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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第7期

            調查官來分享如何和子女談感情與身體界限。吉靜如                           parental and child relationship.
            的演講十分生動,透過她處理過的真實案例讓家長們                              The first lecture was spoken by investigator Jing-
            理解到現在學生會面臨的情感議題,並提醒家長在面                           Ru Chi of Taiwan Shilin District Court, who shared her
                                                              thoughts on how to communicate with children about
            對這些議題時,要把握機會跟孩子討論,建立孩子正                           relationships and physical contacts. By describing the
            確的價值觀及如何因應。                                       cases she has dealt with, parents were able to understand
                 第二場邀請到的是《上網不上癮》一書的作者-                        the relationship problems that children may encounter, and
            張立人醫師來分享青少年網路成癮的認識與因應。他                           were reminded that parents should avidly communicate
                                                              and foster correct world value for their children.
            提到3R策略:Role—父母以身作則,減少滑手機跟上                           For the second lecture, the guidance office invited
            網,傾聽孩子的聲音、Real—建立孩子在真實世界的                         Doctor Li, the author of  《上網不上癮》, to share his
            興趣、Rule—建立孩子的網路使用規則,陪伴孩子養                         knowledge of teenager’s addiction on the internet. He
            成自我控制能力。第三場是由馬大元診所的院長來分                           mentioned the 3R strategy: Role—be the role model and
                                                              decrease the time on electronic device usage; Real—
            享親子溝通的藝術。他從大腦的運作談起,讓家長理                           build the interest of your child towards the real world;
            解孩子是如何在理解世界。在面對孩子的狀況時,要                           Rule—regulate your child’s use of electronic devices and
            先理解孩子情緒、想法再跟孩子討論該如何做。最強                           accompany their growth in self discipline.
                                                                 For the third lecture, the dean of the Ma Da Yuan
            大的教養態度是:平和而堅定、溫柔但有紀律。感謝                           Clinic came to share about the art of parent and child
            家長對這三場講座的踴躍參與及肯定。未來也將持續                           communication. He began by explaining the function of
            辦理相關親職教育活動,歡迎家長繼續參與。                              the brain, giving parents a sense of how children think.
                                                              When communicating with children, parents have to first
            系列活動熱鬧登場                                    understand their emotions and thoughts, then discuss
                                                              what they should do. The best attitude is to be calm but
                 每逢歲末年終,雙語部會舉行UNICEF系列活                       firm, nice but strict. Special thanks to the parents for their
            動,為世界上需要幫助的孩童進行募款。UNICEF為                         participation and acknowledgements on these lectures, and
            「聯合國兒童基金會」(The United Nations Children's  please look forward to future parental lectures held by the
            Fund),主要對開發中國家的母親和孩子進行長期的                         guidance office.
            人道主義和發展援助。今年的UNICEF活動於10月26                       UNICEF Events
            日登場。由雙語部INTERACT社團於舉行的慈善健走                           Every year, IBSH hosts UNICEF activities, donating
            活動(walk-a-thon),藉由自主募款模式,學生不但                     money to children around the world. UNICEF helps The
            鍛鍊心肺功能、維持健康體魄,更激發潛能比平常                            United Nations Children's Fund by hosting Humanism and
            跑走了更多圈數、募得更多款項!當天也有UNICEF                         Development aid to women and children in developing
                                                              nations. This year, the UNICEF activity started on
            Carnival by UNICEF(聯合國兒童基金會慈善義賣)                  October 26th. By using the self-raised fundraising method,
            活動,豐富有趣的萬聖節變裝大賽、義賣、遊戲等活                           UNICEF collaborated with INTERACT to organize walk-
            動,帶給孩子一個熱鬧的萬聖節體驗,更透過活動的                           a-thon. This activity not only helped students maintain
            進行,參與了募款活動,為保障世界各地兒童生存權                           their health condition, but also entertained them by
                                                              walking/running more laps to donate money to people
            力得盡一份心力。                                          in need. There was another activity on the same day,
                                                              UNICEF Carnival, where students celebrated Halloween
            開啟實中師生的國際視野                                       by having costume competition, selling foods and drinks,
                 本校學生交流;或來自各地的教育先進及團體,                        and hosting games. This event allowed the students to
                                                              celebrate Halloween and, at the same time, participate in
            透過交流分享、討論等方式,自我精進及反思。本校                           fundraising events to help out children who are in need.
            部科學省所指定的超級科學高中(Super Science High  Make friends with the World
                                                                 Not only has our school expanded its breadth of
            School, SSH),更為期待與實中學子擦出火花!與高                     global education through trips abroad and the SIEP
            二科學班交流的福島縣福島高校、與高二數資班交流                           agenda, its host of visiting international schools also
            的千葉縣船橋高校、及每年帶來有趣的科遊競賽的德                           fosters self improvement and reflection that give much
            島縣脇町高校,都是近年固定來訪的日本SSH。這些                          credit to NEHS. This year, as always, NEHS welcomed
            來自日本的學生除了期待文化上的交流外,也為本校                           Japan’s Super Science High School (SSH), with H205
            學生帶來他們的實驗研究成果。透過各校理科老師及                           hosting Fukushima High School . H204 hosting Funabashi
                                                              High School, and H206 hosting Wakimachi High School.
            英文老師的合作,日本學生將他們的研究成果以英文                           The visitors presented their highly anticipated scientific
            呈現於海報上,並以英文進行口頭報告。雖然他們的                           research and deeply engaged with NEHS students,
            英文不一定非常流利,但是每個人全力以赴、自我突                           whether on discussions of culture, competitions, or daily
            破的精神,令人驚歎他們一年年的進步。這種語言、                           lives. Though their English may not always be fluent, their
                                                              evident improvement from previous years and full effort in
            文化及科學上的展現,再再刺激台日兩方師生,也成                           presenting in English, both verbally and on posters, show
            為彼此更精進的動力。                                        excellent attitudes of learning. The conflation of cultural,
                                                              language, and scientific exchange undoubtedly inspired
                                                              both the Taiwanese and Japanese students, marking yet
                                                              another valuable experience for all.

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