Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第二期
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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十七卷第二期  中華民國 111年 4月 15日出刊               April  2022
                                              發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 李健維
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本   ● 幼兒園部靜心湖課程活動花絮
                                              編輯小組: 袁子文、陳婉如、吳思醇
                                              英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Anna Huang、Abigail Lin、  ● 39周年校慶剪影
                                                    Guan-Jhen Wu、Karen Tsung             期
                                              刊   頭  : 國小部 4-4 楊采澐                           ● Data Analysis and R Programming
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                       要     選修課介紹
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  ● 國一教育劇場
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 騎鐵馬、非洲趣
                                              雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

              TOI 臺灣資訊奧林匹亞競賽選訓營.入選                               TOI - Taiwan Information Olympia
              人數創新高                                              Competition Training Camp    The Number
                                                                 of Selected Candidates Hits a New High
                                                                      The teachers and students at our school have been
              在各項數理競賽或考試上也都有令人驚豔的成                               working hard in the fields of Mathematics and Physics,
              果,近年更積極參與多項國際性的奧林匹亞競                               achieving outstanding results in various international
              賽,也都有不錯的成績。教育部為培訓選手參                               competitions. In order to train players to participate in
                                                                 the “International Olympiad in Informatics”, the Ministry
              加「國際資訊奧林匹亞競賽」(International                        of Education organized information training camps. This
              Olympiad in Informatics;簡稱 IOI),特辦理資               year, a total of seven students from the middle school,
                                                                 high school and bilingual department entered the training
                                                                 program, hitting a record high! Big thanks to all the
              人數創下歷年來新高!這七位學生中包含中學                               teachers who prepared students for Mathematics and
              部學生及雙語部學生,且跨越了國三至高三四                               Information related guidance, and hope that all students
                                                                 will pass the final selection and compete abroad!
              指導,預祝同學們能夠順利通過決選,出國競                               Elementary Department Ball Games
              賽爭光!                                               Competition   Great Time For Grades to
                                                                 Show Their Talents and Strive for Honor

              國小部球類競賽.各年段大顯身手爭取榮                                      The  elementary  department  held  sports
              譽                                                  competitions for grades one to six during the school
                                                                 anniversary month, which officially launched on
                   國小部在校慶月舉辦一到六年級班際體育                            March 14th. Considering all aspects of students’
              活動,活動於 3 月 14 日正式展開。配合各年                           health, different fields of learning goals, and physical
                                                                 and mental development, PE teachers have set up
              段學生在健康與體育領域的學習目標,以及考                               suitable competitions for different age groups: frisbee
              量適合學生的身心發展,體育老師們位不同年                               competition for lower grades, dodgeball competition for
                                                                 third graders, tee-ball competition for fourth graders,
                                                                 basketball competition for fifth graders, and volleyball
              三年級躲避球賽、四年級是樂樂棒球比賽、五                               competition for sixth graders. Although the competition
              年級籃球比賽及六年級的排球比賽。雖然比賽                               was postponed many times due to unsuitable weather,
                                                                 with the cooperation of teachers and students, all events
              期間因天候不佳多次延賽,但是在各年段師生                               were successfully completed. A special shout-out to all
              的配合之下,順利完成各項賽事。感謝行政團                               the administrative and PE teachers for taking time and
              隊及體育老師們費心安排並擔任裁判,也謝謝                               effort to make this event happen, as well as homeroom
                                                                 teachers for their assistance and cooperation! More
              各班導師的協助及配合,更重要的,是要給予                               importantly, big thanks to all participants who cheered
              充滿運動家精神的孩子們滿滿的鼓勵和讚賞!                               the contestants and showed great sportsmanship!
              恭喜得獎班級!                                            Congratulations to the winning classes!
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