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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第3期

            母親節活動盛大登場                                         Mother’s Day Activity Grand Opening
                                                                 Mother’s day is celebrated on the second Sunday in
                 五月的第二個星期日為母親節,校內國小部及幼                        May. The NEHS elementary department hosted a Mother’s
            兒園部皆辦理母親節感恩活動,感謝媽媽的付出與關                           day activity in order for students to show their gratitude
            懷。國小部於4月19日首先由四、五年級舉辦「家的味                         toward their mothers. On April 19th, the fourth and the fifth
            道:幫家人調一瓶滾珠瓶吧」活動,學生以基底油加                           grade students held a “Making a ball bottle” activity, where
            入喜歡的精油味道,輕柔的滾動滾珠瓶,使瓶內的油                           students added different essential oils and poured it in a bottle,
            混合均勻,再加上自製的精美卡片,便完成送給媽媽                           allowing the liquids to mix evenly, along with a beautiful
                                                              handmade card for their mother. On April 26th, the sixth
            的禮物。六年級則在4月26日進行「我愛媽媽-調茶、泡                        graders held an “I love Mom” activity, where students made
            茶與奉茶」活動,藉由為媽媽調製一杯充滿愛的花茶                           tea bags for their mother as a mother’s day present. On May
            包,以及返家後恭敬體貼的奉茶活動,學生將對母親                           3rd, the third graders prepared a “Making Tea for Mom”
            的愛溫暖體現。三年級則利用5月3日完成「為媽媽調                          activity, where students made tea bags for their mother,
                                                              allowing them to taste their children’s love from the tea. The
                                                              second graders wrote a letter to their mother, showing their
                                                              gratitude with words and drawings. As for the first graders,
            愛。二年級的孩子則寫了一封信寄給媽媽,透過文字                           the students made colorful eggs along with a handwritten card
            與圖畫表達對母親的愛與感謝。一年級的孩子也不落                           for their mothers. On May 1st, the kindergarten department
            人後,利用課程時間製作彩蛋,加上一封手寫卡片,                           hosted a parent-children activity, where the teachers made four
            也讓母親們受寵若驚呢!而幼兒園部則在5月1日舉辦                          different games for the parents and children to enjoy. The first
            親子闖關活動,老師們精心設計四大關卡,讓參與活                           game was called “Pregnant for 10 months,” where parents and
                                                              children used their hands and legs to roll the balls. “Creative
            動的親子玩得十分盡興。幼兒園的家長們熱心參與活                           Parents and Children Picture” was a game where they used
            動,帶著孩子們在「懷胎十月」關卡手腳並用的滾                            leaves, yarns, and beads to make a necklace or a bracelet and
            球、「創意親子照」則利用樹葉、毛根和串珠,串成                           take a picture afterward. On the “Loving Mommy” game,
            送給媽媽的項鍊或手鍊等飾品,並參考動物親子們相                           children respectfully poured tea and gave their mother a
            親相愛的照片,拍下具有創意的親子合照。孩子們並                           relaxing massage. For “Imprinting Love” activity, parents and
                                                              children used their hands to create an artistic painting full of
            在「寵愛媽咪」關卡中,恭謹的奉茶,並為媽媽按摩                           love. May is a month of gratitude. Happy Mother’s Day!
            創作,孩子們靈感大爆發,製作出一幅幅充滿愛的作                           The Application of Board Games
            品。感恩的五月,祝福母親節快樂。                                     One of the primary aims of the IBSH department this
                                                              school year is to incorporate the theme of “Cruising in
                                                              Creativity, Discovering and Uncovering Hsinchu” in course
            「桌遊與教學應用」教師研習 均質化課程生動有趣                           curriculums. To realize this goal, IBSH administrators
                 本校雙語部辦理高中職教育均質化計畫,期望                         and teachers invited various Hsinchu locals to share their
            透過研習資源,將107年度「遨遊自造風、藝探竹塹                          experience in self development and creative thinking. They
            城」的均質化目標精神落實,將資源共享給新竹區                            invited Mr. Rong-Che Hsu (“Accupass” manager; novelist;
            教師們。本「桌遊與教學應用」研習邀請許榮哲老師                           scriptwriter; director; experienced “board gamer”) to the
            (「走電人」電影公司負責人、小說家、編劇、導演                           “Application of Board Games” event, whose objective was
                                                              to arrange components into working order by following a set
            與桌遊深耕者)主講,而所謂桌遊就是「運用若干                            of basic rules. Translating to academia, students who ride the
            『規則』,讓『配件』有效地運作起來」。每一款桌                           flow of board games learn more effectively. By understanding
            遊背後都藏著一套精妙的規則,如果能把桌遊裡的規                           certain rules of order and applying them to textbook material
            則拆解出來,再加上一些簡單的配件,把它們巧妙地                           to deduce concepts and thinking (the “components” of game),
            運用在扁平的課本裡,就會變成一個又一個生動好玩                           students are essentially playing a board game in everyday
            的遊戲,成為有助於教學活動的自製桌遊。透過遊戲                           learning. Not only does this metaphor strike true, it also
                                                              strengthens the learning experience of students who master
            進行學習活動,學生就可以輕鬆獲得最大的學習效                            this “fun” approach to school.
                                                              NEHS English Resource Center
            英文學習資源平台 提供本校師生英語學習幫手                                As a result of bilingual policies implemented by the
                 因應政府「雙語化政策」,本校於圖書館網站                         Taiwanese government, NEHS has established an “English
                                                              Resource” platform (such is located on the upper left corner of
            上,增設「英文學習資源 English Resource」平台(此連                the main page of the NEHS library website). There are plenty
            結位於圖書館首頁,左側工具列第一項)。在此平台                           of online resources, such as links to videos and radio stations
            中,提供了網路資源、電視、廣播電台等英文學習工                           and other tools that aid students in learning the English
            具的網站連結或說明。師生進入此平台後,點選相關                           language. Students can now utilize these resources anytime
            的網站連結,可以不受時間或地點的限制,輕鬆進行                           without time constraints, and thus are now able to better
                                                              improve their English abilities.

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