第二十三卷第五期 108年10月15日出刊 October 2019



高中多元選修課的延伸 高二建築模型展  科學班個別科學研究心得 大學/高中升學榜單 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發  行  人:李健維

總  編  輯:林容安

編輯小組:何美璇 何宜臻 黃寶瑩 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng

刊頭:國小部1年4班 劉思妤 讓世界變得更美麗


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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學校要聞|English News

本校教師自我精進 辦理公開授課

本校學生積極參與各項競賽 勇奪國際性競賽獎牌
本校高中部學生王治鈞、李宇軒參加在南韓舉辦的2019國際語言奧林匹亞競賽(International Linguistics Olympiad),獲得個人賽銅牌,彭凱揚獲佳作。王師宇赴墨西哥參加2019年第31屆亞太數學奧林匹亞競賽(Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad)獲得銀牌。而王師宇、蘇柏瑄赴亞塞拜然參加第31屆國際資訊奧林匹亞競賽(International Olympiad in Informatics )更一舉奪下金牌!其中蘇柏瑄個人排名第6名;王師宇個人排名第11名。雙語部Max Chen則參加於澳門舉辦的亞洲機器人大賽(Asian Robot Competition),並將亞軍帶回學校。恭喜以上得獎學生,並感謝指導老師的協助。


《下半場》拚搏上映 你今天熱血了嗎?

跨領域美感教育 國小部饒詠婷老師擔任講師


NEHS Teachers Share Self-advancement Techniques
Mrs. YiLing Chen, a Chinese teacher from the NEHS High School Department, recently participated in a program hosted by the Ministry of Education and the National Central Library. As part of a collaboration with the National Central Library and the Tainan National University of the Arts, she implemented the “Impression Sun,” a virtual reality interactive display program, in her Chinese course, named “From Literature to Media.” By reading Lin Liang’s works and utilizing the VR imaging equipment of the National Central Library, students can experience what virtual reality is and develop a further understanding of such. Ms. Xiao YuHsuan, a PE teacher from the NEHS Middle School Department was invited to demonstrate in the lesson study sesscion, the course named “The Differences in Badminton Serving Techniques.” Mrs. Chunhui Su, the coordinator of the elementary administrative office was also invited to demonstrate a lesson study sesscion for integrative activity. By preparing for the course, observing the sesscion, and lecturing after class, those who attended the class were able to glean a lot from said course. We are grateful to all the teachers and appreciate their willingness to further themselves and share their techniques.

NEHS Students excel in International Competitions
High school students Peng Kai-Yang, Wang Zhi-Jun, and Li Yu-Xuan participated in the 2019 International Linguistics Olympiad in South Korea, with Peng receiving an honorable mentioned and Wang and Li both winning bronze medals. Student Wang Shi-Yu competed in the 31st Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad in Mexico, obtaining a silver medal, and, along with Su Bo-Xuan, participated in the 31st International Olympiad in Informatics in Azerbaijan and brought back gold medals. Su and Wang respectively placed 6th and 11th overall. Over in the bilingual department, Max Chen (11A) participated in the Asian Robot Competition in Macau and placed second. Congratulations to all students; we thank the instructors for their assistance.

IBSH has once again won the prestigious affirmation.
In recent years, the Bilingual Department of the school had been working hard to host great cources for middle school students in the neighborhood. It has been highly praised by the Ministry of Education multiple times and has also won the prestigious award in this (108) school year. The theme of this project is “Traveling by the Wind, Artistic Exploration of Wind City” with cross-curriculum courses as the theme, combining literature, history, science and technology, and other courses for cross-school sharing and resource sharing. In the first project, local cultural and historical workers, Pan Guozheng, were invited to bring students to know the old city of Hsinchu and the Guangfu Road sixty years ago. In addition, through the experience of Ms. Zhang Xinzhi, an entrepreneur who returned to the hometown of Hsinchu, the Hsinchu Art Museum and Wowo Aesthetics were introduced. The exhibition allows students to learn to use the five senses to experience the observation of local aesthetics. In the natural ecology section, Lin Guoxiang was invited to introduce the camouflage form of natural insects in the Qionglin Township of Hsinchu County and to deepen students' impression of Hsinchu's natural ecology through experience. The second project is a special course for makers. Through the special geographical location of the school and the surrounding technology parks, it will cooperate with universities and enterprises to establish the unique courses of the school. Using 3D printers and laser cutting machines, students are led to design more practical products that are fun and entertaining. IBSH also invite Lai Xinji, and let the decryption coexist in one room to stimulate students' motivation for learning along with designing puzzles and answers. The course is rich, and we welcome everyone to join us!

We are Champions
The critically acclaimed Taiwanese film“We Are Champions” places its focus on the HBL (High School Basketball League) and has received immense praise since its release in August 2019. Ms. Lin, a Chinese teacher of NEHS High School Department, recently invited director Chang Jung-Chi (who also directed the local blockbuster film “Touch of the Light”) and four other actors to visit the NEHS campus and discuss their experiences with students taking a Chinese elective course named “From Literature to Images.” Also, the grade 6th teachers of elementary department found that watching the movie was a valuable opportunity for young 6th graders to learn about teamwork, sportsmanship, resilience, and persistence in pursuing one’s dreams. After receiving approval from parents, the teachers arranged an exclusive movie session. They too participated in the discussion about a variety of topics on casting, training, and obstacles while filming the movie, inspiring students to pursue their goals with determination and passion.

Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Education - A Lecture by Ms. Yong-Ting Rao (Elementary Department)
The Ministry of Education’s new project, “The Pioneering Program for Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education in Taiwan,” seeks to use life’s subtle changes to develop students’ innovative and problem solving abilities. The second term of this project uses STEAM to redefine one of the focuses of the twelve-year educational system, the “core competencies” of students. By paying close attention to the connections between learning and daily life, the growth and development of learners are highlighted. A teacher from the Elementary Department, Ms. Yong-Ting Rao, was invited to lecture at a workshop, “Interdisciplinary Gathering and Setting Sail on Aesthetics,” held on September 5. She used a lesson on marine life from the fifth grade Chinese textbook as her theme, and talked about combining nature, performing arts, music, visual arts, and other courses to educate students about marine ecology and the beauty of the ocean, ending their lesson with poetry writing and the creation of a short film. By sharing through experience, we can illustrate and understand the essence of aesthetic teaching.