Page 4 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第六期
P. 4

實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 113年第 29卷第 6期

                                                IBSH    Ms. Lan Nguyen

                                                    My name is Lan Nguyen and I am the Middle School Guidance
                                                Counselor serving grades 6-9. This is my first time in Taiwan working at
                                                an international school. I was born in Saigon, Vietnam, and have lived
                                                in North Carolina and Virginia for most of my life. My family and I
                                                immigrated to the US when I was 10 years old, so thankfully I can speak
                                                and read/write Vietnamese. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology
                                                at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and my Master’s degree
                                                in Education at George Mason University. I have been a school counselor
                                                for 14 years. I became a school counselor because I enjoy working with
                                                students and helping them pursue their goals and dreams. In my free time,
                                                when I’m not chasing around my two children, I am usually watching
                                                kdrama, trying new foods, or planning about my next travel adventures.

                                                IBSH    胡曼琪 (Maggie Hu) 老師

                                                    各位實中的老師、夥伴大家好 !

                                                    我是畢業於國立彰化師範大學特教系 112 級的胡曼琪
                                                (Maggie Hu),目前擔任實中雙語部的特教教師與 CSL1 的中文教



                                                IBSH    蔡佩津老師 Ms. Lucy



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