathematics Competition
The 12th TRML National High School Mathematics Competition ended on August 22 this year. An unprecedented number of people from 97 high schools, 267 teams, and more than 4200 contestants participated in the competition. 5 teams from NEHS participated in this exciting competition, and they all had dazzling performances. Among all the teams, team Shuai Ding Ding, led by teacher Yen, won the silver medal in the group section (1st place in Northern Taiwan). Since no one scored the 12 full points in the individual section this year, the 17 contestants who scored 11 points in the entire nation put on the biggest, most exciting fight for the last point that judges have ever seen in the recent years. Yan-hao Chen from class 304 and Brian Chen from 8B both displayed outstanding performances during this competition and each received a silver medal. Thanks to teachers Mr.Yen, Mr. Chuang, Ms. Lin, Mr. Yeh, and Mr. Henry for their diligent guidance. Best wishes to all participants to make persistent efforts and achieve a higher level in the field of mathematics in the future!

Japan’s Osaka County Magistrate Hashimoto Tōru Visits NEHS
 Hashimoto Tōru, Japan’s highly respected and youngest incumbent magistrate, had a delegation to Taiwan from September 5th to September 8th. Accompanied by an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the magistrate visited NEHS on September 6th. Mr. Hashimoto Tōru, a passionate advocate of education, wished to visit the most representative schools of each country to gather ideas for educational reform. The magistrate not only observed classes in the high school and bilingual departments, but also engaged in conversations with student representatives about ways to prevail in the competitive Asia Pacific region. Hashimoto Tōru highly commended the responses of NEHS students and encouraged them to collaborate together to promote peace in the region. Thanks to alumni, Nick Chen and Stephanie Chen for translating.

Mayor of Hsinchu City Applauds IBSH Students for Participating in Community Service in the Philippines
On September 8th, the Mayor of Hsinchu City visited NEHS on behalf of showing recognition to the students who went to the Philippines for community service. Forty students, after receiving permission from their parents, traveled to the Philippines in both January and July under the supervision of Mr. Eric Swan, IBSH college advisor, and other honorable teachers. The community service experiences each lasted for a week, during which the students were given the chance to not only help build houses for the less fortunate people there, but also to learn about a different culture and way of life. The Hsinchu Mayor sees this as a very valuable experience: students were able to learn how to be independent and also how to cooperate with others in the world.


Elementary Department’s “Welcome Back Activity” Held on September 23rd
Led by their homeroom teachers, the first graders, each wearing handmade crowns, entered the gymnasium. Then, holding hands with the six graders, they crossed the “Welcoming Tunnel” and performed on the stage. Smiling joyously, the first graders performed and the audiences applauded and gave them their highest praises. Students performed a drama called “Invisible Wings.” Students off stage also sang a song titled “Invisible Wings” while the class presidents of each class presented bouquets of flowers to their teachers in order to show their appreciation for the teachers who, like angels with invisible wings, accompany the elementary students in their childhoods. Many thanks to Elementary Department Parent Teacher Association Chairman, Mrs. Chang De Hua, who provided flowers for all elementary department teachers.


Mr. John Liu from IBSH Lectures on Current Events
Dedicated to his strict curriculum and coupled with his unique and thorough understanding of American politics and global issues, IBSH Western Social Studies teacher Mr. John Liu has come to earn the respect and admiration of students and parents alike. Having once led students in the participation of the Beijing MUN conference in March, 2010 and sporting a deep passion for teaching, Mr. John Liu was invited in June to attend and conduct two lectures on contemporary international affairs. Several important issues reported in the New York Times were addressed and discussed in the duration of the event, including that of China’s housing expansion policies, American healthcare reform, Iran nuclear proliferation, and last but not least, the Middle East peace process. Since both lectures were conducted completely in English, the students were given the chance to speak and integrate the language in their discussions, a refreshing aspect that made the experience a benefitting one indeed.


2010 NEHS Inheritance Camp: "Learning through Playing, and Discovering New Things in the Process."
This year, the NEHS Inheritance Camp was held from August 11th to August 13th. This camp was a series of vivid and lively courses planed for the high school freshmen by this year's graduate Li Huan Ru and fifteen other zealous alumni. It introduced biology to students through Q&A games, acquainted the students with physics through soccer, marbles, and other ball games, and merged chemistry with fun experiments such as cooking instant noodles. These "unconventional" courses effectively attracted more than 70 students to participate this year. The 2010 NEHS Inheritance Camp successfully passed the NEHS learning spirit of "Learning through playing, and discovering new things in the process" down to students, encouraged them to explore science with their own hands to bravely develop innovations and to achieve new breakthroughs.


Hsin-Ling Shen “To See the World Through Love, Experiencing the Difference at 20”
Hsin-Ling Shen, a Humanities and Social Studies major in National Tsing Hua University visited NEHS Junior and Senior High Department on September 15th to share her volunteering experience and her moving story using videos and pictures. Shen, beginning with her personal story, told the students that although everyone grew up in a different environment, the one thing that is equal to us all is time. Her enlightening words made the audience realized that familial background does not determine success: using time wisely is the key to success. Through the speech, students came to understand that although they are still young, they have unlimited potential. Therefore, as long as these young people are willing to pay their dues, nothing is impossible. They also came to understand that they should appreciate their good fortune. In life, there are many disheartening things in society, but it is our time now to contribute to society and create change for the better.