第二十二卷第四期 106年6月15日出刊 June 2017



翻開中文課程的新頁 2017上海青少年科技創新大賽  高中英語戲劇比賽 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 劉芷瑩 Nini Wang

英文翻譯:Annabel Chang、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、

                      Christine Lin、Jessica Kim、Judy Chiang

刊頭:H202 王皓芃


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News


木棉花開、驪歌輕唱,又是本校各部要歡送展翅高飛的畢業生們的季節,本校一O五學年度各部畢業典禮也即將登場。首先是6月9日(週五)晚間5:30,由雙語部開啟第一場畢業典禮序幕,然後是國小部於6月12日(週一)晚間6:30舉行、高中部於 6月13日(週二)晚間6:00舉行、幼兒園部於6月14日(週三)晚間6:30舉行及國中部於6月15日(週四)晚間6:00舉行畢業典禮。黃芳芷校長與家長會長辜存信先生誠摯邀請所有畢業生家長蒞臨,共同參與盛會並分享孩子們重要的時刻。校長、各部主任、畢業班師長、在校師生及家長都將於典禮中為畢業班同學致上誠摯的祝福。祝福畢業同學們鵬程萬里,前程似錦!(畢業專刊詳見第3至10頁。)

實小數學亮點基地 舉辦數學素養導向工作坊成果發表會


越野路跑賽 提升學生體適能


「實小新聞台護蛙報導」 勇奪教育金像獎最佳人氣獎


「從C開始」 2017高中資訊聯展登場


2017 NEHS Graduating Ceremony
The cotton flowers are blooming, goodbyes are softly sung; it is the season to bid farewell to our distinguished graduates as the 2017 graduation ceremony approaches. Firstly, on June 9th (Friday) at 5:30 PM, the bilingual department will start the prelude of the ceremony. Then on June 12th (Monday) at 6:30 PM, we have our elementary department, followed up by the high school department on June 13th (Tuesday) at 6:00 PM, the kindergarten department on June 14th (Wednesday) at 6:30 PM, and lastly, the middle school department on June 15th (Thursday) at 6:00 PM to hold their graduation ceremonies. Principal Huang and the PTA president Mr. Calvin Ku sincerely invites all of our graduate’s parents to the ceremony and to share this important moment in the students’ lives. The principal, deans, teachers, and parents will all be cordially congratulating the graduating students. Let us bless the graduating students; may they have a bright and glorious future! (Graduation Column details on page 3 to 10.)

Elementary Department “Math Spotlight Foundation Plan” -- Math Workshop Presentation
This year marks the fourth time that the Elementary Department has participated in the “Math Spotlight Foundation Plan,” which has developed significantly since its earliest stages after seeking advice from experts. The progress reports given at National Taiwan Normal University have always been received positively, often acquiring first-rate starred reviews. These learning cases all correspond with the core values promoted by the 12-Year Compulsory Education Program, such as encouraging the spirit of “initiative, engaging, and common good” in teachers and students alike. To help teachers understand the attitudes and teaching methods promoted by the 12-Year Compulsory Education Program, the “Math Spotlight Foundation Plan--Math Workshop Results Presentation” was held on May 3rd, hosted by Ms. Juan-Juan Tien, Ms. Jen-Yu Liu, Ms. Yu-Chi Lai, Mr. Yu-Hsiang Lin, and Ms. Chun-Hui Su. As members of the Bright Math team, these teachers shared their knowledge and experiences of observing and teaching in the “Math Spotlight Foundation Plan” and of student learning and responses. Professor Fu-Lai Lin of National Taiwan Normal University, Professor Bi-Jen Lin of Tsing-Hua University, and Ms. Tzu-Jing Chen of Dingpu Elementary school are invited to provide immediate feedback, helping the teachers at the workshop clarify confusing points. All in all, the workshop offered a more in-depth understanding of the core ideas of “key competence” and “student-centric teaching methods” emphasized by the 12-Year Compulsory Education Program.

Cross Country Contest Promotes Student Physical Fitness
According to the Ministry of Education’s “1 School 1 Team, 1 Person 1 Sport” proposal, our school is hosting the annual “Parent’s Cup - Cross Country Contest” for the eighth year in a row. The activity was held on April 26, Wednesday afternoon, with the Middle School Department’s seventh and eighth graders and IBSH’s seventh to ninth graders divided into six groups by gender. The location is the school’s track and surrounding roads, totaling to 3.2 kilometers. Luckily, the weather was fine that day, and the activity was successful under the cooperation of teachers and students from both departments. Through the Cross Country Contest, the school hopes to encourage students to participate more in sports, develop a habit of exercising, improve their athletic abilities, increase their physical fitness, and establish athletics as a distinguishing feature of our beloved school.

NEHS Mini News Station Wins Popularity Award in the Golden Film Awards for Education
Mr. Chih-Ching Chu from NEHS elementary department created NEHS Mini News Station in 2010. The Students and Mr. Chu. The students and Mr. Chu has came a long way since the initial planning stage to the training of professional anchors, reporters, and the provision of a complete audio and video set. For instance, NEHS Mini News Station’s reporting scope has expanded widely, encompassing topics such as environmental protection and global education. In October of 2016, the news station team followed E505 to the mountains and participated in “Help Frogs Cross the Road” activities hosted by a wilderness protection committee. Within the darkness of night, the team observed and explored the interaction between humans, animals, and the environment. NEHS Mini News Station documented and edited a video from this activity, and participated in the Golden Film Awards for Education hosted by the Ministry of Education. The Golden Film Award is meant to discover real and touching stories revolving around Taiwanese education; it hosted the competition of documentaries or reporting to promote experiential education. After a month of intense competition, NEHS Mini News Station received the best popularity award! However, our small reporters and and Mr. Chu chose to donated their prize money to the wilderness protection committee. They are truly a great model of selflessness and contribution to our motherland!

“Starting with C” 2017 High School Information Exposition
INFAS.js is a high school information exposition started by a group of students who were inspired after attending SITCON (Students’ Information Technology Conference). The exposition consisted of mainly rudimentary knowledge on information technology, marketing the exposition as one suitable for not only high schoolers but middle schoolers as well. The first INFAS.js was hosted in NEHS in the May of 2016, and in June of 2017, the second INFAS.js was hosted. With the slogan “starting with C,” the exposition is hoping to inspire every attendee with our continuous IT advancements!