第十五卷第五期  九十九年月十 五日出刊  October 2010













雙語部 朱宜琪老師 指導整理




The tea time the teachers of 11th grade Chinese honors organized for bilingual and experimental students was relaxing and though-provoking. It allowed us to experience what leisure meant for the ancient Chinese - drinking tea, eating moon cakes, and discussing poems and life. Through this activity, I learned that modern humans need to take time out of their extremely busy and hectic lives to live a little and enjoy the small things. Drinking tea and talking about poems may seem dull or even meaningless to some, but it is greatly rewarding and fulfilling. In addition, bilingual and experimental students had the chance to bond with each other. We discussed 鄭愁予's poems and the interpretation of poems in general. For example, they told us that before a teacher teaches them a poem, they have the freedom to interpret the poem anyway they want. However, after the teacher teaches the poem, it is hard for students to perceive the students' own interpretation. Thus, we talked about how poems should have a myriad of different interpretations, not just one strict interpretation that scholars or teachers impose on the poem. In addition, we found out that ?experimentals? like reading contemporary poems more than ancient poems because the poets aren't put under as many restrictions. However, old poems give us a taste of the lifestyles of ancient Chinese poets. It was overall a great experience, an activity that should be continued next year."(雙Gr.11 廖心瑜)



「我喜歡郵差和聶魯達在海邊討論暗喻的那一段。」(科Gr.11 辜禹傑)

「當馬力歐收到從智利寄來的信,他以為是詩人聶魯達的問候,沒想到是詩人的秘書請求他 寄回詩人的物品。我認為這是故事的 turning point(轉折點),(啟示)馬力歐(生命)應該 move on(繼續前進)。」(雙Gr.11 金瑞暻)

「馬力歐與聶魯達一邊談詩,一邊欣賞島的美的片段。」(雙Gr.11 陳奕欣)

「 My favorite scene was when Mario made his way through the crowd and got ready to read his poem in front of the other rioters. Mario’s emotions in that scene fully demonstrate how a poet’s passion towards a particular subject propels him to write and share his thoughts with other people; it shows how the processing of writing is simultaneously cathartic and invigorating.」(雙Gr.11 王御凡)

「 I really enjoyed the film Il Postino as a whole. Mario Ruuppolo, a young man in an isolated Italian fishing village, learns to appreciate the beauty of poetry and use poetry to effectively communicate his love towards Beatrice, a beautiful young lady. The plot line as a whole was very moving. I especially enjoyed the parts when Mario and Pablo Neruda, a famous Chilean poet, discussed and created poetry along the ocean shores. The sound of the ocean winds and the sight of the beating waves against the sea shore create a very relaxed atmosphere suited for the appreciation of the language used in poetry. Furthermore, I also really enjoyed the humorous personality of Mario Ruuppolo. When poet Pablo asks Mario what he said to Beatrice on their first encounter, Mario responds that he asked what her name was and repeated her name after she said it. Overall, I really enjoyed watching this film! (雙Gr.11 李安祈)」

你同意他的說法嗎? 請以自己讀詩的經驗,交換意見。
同意,上學期我們讀了鄭愁予的詩,在還沒講解之前對課文有無限的想像空間,但經過詮釋後變得有點死板,而且思想被束縛了! (科Gr.11 傅昶榮)

Our group thought that there should be more than one interpretation for poems; based on the person’s experience, each line of the poem may call forth different sentiments, and thus, explanations from everyone. To fully appreciate a poem does not mean that one must believe in the “correct” analysis of the poem. After all, there is no one correct, rigid interpretation.
In addition, our group also thought that poems should be written for appreciation, not solely to convey a moral message. Often times, people try too hard to decipher deeper meanings from the text, and thus, end up losing appreciation for the text. Poetry is an art, and we must interpret it while still valuing the beauty of its diction. (雙Gr.11 王御凡)



聶魯達,這首詩的作者,細膩的描寫出了他對其伴侶身體的美麗讚嘆。在他人看來是如此露骨且大膽的一首詩,在詩人的眼裡,卻是發自內心,最至高無上的愛意的表現。(雙Gr.11 黃宗敏)