第十五卷第  九十九年一月十 三日出刊  November 2010










高中部 陳冠華老師




高中部 周鈺禎老師


高中部 賴奕帆老師


高中部 謝道任老師


高中部 游彥辰老師


國中部 游彰億老師


雙語部 吳思醇老師 Ms.Crystal Wu


雙語部 李紫彤老師Ms. Serena Lee

“李老師,還適應嗎?””Serena, 吃飯了嗎?要不要幫你買午餐?””紫彤,有什麼需要幫忙的嗎?”,聲聲親切的問候語,僅管新竹的風大,濃厚的人情味卻讓人一點兒都不覺得冷,我這位流浪教師終於找到溫暖的家囉!

雙語部 沈可婷老師Ms.Katherine Shen

Howdy! My name is Katherine Shen and I'm a native here in Taiwan- I'm also a Texan and a New Yorker. I was raised in Texas, where I learned how to milk a cow and ride a horse. We also have televisions and the WORLD'S BEST barbeque! The majority of my family still resides in Texas. It's hilarious to hear my little niecesspeak with a southern drawl! I received my undergrad at the University of Texas in Austin and my masters at Teachers College at Columbia University. Never had I imagined I'd move to New York City, let alone stay there for the next 7 years! I fell in love with my church family, Central Park, the FOOD, the diversity, the museums, and the walking. Having played "teacher" as a child, the real classroom was a whole new world; how many of you just thought of the song from Aladdin? Initially, I wasn't sure if I was ready to teach at a school in Harlem. My beautiful Kindergarten students showed me how to see the world through their eyes. At the end of three years, my secretary asked me, seriously, "Ms. Shen are you half black?" What an honor! My last two years was spent teaching amazing, first graders, at a school in Chinatown. Those kids prepared me for my journey to IBSH.

雙語部 顏春玉老師Ms. Jessica Wang

My name is Jessica Wang. My job at school is to help students of limited English proficiency use English to communicate in social, cultural, and academic settings. I received my Master degree in Curriculum, Teaching, and Special Education from the University of Southern California. For the past 15 years in the states, I’ve worked with students bearing various cultural and language backgrounds in major public school systems like L.A. Unified School Districts, Dallas Independent School District, Washington D.C. Public Schools, and Montgomery County Public School in the state of Maryland. Having studied and worked in the states, I’m aware of the importance of cultural diversity and showing respects to others with different colors and mother languages. Like Lugwig Wittgenstein once said, “The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”, I have enjoyed traveling and tasting international foods a lot during vacations. I am looking forward to working with my students, colleagues, and parents and hope to make this academic year an educational as well as a fun-filled year.

雙語部 何庭明老師Mr. Tim Holloran

Hi, My name is Mr. Holloran and I have recently joined the IBSH family from Charleston, South Carolina. I am originally from Massachusetts and graduated from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst where I earned a degree in Business. After college, I decided to work and travel around the world for five years while working jobs that ranged from construction worker to mailman. I moved to Charleston ten years ago due to it’s history and warmer climate and while in Charleston, earned my masters in English at The Citadel and began my teaching career. I enjoy teaching students how to apply what they learn in my class to the real world and not just memorizing the material. I also feel that children should enjoy reading and hope to bring my love of reading to the classroom and my students. I recently got married and we have begun our wonderful adventure here in Taiwan living abroad for the first time. We can’t wait to see all that Taiwan has to offer as well as the surrounding areas and as we both enjoy traveling and trying new things it appears to be a great fit for us.

雙語部 柯琳達老師Ms. Linda Kennedy

Hello IBSH Community! I am much honored to have joined the faculty of your wonderful school. I am a veteran teacher, having taught high school in America for 29 years and in Egypt two years before coming to Taiwan. The classes I am teaching this year are English 11AP, English 12 (World Literature) and Creative Writing. However, throughout my career I have also taught American and British literature, art, journalism, literature into film, philosophy and Woman’s Studies. My hometown is St. Louis, Missouri, in the Midwestern United States. St. Louis is home to many great historic events and national treasures, including the fabulous Gateway Arch, the 1904 World’s Fair, Blue’s music and the best team in major league baseball, the St. Louis Cardinals, just to name a few. I am the proud mother of five wonderful sons and six adorable grandchildren. Traveling is one of my passions and I’ve been fortunate enough to travel extensively to many parts of the world. Thus, now I am enjoying exploring the lovely country of Taiwan. So far IBSH has been a great experience for me. My colleagues are knowledgeable and dedicated, the administration is kind and helpful and best of all, the hard-working students are marvelous! I am really enjoying teaching this caliber of students and look forward to the rest of the year at IBSH.

雙語部 白莉莎老師Ms. Lisa Brossau

I am a teacher passionately dedicated to assisting students to become critical thinkers, knowledgeable and caring of their world, and to become engaged citizens within an emerging global paradigm.??My M.Ed. in Global Education, my 13 years of teaching History and English in both international and public schools, and my travel throughout the Middle East and South Asia, are only the beginning of this quest. As an exam grader for the Advanced Placement World History Exam, and a member of the World History Association, I have come to believe that understanding the world as a connected entity facilitates seeing the earth as ‘one planet and mankind its citizens’.With my husband, Dek, we have come to Taiwan to expand our world and look forward to expanding our circle of friends.