第二十五卷第二期    109415日出刊  April  2020

雙語部Career Day


法國史特拉斯堡國際交流活動(下) 幼兒園主題課程健康gogogo 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發  行  人:李健維

總  編  輯:林容安

編輯小組:何美璇 何宜臻 黃寶瑩 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng

刊頭:國小部 二年六班 楊采霏


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

獨立書店 X 校園書展 拓展閱讀視野

2019全國科普漫畫大展 科學新知解密

News Lunchbox 
Improve your English everyday
每天5到8分鐘,你能為加強自己的英文能力做什麼樣的努力?教育部與臺北國際社區廣播電臺(ICRT)合作推動「英語廣播互動學習計畫」,為國中小學生每天製播新聞英語節目「News LunchBox」,內容包括國內外重大新聞或時事議題,透過收音機或網路平臺、app皆可收聽。國小部則利用ICRT的素材,結合施行已久的「讀報小學堂」活動-學生在每天收聽News Lunchbox的內容後,完成指定的題目,並投入讀報小學堂的活動箱中,就能獲得積分,在期末的「讀報知識爭霸戰」中大顯身手,為自己及組員贏得獎勵!你今天聽新聞了嗎?試試看News Lunchbox吧!

Career Day 職涯講座分享
雙語部辦理Career Day為學生帶來一系列精彩的職涯講座,邀請許多重量級人物提供學生未來大學入學及選擇職業時不同的參考。今年,更將參與活動的學生向下延伸至6-8年級,讓學生能夠更早參與其中。今年接下第一棒的講者,是街頭藝人-陳守恩(Chris Chen)以音樂和動人的敘述,傳達自己的音樂人生。雙語部更另外邀請了法式甜點師林詩雅、德國萊因TÜV CSI國際神秘客服務稽核管理師林嘉怡、創立FlyingV、Inside、停停圈等網路平台或APP的科技創業人王佑哲、清大化工系教授王潔,以及實驗中學高中部校友:16屆的小說家朱嘉漢、皮膚科醫生林亮辰和22屆的民進黨發言人李問等在各行各業努力追求目標、發光發亮的人物蒞校分享自己的人生故事,即使講演時間有限,實中學子們也能透過這些充斥生命力量的分享,認識不同的人生方向。(詳情請見第3-4頁)

輔導室辦理模擬面試 感謝面試志工團熱情相助
協助學生就學輔導、訓練,一直以來都是本校輔導室的重點任務之一,每年都會邀請來自不同領域的畢業校友、家長、各行各業的專業人士擔任志工,陪伴學生走過面試的關卡。輔導室於期初進行模擬面試志工訓練,讓協助的志工們對於申請入學的面試及備審的重點及如何準備有更明確的概念。本校模擬面試分為一般面試及專業面試兩階段。面試時學生都須著正式服裝參與增加臨場感,並繳交備審資料,讓口試委員根據資料中提到的一些專有名詞或專業領域提供建議,在正式上場被問到時也更能從容以對。今年更邀請了雙語部Ms. Marina Lin擔任英語面試委員,透過跨部人力資源合作,協助學生做好更充足的準備。一般面試於3月25日開始,共舉辦12 場次,有60人次的志工及97位學生參與;專業面試則於4月10日、13日舉辦,共舉辦16場,計115人次參加。謝謝辦理模擬面試的輔導室以及熱心協助的模擬面試委員們!


Independent Bookstore X Schoolwide Book Display Expanding the Vision of Reading
The Friendly Book Supply Cooperative received a permit from the Ministry of Culture for all Taiwanese elementary and middle schools to host an event with a nearby independent bookstore. A bookstore near our school invited us to partake in this event. From March 24th to March 30th, the bookstore set up a book display in front of the administrative building, and they included many different themes, ranging from education to independence to science. During this week, teachers and students were welcomed to look through the books and purchase any if they wanted. In addition, they prepared short speeches for those who stopped by their stands. This event not only allowed students to understand the struggle of owning an independent bookstore but also created a designated time for teachers and students to share the enjoyment of reading!

2019 National Science and Technology Comic Exhibition
"Are electromagnetic waves actually as frightening as one would expect?", "Why should papaya milk be finished so soon?", "Is coriander fragrant?" The answers to these questions were all exhibited at the "2019 National Science and Technology Comic Exhibition" that opened on April 1 and closed on April 23. It is also affiliated with the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, and the Center for the Advancement of Science Education. The exhibition displays a total of 32 four-frame comics and 7 plot comic groups on various topics ranging from physics to chemistry, mathematics, geosciences, and information, striving to teach the sciences through art and enhance interest in science. Upon entering the library, students are immediately drawn to these creatively presented scientific facts, appreciating the thought and effort put into the exhibits.

News Lunchbox Improves your English everyday
What can you do to improve your English skills in 5 to 8 minutes a day? The Ministry of Education and the International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) worked together to promote the "English Radio Interactive Learning Program," producing the "News Lunchbox" English daily news program for elementary and middle school students. The content includes major domestic and foreign news and other current events, all accessible through the radio, Internet, or app. On the other hand, the elementary school department uses ICRT materials alongside the long-established "Newspaper Reading Class": students complete a series of assignments after listening to the contents of the News Lunchbox and accumulate points by putting those assignments into the designated activity box. At the end of the semester, students and their teammates can be rewarded in the "News Reading Knowledge Challenge"! Did you listen to the news today? Try the News Lunchbox!

Career Day in IBSH
The Bilingual Department’s Career Day brought students a series of exciting career lectures, inviting important speakers to present on captivating topics for future university admissions and career path selections. This year, the targeted student audience was broadened to grades 6 to 8, exposing diverse options to students earlier. The first speaker was Chris Chen, a street artist who used music and touching stories to convey his musical journey. The bilingual department also invited French dessert chef Lin Shi-Ya, TÜV CSI International Mystery Service Audit Manager Lin Jia-Yi, and technology entrepreneurs Wang Youzhe and Qingda Chemical who founded FlyingV, Inside, USpace, and etc., NTHU chemical engineering department Professor Wang Jie, and NEHS high school department alumni novelist Zhu Jiahan, dermatologist Lin Liangchen, and 22th DPP spokesman Li Wen, etc., who not only strive for their goals but also thrive in their fields. Though the lecture time is limited, students were captivated by their life stories and gained insight to different life paths. (See page 3-4 for details)

Guidance Office Mock Interview Special Thanks to the Volunteer’s assistance
Assisting and training students has always been one of the main focuses of the guidance office, and each year we invite experts on different fields to accompany students through their interview process. During the beginning of the semester, we trained the mock interview volunteers and made sure they understood how the college application and interview process works. The mock test consists of two stages: General Interview and Professional Interview. Students are required to participate with formal clothes in order to increase the sense of presence, and to provide background materials for the interview, enabling the interviewer to give advice according to the information on the application. There were 12 mock general interviews, starting from March 25th with the help of 60 volunteers and 97 students that attended. There were another 16 mock Professional Interviews on April 10th and 13th with 115 students participating. Something worth mentioning is that each year, we invited Ms. Marina Lin from IBSH to assist in English mockc interview. With the cooperation between departments, our students will be more prepared. Thanks to the guidance office that organized these mock interviews and the willingness of the assisting volunteers!