Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第六期
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十九卷第六期 中華民國 113年 11月出刊 November 2024
發 行 所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人: 張簡瑞璨
總 編 輯: 林容安
編輯小組: 鄭維欣、劉玟秀、劉盈君、張雅茵、劉芷瑩、李婉禎、 本 ● 113學年新進教師自我介紹(下)
英文翻譯: Emily Wu、Winnie Liu、Amy Wang、Audrey Chuang、 期 ● IBSH 2024 College Matriculation
Joanne Huang、Janet Hsu、Debby Chun
刊 頭 : 雙語部 9B Suin Lee 李秀仁 ● 幼兒園迎新會
學校網址: 要
地 址 : 新竹市介壽路 300號 ● 雙語部新詩朗讀比賽
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
設計印刷: 富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目 ●「艾」拉近我們的距離
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813
雜誌類登記證 ● 局版台誌第 283號
113 學年度校運會於十一月九日盛 Field Day Successfully Held on
大舉行 November 9, 2024.
Our school’s annual Field Day took place on November 9! This
本校一年一度的校運會將於 11 月 9 日隆重登場! year’s activities featured exciting events from each division of the
今(113)年的活動涵蓋了學校各部門的精采賽事,增 school, creating a lively atmosphere. Each department held preliminary
添緊張而熱烈的氛圍。各部分別於校運會日前進行初 rounds before Field Day, with the NEHS and IBSH high school and
賽,其中高中國中部與雙語部中學年段已自 10 月底展 middle school dept. starting their competitions at the end of October,
and the elementary students kicking off on November 7. Students had
開競技,國小部與雙語部小學年段則於 11 月 7 日展開 eagerly prepared for many weeks to compete for the highest honors for
賽程。學生們紛紛蓄勢待發,準備為自己及班級爭取 themselves and their classes.
最高榮譽。 On Field Day, the campus was filled with enthusiastic parents,
retired staff of the school, and alumni returning to their alma mater.
運動會當天,校園擠滿了熱心參與的家長、關懷 At exactly 8:00 a.m., the athletes entered to thunderous applause,
學校的退休教職員工,以及重返母校的歷屆校友。上 officially marking the start of Field Day. Displaying the spirit of
午八點整,運動員隊伍在熱烈的掌聲中進場,揭開校 “Five Departments in Harmony,” students from the elementary,
middle school, high school, bilingual, and kindergarten departments,
運會序幕。展現校園「五部共榮」的精神,國小、國 along with faculty, participated in the festivities. The bilingual dept.
中、高中、雙語與幼兒園部的學生、教職員工與校友 also meticulously planned a spectacular power dance performance.
一同參與盛會。雙語部精心策劃了精彩的大會舞表演, Accompanied by energetic music, the students' synchronized
配合動感音樂,學生們的整齊舞步引得觀眾陣陣掌聲, steps earned rounds of applause from the audience, and the IBSH
cheerleading team’s vibrant performance also added to the excitement.
隨後雙語部啦啦隊的熱情演出,更是成為全場焦點。 Competitions took place throughout the day, with finals sparking
比賽全程從早上到下午,各項決賽場上熱血沸騰, boundless energy as students cheered loudly and continuously.
學生們不斷加油吶喊,場面熱鬧非凡。特別是在中午 Especially exciting was the relay race before noon, featuring teams
of alumni, teachers, and parents, adding further excitement to Field
前的大隊接力賽,校友隊、教師隊和家長隊相互競技, Day. Meanwhile, the kindergarten hosted its exclusive activities on a
為運動會帶來了更多高潮。幼兒園則在小操場舉行專 smaller field, inviting parents to join a family sports event hosted by
屬活動,邀請家長參加由漢堡老師主持的親子運動會, 漢漢漢漢. Children and parents laughed together as they enjoyed the
interactive games.
小朋友和家長一起在親子遊戲中笑聲連連,感受運動 With the enthusiastic support of all teachers, students, and
的樂趣。 parents, this year’s Sports Day concluded perfectly, becoming a
在全校師生及家長們的熱情支持下,今年的校運 precious and lasting memory for everyone there!
會完美落幕,成為師生們珍貴的回憶! Taiwan Island-round Science Train
臺灣科普環島列車啟航.高二數資班 Starts!
學生介紹實驗原理 on October 21! Mr. Lin Yixuan, the 11th-grade homeroom teacher
This year's “Taiwan Island-round Science Train” starts again
of Math and Science Gifted program, led 30 high school students
今年度的「臺灣科普環島列車」於 10 月 21 日再 to actively participate in activities hosted by two corporate coaches.
次啟航! Students were responsible for activities and demonstrations of the
“Digital Development Group,” and “Wistron Company.” Students
本校高二數理資優班的林怡瑄老師帶領 30 位同 became coach owners, and led primary school students into a deeper
學,積極報名參與兩個企業車廂的活動,分別負責「數 understanding of the “communication design,” “submarine cables,”
位發展部」與「緯創科技」的科學活動與實驗演示。 “Morse code,” “low-orbit satellites,” “digital twin pairing,” “physical
學生們化身車廂關主,帶領搭乘列車的小學生,深入 car challenge,” “Role Play Script,” “Production Line Game,” and
many other scientific games. Our high schoolers joined hands with
學校要聞 1