第六卷第六期     中華民國九十年十一月十一日   NOV.2 0 0 1

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加  拿  大  N  R  C  研  究  見  聞  


   加拿大國家研究委員會(NRC )自1998年起,每年
   上期   李久林及 Eric Lee 兩位同學的心得報告之後,

◎高三四班 陳心瑜同學
         我的工作就沒這麼順利了,  原本的題目是利用固態核磁共振進行對癌細胞的偵測和判定( Detection and
 Classification of Tumor Cells by NMR ),比較不同種類的癌細胞所得出的光譜儀。一開始的主要工作就是閱讀文
獻資料和熟悉基本的操作,了解何為 N M R , 這是相當繁瑣的,因為不僅牽涉到很多複雜高深的量子物理,
始旋轉時,整個破裂在探針內。600 Hz  的固態核磁共振儀正式宣告報銷,必須送至美國維修一兩個月,我的
癌細胞mRNA的反轉錄和cDNA的電泳、基因轉殖以及培養癌細胞等。在這裡的工作其實是一個team work,需
目的就是盡我可能地去學習,因此我的教授也鼓勵我勇敢地發問, 多看看別人在做什麼,充分把握每一個學

               My Canada Experience 
                                                           Bilingual Department 
                                                                               Jacob Jou
How  would  you  like  to  walk  around  a  hospital  in  scrubs and a lab coat, and  have everyone think you're a doctor? That's 
basically what I did last summer──when I wasn't working, that is. I was posted at the Eye Institute at the General  Campus of 
The Ottawa Hospital run by the University of Ottawa.
At  first  I  was  a  bit  disappointed  to  be  assigned  to  the  University  because “Natiolnal Research Council”sounds  more 
prestigious, but I soon grew  to  appreciate  my  assignment.   Working  with  Dr. May Griffith, I got to dissect animal  embryos,
 dehyrdate and section animal,  human,  and  artificial corneas , perform H&E staining, photograph my cells under a microscope,
 perform immunohistochemistry on my  sections  using  antibodies, and do all kinds of other cool, hands-on things. It was really
 interesting to be able to perform new, groundbreaking experiments rather than merely repeating, step by step, what someone else
 did hundreds of years ago. Unfortunately, the innovative nature  of the work also means I can't go into too much detail─I had to
 sign a confidentiality statement before beginning work. (Who'd have guessed that Suh-Harn was telling the truth about having to
 sign one the year before?) 
Four of us agreed that while I had the most, er, economy-class accomodations (read I nearly died), I had the most enjoyable job.
 Eric even made time in his busy AIMing and computer-pinballing schedule to visit me for a day at my job, which he said was a
 lot of fun.
Between reading books and watching Murder in Small Town X, Charmed, Friends, Weakest Link, Factor, and all kinds of other
 American  TV  shows  that  are  common  in  Canada  but  an  endangered  species  in  Taiwan,  I managed to pass my evenings 
--------unfortunately, I had no Internet at home. On the weekends, the four  of  us  would  meet up and go places. We shopped St.
-Laurent Centre and Rideau Centre, took a ferry ride up the Rideau Canal, visited musuems and landmarks in Ottawa, and walked
 along the banks of the Ottawa River together. On one weekend we even made a trip to Toronto  and Niagara Falls with one of the
 host families, which was great fun. We went to Silver City Cinemas in Ottawa's  Gloucester  suburb  many  times  as  well.  Eric
 made us watch Tomb Raider (Barf, barf, Angelina Jolie is such a bad actress!), so I made him watch Legally  blonde  and  The
 Princess  Diaries  ( What , like  it's  hard ? ).  All  in  all ,  I  found the NRC summer program to be an enjoyable, exciting, and 
educational way to spend a summer──and keep in mind that all this is coming from a humanities student! If you're a science
 specialist, who knows how deliriously, unbelievably, out-of-your-mind happy you'll be there?
