二十卷第  104年11月15日出刊  November  2015




「柬」單夢想-國際志工服務 暑期科學營 幼兒園迎新會 指導金竹獎 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何何 昀 郭原甫 唐玉琪 Nini Wang

英文翻譯:Jenny Kim Emily Ha Thomas Cho Claire Chen Anne Lin

                     Jessica Kim     Christine Lin Judy Chiang Annabel Chang

刊頭: 國小部 五年四班 王奕蕎


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News


104學年度第一次家長代表大會於10月7日晚上舉行並進行委員改選。共計由家長代表投票選出31名新任委員,並由委員中推選9名常委。本次改選最後由國小部家長黃武雄先生(Mr. Edward Huang)榮膺本屆家長會會長。溫惠齡女士、彭瑄蘭女士及陳品綺女士、詹明旖女士及蔡新豐先生榮膺本屆家長副會長。黃武雄會長在去年任期中,十分熱心於協助學校事務,今年在各部家長代表投票之下連任家長會長,莊韻華女士亦是眾望所歸,再度接下財務長一職。感謝黃武雄會長及各位委員過去一年來對本校的熱忱服務與貢獻。同時希望實中家長會在新的學年繼續家長會對學校的全力支持與協助,讓家長會與學校的互動順暢圓滿。(家長會委員名單詳見第十頁。)

來自南非的客人 全球議題圓滿落幕

本校接受新竹市政府教育處委託,承辦新竹市第一場青少年全英語論壇活動-「全球思維,在地行動!-大師Bob Nameng開講暨全球議題論壇」。此次活動十分特別,可說是全新竹市首場青少年全英語論壇,在國際全球化迅速的今天,這場論壇更是被視為全英語論壇的標竿。活動邀請了新竹市各國中共同參與聆聽討論,其中光武國中、光華國中、三民國中、竹光國中及本校雙語部GIN club、珊瑚礁大使皆舉派代表上台發表,從學校社團及課程特色介紹、地方服務學習、到全球議題探討,議題涵蓋類型多元,學生表現創意十足、十分搶眼。論壇並邀請了在南非為失學兒童創立「索威托Kliptown青少年非營利組織」(簡稱SKY)的Bob Nameng大師進行一段提升青少年自我發展並開拓國際觀點的演說,在場學生獲益匪淺。另外,來自南非SKY的青少年們以節奏感強烈的非洲鼓搭配人聲合唱,將早期黑人辛勤生活、再艱困也要勇敢面對的堅定意志融入激勵人心的舞蹈中,為在場來賓帶來一段震撼人心的表演。(詳細活動內容請見第四、五頁)

程式設計競賽奪冠 代表臺灣出賽2015 ISSC國際賽

本校高二五班何達睿、詹振宏、陳彥霖在蔡明原老師指導下,組隊參加2015青年程式設計競賽暨2015 ISSC (International Schools Software Competition) 國際學生軟體競賽代表隊選拔,於9/19在逢甲大學擊敗雄中、南一中、新竹中學等19組強隊。命題與評審由中山大學官大智教授、逢甲大學林智敏教授等數位教授組成,考題共9題,考試時間3小時。參賽學生都是各校一時之選,比賽過程競爭激烈,答對8題以上有七隊,新竹實驗中學以最短時間完成9題答題且全對的戰績榮獲第一名,代表臺灣至斯里蘭卡參加每年十月份舉辦的ISSC決賽。何達睿、詹振宏、陳彥霖對於資訊科學非常有興趣,利用課餘參加相關的程式設計訓練課程,藉著優秀的數理能力,在程式設計的過程中常能找出好的演算法來解題。三位同學以絕佳的默契分工合作,在中山大學王元俊教授及官大智教授的指導下,持續練習程式設計並舉行模擬賽,最後在 2015 ISSC國際比賽中奪得亞軍,為台灣爭光。

敬師月 「老師,謝謝您」


全國語文競賽新竹市複賽 佳績不斷


Congratulations to Mr. Huang’s Reelection as This Year’s PTA Chairman

The first PTA conference of the 104th school year was held in the evening of October 7th for its committee members election. The parent representatives elected a total of 31 new committee members and nominated nine to take part in the standing committee. This election also reelected Mr. Edward Huang as the chairman of the PTA. Accompanying him as vice chairman include: Ms. Wen, Ms. Peng, Ms. Chen, Ms. Chan, and Mr. Tsai. Due to his great passion towards helping our school, Mr. Huang has received his deserved honor by being reelected. However, Mr. Huang was not the only member who got reelected- Ms. Chuang also, as predicted, got reelected as the Chief Treasurer. We thank Chairman Huang and all committee members for all their contributions and services toward our school from their previous term. We also hope that the NEHS PTA would continue their support towards the school for this new school year in order to extend the positive relationship between the association and the school. (The list of this school year’s PTA committee members is on page 12.)

Honorary Guests from South Africa: The Successful Finale of the Global Issues Network Forum

Under the request of the Hsinchu Government Education Affair Division  request, NEHS hosted the first full-English  lobal Issues Network Forum? This event is especially remarkable since it is the first full-English conference for teenagers hosted by Hsinchu, so it will surely become a precursor for other conferences to come. The Hsinchu Government invited numerous Hsinchu Middle Schools, including Guang Wu Middle School, Guang Hwa Middle School, San Ming Middle School, Zhu Guang Middle School, as well as the GIN club and coral reef ambassadors of IBSH. These participants discussed their schools unique clubs and classes, their counties community, and also delved into fascinating and eye-catching discussions on global issues. Another special guest was the  KY organization, led by Mr. Bob Nameng. The organization was established to allow teenagers from South Africa to immerse themselves in the global community and to gain global perspectives. The students performed a heart-felt performance with their rhythmic drums and beautiful voices, using their dance to illustrate the hardships their ancestors was went through with much courage, the courage that is reflected in these children. (More details of the forum is on page 4 and 5)

Taiwan Representative for the 2015 ISSC

Under the supervise of Mr. Spock Tsai, Da-Rui Ho, Cheng-Hung Chan, and Yen-Lin Chen from the high school department of NEHS joined the 2015 computer programming design competition for youths and competed for the position of the representative team in 2015 ISSC (International Schools Software Competition). On September 19th, they defeated a total of 19 teams from schools such as Kaohsiung Municipal Senior High School, National Tainan First Senior High School, and National Hsinchu Senior High School. The propositions and examiners consisted of several professors from National Sun Yat-sen University and Feng Chia University, the questions totaled up to 9, and the testing time was 3 hours. Students who participated in the competition were all chosen by their respective schools based on their academic performance, and the competition was intense. Among the 19 teams, 7 teams answered correctly on 8 or more questions, but the NEHS team spent the least amount of time and yet got all the questions correct, making them first place. The NEHS team represented Taiwan in the final round of ISSC, which is annually held in October, and this year, the competition will take place in Sri Lanka. Da-Rui Ho, Cheng-Hung Chan, and Yen-Lin Chen, are very interested in computer science, using out-of-school time to take class on computer programming. With their superior math ability, they are able to use better calculation methods in the process of computer programming. The three students cooperated flawlessly, and under the guidance of professors Yuan-Jun Wang and Da-Chi Guan from National Sun Yat-sen University, the students continued to practice computer programming skills and held mock competitions. They came in second in the final round of 2015 ISSC and brought glory to Taiwan.

Thank you, Teacher

September is the month when students can show their appreciation towards their teachers. The elementary department invited all the teachers from elementary school to attend an event, which took place in the main gym during Thursday's weekly meeting. After Ms. Christine Huang, the PTA chairman, and Mr. Hsu from the Student Affairs Office gave their speeches, students presented their first gift for their beloved teachers by singing 師恩深亦深. We wish the teachers felt the students sincere appreciation as they accepted flowers from each of the class representatives.

Hsinchu Intermediary Contest for 2015 National Language

The Hsinchu intermediary contest for 2015 national language came to a successful end on October 3rd. Through the preliminaries, NEHS chose the best students to attend. Through the teachers’ careful guidance, the students were able to get great results in each area. Under the guidance of Ms. Qui-Wen Chen, Shu-Wei Wu won first place in high school division essay writing; Yu-Qing Wang and Yu-Ling Liu each won second and third place for high school division mandarin spelling and pronunciation; Cai-Yuan Huang got first place for high school division Mandarin reading. For middle school, Yu-Zhen Xu received second place for Mandarin reading; Ya-Han Chang won third place for Hakka speech; Wei-Ni Hsu won sixth place for calligraphy writing. In elementary division, Zhi-Xi Liu won third place on Mandarin speech under the guidance of teacher Shi-Heng Xu; Yi-Ro Kuo won first place in Mandarin reading under the guidance of Mr. Su-Chi Chen; Zi-Chen Wang received fourth place in Minnan speech; Sin-Ai Gu got fourth place in Hakka speech; Yan-Kai Chen won fourth place in Minnan reading; Bo-Yu Wang won fourth place in Minnan spelling and pronunciation. Teachers also achieved excellent performance in the competition. High school department teacher, Yi-Ling Chen, won fifth place in Mandarin spelling and pronunciation; elementary department teacher, Yi-Jie Yang, won fifth place in essay writing; Ms. Juan-Juan Tian won first place in Mandarin reading. Of all the teachers and students that participated in our school, Ms. Juan-Juan Tian, Shu-Wei Wu, Zhi-Xi Liu, and Yi-Ro Kuo will be representing Hsinchu city to participate in the nationals. Wish them luck and hope they can bring back excellent results again!