Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第六期
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實中園地 The Newsletter of NEHS 113年第 29卷第 6期
了解「通訊設計」、「海底電纜」、「摩斯密碼」、「低 the kids and only introduced various interesting scientific principles,
軌衛星」、「數位孿生配對」、「物理小車挑戰」、「角 allowing elementary school students to understand the charming and
ubiquitous scientific world. Through the Science Train activity, the
色扮演劇本」和「生產線遊戲」等多項科學遊戲。本 promotion of technology continues.
趣地介紹各項實驗原理,讓國小學生們認識生活中隨 IBSH Holds its First Fall Carnival,
處可見卻又充滿魅力的科學世界。透過科普列車活動, Bringing Memorable Moments to
科技推廣的腳步向前邁進。 IBSH Elementary Students!
雙語部舉辦首屆 Fall Carnival.為 At the end of October this year, the IBSH specially organized
小學生帶來歡樂時光! its first Fall Carnival for elementary students, making for a lively
and bustling event! The department had carefully arranged a variety
of exciting activities, allowing elementary students and teachers to
今年十月底,雙語部特別為小學生舉辦了首次的 enjoy a thrilling time together. Teachers introduced the origins of the
Fall Carnival 秋季園遊會,活動熱鬧非凡!雙語部精心 holiday to the students, adding a fun learning experience. Guided by
their instructors, students dressed up as various characters, explored
安排了多項精彩活動,讓小學年段的師生們享受了一 different rooms of the administration building, and participated in
段快樂的時光。老師們向學生們介紹了節日的由來, “Trick or Treat” activities, filling the atmosphere of surprise and
增添了學習的趣味性。在導師的帶領下,學生們化身 excitement. Each class’s parents also thoughtfully prepared game
booths, allowing the children to challenge various creative and
各種角色,穿梭於行政大樓的各處室,參加「Trick or interactive games. Notably, the newly established IBSHO Junior
Treat」活動,分享驚喜與驚嚇的氛圍。各班家長也精 orchestra gave its first performance, bringing beautiful music to the
心準備了遊戲攤位,讓孩子們挑戰各種充滿創意的互 event and filling the venue with a warm and elegant melody.
Special thanks to the parents who spent their holiday time
動遊戲。值得一提的是,剛成立一年的管弦樂團小學 decorating and creating a strong festive mood. The IBSH’s Fall
團(IBSHO Junior)首次登台演出,帶來優美的樂聲, Carnival was a grand event that blended fun, learning, and music,
讓活動現場洋溢著優雅與溫馨的旋律。特別感謝家長 allowing teachers, students, and parents to spend this unforgettable
們利用假日的時間用心布置,營造出濃厚的節日氛圍。 autumn season together. Lastly, we’d like to thank the elementary
雙語部的 Fall Carnival 是一場融合趣味、學習與音樂饗 department head of the IBSH, the homeroom teachers, parents, and
each office of the administration building and library for their full
宴的盛會,讓師生和家長共同度過了這個難忘的秋日 support and assistance, making this year’s Fall Carnival a complete
時節。最後,感謝雙語部小學科召、各班導師、家長 success!
以及行政大樓各處室和圖書館的全力支持與協助,使 Visit from Pontonniers International
High School
法國史特拉斯堡國際高中來訪.臺法 Our school first started hosting exchange programs with Le Lyc?e
交流大成功 international des Pontonniers in Strasbourg, France for the first time
in 2020, when our school went and visited them. Unfortunately, the
COVID-19 epidemic broke out that year, and teachers and students of
本校自 2020 年首次與法國史特拉斯堡龐陀尼爾國 Le Lyc?e international des Pontonniers were unable to visit our school
際高中展開交流,由本校率先前往龐校參訪。可惜當 in return. In February this year, our school organized a visit with 20
年隨即發生 COVID-19 疫情,龐校師生無法回訪本校。 high school dept. and IBSH students, led by Director Ho Meixuan of
the Academic Affairs Office and Ms. Savannah Lee, the Registrar of
時至今年 2 月,本校再次由學務處何美璇主任與雙語 IBSH. During their visit, students received warm hospitality and care
部李慧中組長帶領高中及雙語部高中年段計 20 位同學 from their host families.
參訪龐校,接受友校及接待家庭熱情款待與照顧,返 Following the visit, preparations began to welcome Le Lyc?e
台隨即展開接待對方來訪的準備,希望以豐富的在地 international des Pontonniers, ensuring that the teachers and students
from Pontonniers would experience the warmth and hospitality of
課程與文化,讓龐校師生感受台灣人黏膩溫暖的人情 Taiwanese people during their visit. On October 13th, Principal Ms.
味。龐陀尼爾國際高中由校長 Rosay V?ronique 女士帶 Rosay V?ronique, teachers Ms. Couval Annick and Ms. Gesse Chih-
隊,帶領 Couval Annick 及 Gesse Chih-ching 兩位老師與 ching, along with 18 students, arrived in Hsinchu to begin a nine-
18 位同學於 10 月 13 日抵達新竹,展開為期 9 天的交 day exchange program. Along with attending regular classes with
our students, IBSH arranged traditional cultural activities such as
流活動。除安排入班聽課、隨班寄讀的校園生活體驗, lion dance, Chinese calligraphy, seal cravingng, and Kin-Ball for
雙語部教師們更規劃舞獅、書法與篆刻等一系列的傳 the French students. Ms. Ho, also a geography teacher, created the
統文化課程以及 Kin-Ball 體育課。本身為地理科教師的 Zhuqiancheng (the old name of Hsinchu City) outdoor games to
give the Pontonniers students a deeper understanding of Hsinchu's
何美璇主任,為了讓龐校學伴認識新竹在地文化,特 local culture. During the walking tour around the city, Pontonniers
別設計竹塹城大地遊戲,龐校師生在步行闖關的過程 students and teachers had the chance to explore Hsinchu's old city,
中認識新竹舊城區,更感受其歷史韻味與台灣在地的 experiencing its historical charm and vibrant local culture. Our school
also organized a day trip to Neiwan, a local Hsinchu tourist town,
活力。本校更安排一日校外教學,帶領龐校師生一同 where the exchange students enjoyed learning about Hakka culture and
探索新竹在地觀光小鎮——內灣,體驗客家擂茶。參 sampling traditional Hakka Leicha. On the final day of the visit, the
訪最後一日,龐校同學練習用中文到傳統市場與超級 exchange students practiced their Chinese by shopping at traditional
markets and supermarkets for ingredients for the farewell lunch, which
市場購買中午歡送餐會的材料,在烹飪教室與學伴們 consists of handmade dumplings and hot pot made by the exchange
一起包水餃、煮火鍋,建立美好的回憶。交流活動圓 students and their Taiwanese correspondents.
滿順利,感謝負責本計畫的主任、組長、老師與參與 The exchange program was a great success, thanks to the efforts
同學,以及擔任接待家庭的家長們,一起熱血熱心款 of Ms. Ho and Ms. Savannah, teachers, participating students, and
待遠道而來的師生友人;除了結交新朋友,也為國民 the parents who warmly hosted the exchange students, making this
program possible. Their efforts not only fostered new friendships but
外交盡一份心力。 also contributed to promoting international goodwill and diplomacy.
2 學校要聞