Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第八期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第24卷第8期

            情和滿滿的課程活動讓日方學生賓至如歸。12月                            Honors Society gave a warm welcome to students
            17日及18日則有德島縣脇町高校師生蒞校參訪,                           who came from Kochi Ozu High School, Japan. On
            由高二3班進行接待,安排科學活動實作-製作                             December 17th and 18th, teachers and students from
                                                              Wakimachi High School, Tokushima Prefecture were
            塑膠竹蜻蜓(placopter),雙方學生以英文互相                        welcomed by the juniors of class 3 who planned a few
            討論溝通,以期達到最好的效果。一天半的交流                             science-related courses. They discussed with each
            活動讓雙方學生都建立深厚的感情。最後則是                              other in English and made a placopter. Finally, on the
            12月26日千葉縣船橋高校與高二數資班的交流活                           26th of December, Funabashi High School students in
            動,此次是兩校間連續第七年的固定交流活動,                             Chiba Prefecture visited the junior Math and Science
                                                              Gifted program students as part of an exchange
            數資班師生全力以赴辦理接待,長期建立的連結                             program that has been happening annually for seven
            使活動更有意義。感謝中學部與雙語部行政及教                             years. We would like to thank all the high school and
            師的協助,讓每次的活動都能順利舉辦,為雙方                             the bilingual department administrative officers and
            師生留下美好的回憶。                                        teachers for partaking and contributing to the success
                                                              of these student exchange programs.
             看戲劇學英語 《轉動世界:伽利略》全                           “Changing the World: Galileo”  English Drama for
            英文演出                                              the Elementary Students
                 敦煌書局主辦「2019看戲劇學英語」活動,                           Caves Bookstore’s 2019 “Learning English
            邀請ArtSpot 國際英語教育劇團來台演出。ArtSpot                    while watching Drama” event invited ArtSpot, an
                                                              international English educational group, to perform.
            劇團於1997年成立,「擅長運用專業聲光效果、                           ArtSport was established in 1997, with the aim of
            舞台佈景、服裝道具,搭配演員生動演出經典                              using elements of theatre and the English language to
            的英語戲劇,讓非英語系國家的英語學習者親                              let nonnative English speaking countries understand
            自感受微型百老匯舞台劇的魅力」,本校國小                              the power of drama. The NEHS elementary department
            部也參與此活動,邀請Artspot劇團蒞校演出。英                         participated in this event and invited ArtSpot to
            文老師及導師們利用時間,向學生簡單介紹劇                              perform at the school. English and homeroom teachers
                                                              introduced the characters and the summary of the
            情及腳色,協助學生在現場能更融入劇情當中。                             drama, allowing for a better understanding of the
            《轉動世界:伽利略》講述科學巨匠-伽利略                              story. “Changing the World: Galileo” tells of the
            (Galileo)帶著勇氣,踏上追尋真理的旅程的故                         story of Galileo’s courage to embark on a journey of
            事。雖然全程以英語演出,但透過演員們傳神的                             scientific truth. Although the entire performance was
                                                              performed in English, students were still focused on
            演出,國小學生仍全神貫注的嘗試理解劇情。甚                             understanding the plot. After the play ended, students
            至在演出結束後,學生們踴躍的以英語向演員提                             enthusiastically asked performers questions in English.
            問,場面十分熱絡,為此次的英語戲劇演出劃下                             Overall, the event was full of excitement, marking a
            完美的句點!                                            perfect ending for this play!
                                                              Hsinchu City Team Relay Competition Recurrent
            新竹市大隊接力比賽 屢創佳績                                    Success
                 新竹市每年辦理大隊接力競賽,本校今年再                             Once again, teams of elite athletes were sent to
            度派出多隊菁英,參加新竹市108學年度大隊接                            represent NEHS and IBSH in the annual Hsinchu
            力競賽,果然佳績頻傳!中學部派出國一3班、                             City Team Relay Competition in the 108 school year.
            國三3班參加國中組2000公尺大隊接力國中七年                           Representatives from Class 3 in 7th grade and Class
                                                              3 in 9th grade participating in the 2000 meters relay
            級組及九年級組,雙雙獲得亞軍!高中組2000公                           both obtained 2nd place. In the 2000 meters relay
            尺大隊接力則由高中部及雙語部連袂出擊,女生                             high school division, participants from both NEHS
            組同樣奪下亞軍!男生組則獲得第三名!國小                              and IBSH won 2nd place in the girls’ division and 3rd
            部派出前一年的五年級大隊接力競賽冠軍-六                              place in the boys’ division. The elementary department
            年3班,同樣奪下國小1600公尺大隊接力B組第三                          was represented by last year’s 5th-grade champions,
                                                              who are currently in Class 3 of 6th grade, and came in
            名!而國二4班則獲得國中組2000公尺大隊接力國                          3rd place in the 1600 meters team relay this year. 8th
            中八年級組第六名。感謝張文怡老師、張唯宸老                             graders of Class 4 participated in the 2000 meters relay
            師、黃于芳老師、陳志傑老師、蕭郁璇老師、蔡                             and earned 6th place. With all the glory our contestants
            明憲老師、江函芸老師、李政諺老師、張家銘老                             have brought to our school, we would like to thank the
            師、陳怡芬老師、蔡欣霓老師及劉貞蘭老師的指                             guidance and support of teachers Ms. Wen-Yi Chang,
                                                              Mr. Wei-Chen Chang, Ms. Yu-Fang Huang, Mr. Chi-
            導。                                                Chieh Chen, Ms. Yu-Hsuan Hsiao, Mr. Ming-Hsien
                                                              Tsai, Ms. Han-Yun Chiang, Mr. Cheng-Yen Lee, Mr.
                                                              Chia-Ming Chang, Ms. Yi-Feng Chen, Ms. Hsin-Ni
                                                              Tsai and Ms. Chen-Lan Liu.

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