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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第5期

            實中學生受邀參加日本福島縣輻射年會                                 NEHS Students Invited to Japan Fukushima Prefecture
                 本校高中部科學班學生,長期於日本福島縣                          Radiation Annual Meeting
                                                                 Our NEHS high school science class students have helped
            立福島高校來台訪問時接待,臺日雙方學生都獲                             receive students from Fukushima High School whenever they
            益良多。福島高校校長及教師於去年來訪時,特別                            come to visit and learned a lot through the process. Last year
            邀請本校參與福島地區每年所舉辦的輻射年會。七                            when Fukushima High School’s principal came to visit, he
            年前的東日本三一一大地震,在日本福島地區引起                            invited our school to participate in the annual radiation meeting
                                                              in Fukushima. Seven years ago, the earthquake in Tohoku
            一系列設備損毀、爐心熔毀、放射線釋放等核能災                            caused massive destruction in nuclear power plants, nuclear
            害事件,導致該地區深受核能外洩、輻射量曝曬過                            core meltdown, and radiation emission, causing residents of
            度之憂。然而,福島地區歷經了七年來的修復與重                            Fukushima to live in fear. However, through seven years of
                                                              reconstruction and rebuilding, Fukushima has been reborned.
            建,在休養生息、重新起步後,期待能夠邀請大眾                            This year, Fukushima is hosting the third year of global scientific
            回歸重生的福島地區。這次的全球科學年會為全英                            conference, which is an all English workshop that invites
            語的工作坊,已是福島地區第三年舉辦,邀請來自                            students from France, the Philippines, Japan, and NEHS to
                                                              participate. Through discussions in the workshop, Fukushima
            法國、菲律賓、日本各地科學高中、及臺灣實驗中                            hopes to give students and teachers a better understanding of
            學學生,希望透過工作坊的研討模式,帶領來參加                            Fukushima after reconstruction. During the six-day workshop,
            年會的各地師生對於福島地區災後重建有更深的認                            students benefited from making their own radiation detector,
            識。在六天的工作坊中,學生自製輻射計量器、參                            visiting Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and listening to
                                                              NEHS STEM outstanding Science Fair result
                                                                 NEHS has excelled in STEM education for a long period
            數理能力自小扎根 實驗中學科展成果豐碩                               of time. Students have solidly explored related fields since
                 實驗中學在數理教育方面長期經營,自國小                          elementary to high school, and the annual science fair has
            年段至高中年段都十分紮實地帶領學生探索相關領                            achieved great success. Under Mr.Chen’s advice, H304 Jia-xi Lin
            域。因此,每年的科展競賽屢創佳績。高三4班林                            and Fang-yu Hu received outstanding performance in Physics
                                                              and Astronomy. Mr.Jie and Ms.Feng advised H304 Si-Zhu Chen,
            家晞、胡芳瑜在陳其威老師指導下獲得物理與天文                            Bi-xuan Lu, Yu-yan Li and received outstanding performance
            學科優等;高三4班陳思竹、呂苾瑄、李昱言在揭                            in Animal and Medicine. H304 Pin-hui Chen, Zhi-yuan Song,
            維邦老師、馮蕙卿老師指導下獲得動物與醫學科                             and Teng-shuo Yu, led by Ms.Feng, earned honorable mention
            優等;高三4班陳品卉、宋致遠、游騰碩獲得行為                            in Behavioral and Social Sciences. H305 Yun-en Li, Yong-jin
                                                              Chen, and Wei-lun Wu, led by Mr.Xu, received outstanding
            與社會科學科佳作,感謝馮蕙卿老師指導。高三5                            performance in Mathematics. M304 Chen-xi Hsu got second
            班李允恩、陳永縉、吳瑋倫則在徐俊男老師指導下                            place in Mathematics under Ms.Liao’s advice; M303 Pin-fang
            獲得數學科優等。國三4班許宸僖由廖君銘老師指                            Chen, Bai-yu Tseng, Jia-sheng Wu were awarded third place
                                                              in Chemistry under the guidance of Ms. Chang; M303 En-
            導獲得數學科第二名;國三3班陳品方、曾柏瑜、                            sheng Teng and Hong-yi Jiang were instructed by Ms. Chang
            吳家陞由張秀麗老師指導獲得化學科第三名;國三                            and received honorable mention in Physics. In the elementary
            3班鄧恩陞、江宏翊由張菀婷老師指導,獲得物理                            department, Ms. Wang instructed Yu-an Tong, You-rui Liu, He-
                                                              xin Yang, and Yu-xuan Fan (2018 E602 graduates) and received
            科佳作。國小部分,王盈琪老師指導童翌安、劉祐                            third place in Mechanical and Electrical Information. Mr. Lin
            睿、楊和馨、范羽萱(106年度6年2班畢業生)獲                          directed E602 Bing-lun Yu, Yu-wei Huang, Li-yen Liu, Yue-ling
            得生應(一)機電與資訊第三名。林育生老師指導6-2                         Chiang, Yu-tong Yen, E606 Er-qian Chen and received second
            余秉侖、黃郁惟、劉俐妍、蔣岳凌、顏語潼、6-6                           place in Physics; You-qian Liao, Yu-xin Ding , Bo-yu Shi ,
                                                              Qian-xi Su (2018 E601 graduates) also received second place
            陳爾謙獲物理第二名;廖又謙、丁昱心、石伯宇、                            in Physics; Fang-yu Fan, Hong-ying Wu, Yi-cen Sun, Hon-en
            蘇千芩(106年度6年1班畢業生)同樣獲得物理第                          Wang, Yi-ting Li (2018 E605 graduates), Guan-ting Wu (2018
            二名;范芳瑜、吳翃穎、孫旖岑、王宏恩、李翊莛                            E606 graduate) received second place in Earth Science; Chen-
                                                              you Lin, Ai-en Song , Yan-zhi Chen (2018 E603 graduates),
            (106年度6年5班畢業生)、吳冠霆(106年度6年6                       Jing-xiang Chen (2018 E606 graduate) was awarded third place
            班畢業生)地球科學第二名;林宸右、宋愛恩、陳                            in Mechanical and Electrical Information; E605 Hao-you Li, Shi-
            彥孜(106年度6年三班畢業生)、陳靖翔(106年度                        ying Lin, Yi-Jie Wang, E604 Yu-Hsiang Hsieh, Yi-rou Zhang,
                                                              Fang-zhu Xu received outstanding performance in Environmental
            6年6班畢業生)獲生應(一)機電與資訊第三名;6-5                        protection and People's livelihood. Mr. Chen guidanced Yong-
            李昊宥、林詩穎、王奕劼、6-4謝宇翔、張旑媃、徐                          yun Hong (2018 E602 graduate), You-yi Chen and Yu-jing Chen
            昉竹獲生應(二)環保與民生佳作。陳品竹老師指導                           (2018 E604 graduates) and won first place in Mathematics as the
            洪詠筠(106年度6年2班畢業生)、陳佑怡、陳宥靜                         "Koalaz Conjecture" and represented Hsinchu City to participate
                                                              in the National Science Program. E603 Bing-zhe Han, Jia-wei
            (106年度6年4班畢業生)以「考拉茲猜想」榮獲數                         Huang, Jun-yi Xiao, E601 Wayne Wei, En-lei Shen , Zong-
            學組第一名,作品並代表新竹市參加全國科展;6-3                          qi Cai who won second place in Mathematics; and Zi-jin Hong
            韓秉哲、黃嘉蔚、蕭君亦、6-1尉崴、沈恩磊、蔡宗                          (2018 E602 graduate), You-cheng Liao (2018 E604 graduate)
                                                              won second place in Mathematics. The Elementary Department
            邑獲數學組第二名;及洪子晉(106年度6年2班畢業                         also won the first place in team award! Congratulations to all,
            生)、廖又誠(106年度6年4班畢業生)獲數學組第                         and thanks to all of the teachers for their constant support and
            二名。國小部更榮獲國小甲組團體獎第一名!恭喜                            guidance!

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