二十卷第  104年4月15日出刊  APRIL  2015




國際交流 校慶花絮 榮譽榜




104年「珊瑚礁大使」計畫由國立海洋生物博物館企劃研究員樊同雲博士帶領本校高二4班陳亮宇、王昱雯與雙語部10A陳宣鳴、10B江語萱及潮州高中、 琉球國中、恆春國中、車城國中等校共計十四位珊瑚礁大使,於1 月 28 日至2月18日前往加州聖地牙哥Granite Hills High School, Crawford High School, Montgomery Middle School以及加州大學聖地牙哥校之博趣水族館(Birch Aquarium)進行交流訪問。4月13日上午,來自五校十四位國際珊瑚礁大使集結一堂於本校國際會議廳舉行成果發表會報告他們赴美交流的成果豐碩。








(1月29日) Birch&UCSD

第一天早晨大概是所有早晨裡最早起的,或許是因為第一天就有大行程 — 參訪博趣水族館。認真對待果然還是有收穫的,個人認為第一天是整趟旅程最有收穫的一天。我們竟然被邀入後場觀摩!尤其令我興奮的是被分配到海馬組。只要跟我聊過都知道我在學校有養海馬,所以自然就特別對海馬有種親近感。一踏入後場,我立即發覺到這根本就是海馬的天堂。一整間房間的海馬,各式種類都有,包括沒有尾巴的海馬,白化的海馬......。他們帶我們觀摩了很多,我也跟他們交換了許多養殖的方法及意見,實在收穫良多。下午我們到了UCSD,這也是我生平第一次參觀美國的大學。我發現美國大學的佔地大多了,而且也自由多了。到處都是草皮,隔壁就是海灘,我不禁有個疑問,這到底是來渡假還是來上課的?但後來聽說美國大學大都如此,學生們也還是很認真學習,讓人不禁起了一絲來美國念大學的念頭。

(2月2日~2月3日)Crawford high school

記得那日起床時有點緊張,畢竟是第一次到美國的高中交流。經過一些周折,終於到了那所高中。跟想像中有些不一樣,第一個印象是這裡有點像監獄。沒有看到白種人,放眼所及皆是墨西哥裔或其他語系的學生。人人看起來凶神惡煞,彷彿不是很歡迎外來者,但一切在我們與他們接觸之後全部改觀了。他們非常熱情,和我們一起玩遊戲,聊天也聊得來,完全沒有一點排斥的意思。我很愧疚誤認了他們。後來在陪他們老師買午餐的路上,我們聊了很多。原本老師她工作的地點是High Tech high,是屬於環境較好的住宅區,所以家長普遍富足,學生教育程度也很高。但有富足之地也必有貧困區,Crawford那一帶即是新移民的住宅區。許多學生的家長根本沒有美國國籍,甚至連英語都不會講,小孩的教育程度就偏低。這並不代表他們是一群壞孩子,可是當地人的刻板印象就是他們多是惡混。老師那時有感而發的說,那些孩子是很善良的,如此對待他們其實非常不公平,我們所應該做的並不是一味批判他們,而是給予他們完善的教育才對,不然教育何用一番話發人省思,也敬佩這位老師的為人。最後,我們很開心在Crawford結束了我們的第一個高中交流,我也結交了一位好朋友,他告訴了我好多聖地牙哥著名美食及小吃,對日後我逛聖地牙哥可說是幫助頗大。

(2月10日~11日) 學校交流part 2







On January 28th, the day right after school ended, the Coral Reef Ambassadors, composed of 14 students and two teachers under the lead of Dr. Fan, gathered at the Taoyuan Airport for a 10 hour flight to San Diego. Our ostensible goal? To foster coral awareness and to develop critical leadership skills. In our two week trip, we visited the Birch Aquarium to learn about maintaining the exhibit tanks and interacting with various marine organisms, multiple high schools for school exchange, as well as the historical and science museums of Balboa Park.

Beyond the educational aspects, however, the most valuable lessons that I took away from the Coral Reef Ambassadors was that of independence. In San Diego, we were responsible for our meals, transportation, sightseeing locations, and even housing arrangements. I experienced firsthand what it’s like to live on my own, both the exhilarating freedom and the embarrassing mistakes. Despite being anti-social as I normally am, I made quite a few friends not only among my roommates and fellow peers but also the students of the schools we visited. The San Diego Trip also pushed some of my social abilities to the limit, including the priceless skill of keeping a neutral face beside unsavory people.

The winter break of 2015 was by far the most eventful month of my life so far. I spent it on an epic adventure in San Diego, California, the golden lands of legendary Mexican food and nice drivers. I remembered it from the very beginning, when the biology teacher asked the class about signing up for the coral reef ambassadors. I had hesitated then. Looking back, I’m grateful that I did not back down. The trip, although difficult at first, was definitely worthwhile. I met new people, learned new skills, saw new places, ate new foods. Although the Coral Reef Ambassador program has been put on hold for a year, I strongly suggest anyone with enough courage to sign up when it comes back around.



The Coral Reef Ambassador Program in Taiwan provides an opportunity for Taiwanese youth to travel to San Diego and explore marine life on the other side of the world. Originally, this program was designed for local school students; however, over the years this program has grown to incorporate IBSH students into the mix as well. Visiting the Birch Aquarium at Scripps during winter break was an experience that was unlike any other. We explored an extremely well-maintained facility, and were able to ask an expert on coral reefs, Fernando, to give us a briefing about how to maintain our tank back at IBSH. He not only answered our questions--he showed us how too! We were given an exclusive chance to see behind the scenes of the Aquarium, including the feeding, cleaning, and maintenance that is involved with it.

Besides the Aquarium, we visited three schools--Crawford High, Granite Hills High, and Montgomery Middle. In these separate trips, I learned a lot about their education system and what students there were like. For the most part, everything they did was more lax and short, and the material they cover isn't as extensive as ours. However, students there seem to be more active in terms of expressing their ideas, and know what they want to do in the future. They also do more hands-on class work as opposed to worksheets. I found the people there to be extremely friendly and easy to talk to, and considerably more open than Taiwanese students, despite the fact that we just met.

Since San Diego is located on the southern most tip of California, if you go all the way down to Tijuana, you can see the the Mexican border. One afternoon, we went there, and we were able to see across the Mexican border. The number of latinos in San Diego is also relatively high. Racial diversity in California is also very prominent, and I felt like everyone was included.

Besides visiting the Birch Aquarium, we also visited the San Diego zoo and Balboa Park. I was particularly excited to go to the zoo, because San Diego zoo is probably the largest and most diverse zoo in the states. Balboa park was also very interesting--it is essentially a collection of museums. My favorite museum there was the Museum of Man, which mapped out the evolution of man.

Going to the States independently, without my parents and minimal teacher supervision, has allowed me to learn how to be independent and manage my money. I was also able to make new friends. This trip was definitely an experience, one the I would very much like to experience again.











本校自102年參與由國立海洋生物博物館主導的珊瑚礁大使計畫,今年已邁入第三年;同時獲海生館協助於102年在本校高中部及雙語部設立2座珊瑚礁生態缸。珊瑚礁生態缸由學生組成志工服務隊進行珊瑚礁生態缸監控、攝影、活動推廣等活動,並由高中部揭維邦老師及雙語部林燕靖老師擔任計畫指導教師,指導學生於校內進行(1)宣導活動學生分組進行珊瑚礁生態缸的觀察、維護及檢測,配合化學海水水質檢測及環境科學教育等,分為維護飼養組、觀察紀錄研究組、文字撰稿及攝影組、珊瑚礁大使推廣活動設計網站維護組。以科學理論、研究與分析了解臺灣珊瑚礁的分佈、海洋水質狀況、珊瑚生態保育等,從教育著手宣導珊瑚礁復育之重要與科學研究,讓學生深入了解台灣珊瑚礁生態保育之方法與重要性。(2)導覽員訓練:進行志工訓練、潛水生態調查及邀請國立海生館樊同雲博士蒞校進行專家講座活動,共進行約40-50次導覽活動(包含新加坡立化中學、日本福島高校、船橋高校及國內潮州高中等6校)進行珊瑚礁保育推廣。(3) 專題研究:揭維邦老師及林燕靖老師透過課程教案的設計,指導並協助學生發展出相關的科學專題,目前本校高中部葉昌庭、羅建雄同學進行生物專題「扁蟲新物種的發現」、雙語部生物進階課程進行海馬行為的新研究以及小丑魚與海葵特殊行為觀察等,皆是令人相當期待的發展。