Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第六期
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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十五卷第六期  中華民國 109年 11月 15日出刊         November 2020
                                              發  行  所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 李健維
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本   ● 109學年各部新進教師介紹
                                              編輯小組: 何美璇、凃佳慧、黃寶瑩、林燕靖                          ● 109學年度校運會時程表
                                              英文翻譯: Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、
                                                    Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng  期  ● Travel Around the World
                                              刊   頭  : 國小部六年三班 辛靖雯                             國小部英語作業展
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                       要
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  ● HSINMUN XVI
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813  第十六屆模擬聯合國活動
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 幼兒園孩子「玩」運動
                                              雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

              109學年度校運會於十一月七日盛大舉行                                2020 Annual Field Day
                  實驗中學 109 學年度的全校運動會,在 11 月                           This year’s school-wide field day was held on
              7 日週六盛大展開!開幕式一如往例,由各部具有                            November 7th. Like before, the opening ceremony
              創意及巧思的進場做為開端,在司儀清亮活潑的介                             proceeded with the classes marching around the track
              紹詞中,各部或以班級為單位;或以學年為單位,                             in an orderly manner as the MCs excitedly announced
              學生及師長使出渾身解數,表現最具有班級或學年                             the class introductions. After Principal Lee thanked the
              特色的樣貌,使會場熱鬧非凡!接著由李健維校長                             PTA presidents’ for their hard work, NEHS and IBSH
              感謝本校家長會黃武雄會長在過去一年中對學校校                             displayed their school spirit for all the parents and
              務推廣的協助,並恭賀新任陳怡蓉會長上任。今年                             teachers in attendance. First up was the power dance,
              的大會舞由國小部高年級學生擔綱演出,五、六年                             hosted by the fifth and sixth graders of the Elementary
              級的學生利用開學以來的週五綜合活動課時間,由                             Department, then the IBSH cheerleading performance.
              課後 MV 舞蹈社周永欣老師編舞、學務組張文怡老                           Both were exciting as per usual, and we’d like to thank
              師編排隊形及展示牌變換,以及所有體育老師的協                             all the teachers and students involved for their efforts.
              助帶領之下,經過一次又一次的練習,最後在運動                             The field day commenced, and the competitions began,
              會這天,以熱力四射的樂曲搭配自製的道具、整齊                             starting with the intense 5th and 6th grade 100 meters
              劃一的舞步及抖擻的精神,在全場師生及來賓面                              finals, and ending with the 7th-12th grade class relays,
              前,呈現完美演出!緊接著是雙語部年度啦啦隊表                             which brought the day to a glorious close.
              演,精神抖擻的啦啦隊員們為場上的運動員們帶來                             HSINMUN XVI - Joint Efforts from All
              了無比活力,預祝今日運動會順利成功。當天上午                             Students and Teachers
              並進行了國小部五、六年級的 100 公尺決賽,國小
              部、雙語部 1-6 年級和幼兒園部的趣味競賽,及中                               On October 16-18, the bilingual department held
              學部及雙語部 7 到 12 年級各項徑賽決賽。而各部                         their 16th annual HSINMUN conference (HSINMUN
              教職員、家長代表、校友隊等的大隊接力競賽,更                             XVI), exploring the theme Civil Rights vs. Government
              是吸引所有人的目光,選手們竭盡全力向前飛奔、                             Control and the topics of democracy and rights. This
              爭取榮耀,現場歡呼聲、驚嘆聲與加油聲共譜出一                             year, the conference welcomed Amnesty Taiwan
              場聲勢浩大的交響曲,與參賽選手們的全力以赴交                             section director Ms. Eeling Chiu to speak about her
              織成精彩的演出。下午則由教職員工趣味競賽作為                             experiences as a human rights activist in Taiwan. The
              開始,最後是中學部、雙語部的大隊接力比賽,各                             event was hosted in various rooms across campus,
              班派出頂尖選手參賽,選手們奮力為班級爭取榮                              and schools from all across the country participated
              譽,為 109 學年的校運會劃下了完美的句點。                            with great enthusiasm, coming to the conference well
                                                                 prepared and ready to craft reasonable compromises
              第十六屆模擬聯合國.實中師生全力以赴                                 while adhering to their countries’ stances. All delegates
                                                                 avidly represented their designated countries, allowing
                  109 年 10 月 16 日至 18 日,實驗中學雙語部舉
              辦第十六屆新竹模擬聯合國活動(HSINMUN XVI),本                      for intense discussion! Due to unprecedented Covid-19
              屆主題為「Civil Rights vs. Government Control」,         circumstances, the working team took extra precautions,
              即「民主與人權」。會中邀集來自全台各地十八                              including recording each participant’s body temperature,
                                                                                                    1   學校要聞
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