第十卷第  103年11月15日出刊  November  2014




2014動物大遊行 圖書館主題書展 安全教育 榮譽榜




「2014動物嘉年華」在實驗中學出發! Together, lets make a difference!





珍古德博士以優雅的大師風範,以身作則宣導愛護動物、環境保育的理念。實中學生很榮幸也很珍惜此難得機會得以親近大師、與大師談話。以下為本校「根與芽」社團(Roots & Shoots Club)志工參與活動之心得摘錄:


< 11A Jonathan Chu>

I've never been in such a big parade in my life before. It altered my view on Dr. Goodall. I always thought she was a scientist who was talented in her field, but it turned out to be false. She had a dream as a child and interest to study Chimpanzees, her way of living her life inspired me to become a more active person. She also tries to expand Roots & Shoots to make the world a better place where humans do not pollute their own planet. I was also surprised how one person can have such an impact on so many people. There were thousands of people who attended the parade and I did not expect that.


< 11A Jasper Chen>

Being present for the entire duration of her visit, it was certainly a pleasure meeting her. The parade itself was organized but it felt very short and not very parade-like. However, Dr. Jane Goodall's presence was very much the biggest and most uplifting element of the entire day. She had a lot to share, a lot to promote, a lot of questions to answer, and I think we were all definitely content with her visit. The stories she told during the Q&A session were extremely intriguing. Taking the responsibility of coordinating bits of the event on that day, I felt like this Roots & Shoots Parade is definitely a once in a lifetime experience!


<9B Alan Lee>

Meeting Jane Goodall is probably the most inspiring thing that can happen to me in all my years of being a student. Not that she motivated me to work harder on academics or anything, but through the parade this weekend, I was inspired in a way that is unable to be conveyed through words. The parade itself was magnificent, as if millions of people where there. Listening to the kids beat their drums in unification, celebrating the arrival of Dr. Jane Goodall was a truly unforgettable experience. Despite being the day right before midterms, attending the parade for three hours is worth. Sacrificing studying time for an once in a life time event is probably the smartest thing I've done in my life so far.


<12B Jonathan Pan>

The presence of Dr. Jane Goodall on 11/2 Sunday was inspiring for all NEHS students, to say the least. With a vivid personality, her sarcastic humor and sharp quips nonetheless left a long lasting impression in the students' minds, delivering a powerful message exhorting the next generation's youth leaders to think about the impact they can make and to realize their potential for the greater good. Through acute criticism of environmental damage and animal abuses in context of society's institutions, Dr. Goodall also demonstrated a capacity for the integration of science, social studies, and activism. In addition, she emphasized the importance of an open mind and compassion when dealing with other people, other organisms, and the process of learning. One important highlight was her remark that human beings were also animals who shared life on our planet, challenging the traditional conception of humans as a unique species superior to other animals. The educational value derived from Dr. Goodall's perspective, wisdom, and insight marked her visit as truly an experience of a lifetime.


<12A Irene Lee>

“Humans are a cruel species.”

And with that, Jane Goodall turns her head to look around the table, staring straight into each of our faces. Our expressions were all awkwardly frozen with uncertainty. What were we supposed say in response to that? Was she accusing us? Or simply trying to prompt us?

When we entered the Principal’s Office, she had been sitting at the round table discussing the practice of torturing and eating dogs in mainland China with the chief organizer of the Taiwan Roots&Shoots. The topic at hand was unpalatable, and her conclusion made us even more uncomfortable, but my friends and I intended to be good receptionists and to make good conversation. Then we hit our next silent moment at Dr. Goodall saying, “Animals have personalities and feelings!”

Uh, duh! We know that! Why was she telling us...?

Today we know that of course that animals have personalities and feelings just as humans do, but you know? It is because of Dr. Goodall’s decades’ worth of research in the forest of Gombe that we believe animals are more like us humans than expert scientists thought in the 1960s. The fact that we take this fact for granted demonstrates the incredible legacy of her work.

Although the time we spent with her was short, it was a great honor to meet Jane Goodall. Even posing for a picture with her was extraordinary: “1, 2, 3, chimpanzee!”

國際珍古德協會(Jane Goodall Institute)在1977年成立,最初以研究黑猩猩以及黑猩猩之保育為旨。近年來,由於珍古德博士(Dr. Jane Goodall)積極到世界各地傳播保育觀念,目前全球已經成立了28個國際珍古德協會,台灣國際珍古德協會成立於1998年。

環境教育「根與芽」計畫(Roots & Shoots)

世界各地的協會以提倡保育觀念、落實保育計畫、推動環境教育「根與芽」(Roots & Shoots)為旨。從1991年開始,珍古德協會全力的推動環境教育「根與芽」計畫,鼓勵青少年朋友以實際的行動,關懷環境、社區以及動物。目前全球已經有超過132個國家、共10000多個根與芽小組成立。




珍古德博士優雅的大師風範風靡全場 IBSH Roots&Shoots Club與珍古德博士合照
珍古德博士參觀綠市集 實小自行車隊蓄勢待發









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