Page 4 - 實中園地 第廿三卷第七期
P. 4

實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第7期

            個性都顯得甚是可愛。                                                                   Jimmy Hsueh 薛尚齊
                 英文後的數學課由實際操作來增進雙方互                              Today, some friends from Fukushima High
            動,日本的學生都很謙虛不會爭著出風頭,班上                             school visited us. We’ve been preparing for a few
            的同學也是如此。在友善的氛圍下輕鬆組裝完兩                             weeks. At the opening ceremony, we performed a
                                                              Japanese song which we’ve practiced for weeks. At
            個多面體,進行到下一個用餐的階段。                                 first, we had trouble remembering the lyrics. After
                 用餐大概是雙方交流最充裕的階段了。有一                          our hard working on memorizing it, all of us finally
            點出乎我的預料,日本女生其實很喜歡聊天。從                             made it. What really touched me was when we were
                                                              singing, several Japanese students sang with us
            喜歡的團體到學園季的照片,再從便當好油聊到                             together. It seemed like they were very familiar with
            昨天在士林夜市吃了芒果冰和比臉還大的雞排。                             this song.
                                                                 During the break time, I talked to them a little
            健談歸健談,他們自始都保持著溫柔明亮的說話                             bit, asking about their hobbies. Contrary to my
            方式,把自己由衷喜愛的事物投遞給我們,聽完                             expectations, none of them plays mobile games. I
            我們的回覆心滿意足的簽收,像交換禮物一樣。                             used to think that many Japanese students are playing
                    在聊天的過程中得知他們的學校沒有制                         online games, but the only games in their iPhones
            服,身旁的福島學生卻無一不身著襯衫西裝,對                             are all offline, such as Battle Cat or puzzles. The
                                                              boys in our group love sports, but not baseball. That
            他們的禮貌與禮儀又更敬佩了一步。                                  doesn’t meet my expectations, too. I used to think
                 或許那些交換到的聯絡方式在幾個節日過後                          that Japanese are only good at baseball. This really
            會變得不再被提起,福島學生的開朗與熱情將永                             challenged my usual stereotypes about Japanese.
                                                                 In the afternoon, they had poster presentation.
            遠在我憶起時,令我會心一笑。                                    I listened to some of them. Their research is more
                                                              condensed in the applications of what they are doing,
                                                              which is different from ours. For example, many
                                      Godspeed Hsu 許家魁        groups study the ways to examine radioactivity
                                                              substance. Many of their studies are very interesting.
                Last week, we welcomed Fukushima High         The study that impressed me most is about a myth
            School students to our school. It was pretty fun. We   of a mountain, which is close to their school. They
            spent a lot of time preparing for that day, and it was   said that initially they wanted to find evidence to
            very tiring. I think it is well worth it though.  back up the myth because they want to make the
                The first performance was our song “Dragon    mountain famous, which could bring a lot of visitors.
            Night.” When we chose this song, I thought it was   And they did a lot of experiments to analyze the
            great. However, the song’s speed was very fast for   difference between the west side and the east side
            us, and it was difficult to memorize the Japanese   of the mountain. In conclusion, they figured out the
            lyrics,  too.  Somehow  we  eventually  finished   formation of the mountain, which busted the myth.
            practicing, and we sang the song better than most of   This one caught my eye because this is really close
            us expected. The next was my presentation of our   to their life and I can see they all wanted to know
            school and the Science Magnet Program. At first, I   whether it’s true. Although the result didn’t meet
            thought I wouldn’t be able to do it since I always got   their expectation, I think they must be happy about
            very nervous on stage. It was until the day before   proving it.
            that I got myself fully prepared. In the end, it didn’t         Last, we led them to embark on a campus
            seem to be as hard as it looked, so I could call it a   tour. They think our swimming pool is beautiful.
            success.                                          Today’s activity expanded my horizons, letting me
                During that day, we attended classes together   know more about the Japanese high school students.
            with Fukushima High School, and also listened to   Hope one day they can visit us again.
            their report of what they researched. In English class,
            as group members just started to know each other,
            we learned about cultural taboos. Group discussion  活動剪影
            became quite a challenge, but it was fun to learn
            about some of their culture. In Math class we worked
            together to build geometric structures, which put
            our teamwork and communication to the test. The
            activity actually reminded me of origami, which I
            also like a lot. In the afternoon, we listened to their
            research, some of which were very interesting, and
            then we went on a campus tour. I think there wasn’t
            enough time in the afternoon, and it would be much
            better if we had an extra hour, but it was still a great

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