
學校要聞 家長會長的話運動會人物專訪 特別報導校外教學 身體總動員 活動看板

National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
Publisher : Li-Ming Tai
高一3班 林敏
地 址
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
卡蒙公司 Tel:03-5165690
【 人物專訪】
   .聯華電子研發部 副部長 (1995 至今)

   .清華大學 材料系(1982)
   .麻省理工學院 (MIT) 電子材料博士(1990)
   .清華大學材料中心 副研究員(1990 -1995)
   .優秀青年電機工程師獎-中國電機工程學會 (1998)
   .傑出青年獎-中華民國電子材料及元件協會 (1999)
   .國家發明獎金牌獎-經濟部 (2000)
   .十大傑出工程師獎-中國工程師學會 (2001)
   .國際學術論文:62 篇
   .國內外專利:72 件






  回到台灣,游博士先在學校研究機關服務,為了接受更大的挑戰,遂轉至聯電研發部以求自我實現──她希望投身研究具創意的先進製程,並能速見工作績效,滿足成就感。近來,游博士在專注目前研發工作之餘,對近來奈米科技及和人類密切相關的生醫科技,也產生了極大的興趣。在她的觀念中, 科技發展的最終目標,便是改善人們的生活品質。






Advice from a Successful Scientist-
Dr. Tri -Rung Yew

by 11A Debbie Chang

Dr. T. R. Yew
  Dr. Tri-Rung Yew is a scientist currently employed by United Microelectronics Corporation. Born in Taiwan, she attended Ching-Hua University as an undergraduate student and received her PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has published widely and has won many awards for her outstanding scientific work.

On School and College
  As a young student, Dr. Yew did well in almost all subjects and loved school. This success gave her the confidence to want to attend a school like MIT, very competitive and very different from her college in Taiwan. She survived the culture shock and became more open-minded. Now, Dr. Yew encourages students to study abroad, as overseas study taught her to be an individual and to be responsible. Also, from the many smart people surrounding her she realized that "Surrounded by many smart people makes me open-minded."

On Being a Scientist
  Dr. Yew started out wanting to become a physics teacher because physics answered questions, telling her "Why?" However, at college she found out that it was best to take a variety of courses because all subjects are related in some way. College teaches all the basics, and usually there is a great deal for a college student to learn.
While a solid foundation is important, Dr. Yew also stresses that one doesn't need to be a bookworm 100% of the time. Her advice to students is to spend 80% of their time learning from the books and to spend the rest of their time in the real world. She encourages students to read magazines, to be curious, to think, and to ask questions. Question what you see around you, and question what others tell you. A scientist should ask "Why? How was it made? What is it made of?" After trying to repeat a procedure or make something yourself, ask "Was I right? Is there any other way?"
  Dr. Yew says that, for students, it's okay not to be sure what they want to do in the future. She says it is most important to be interested in what you study. She also tells students that if they are interested in everything, they should study a broad range of topics to keep their options open, and then see what the world needs.

On Winning Awards
  Dr. Yew is quite modest about the various awards she has won, saying that awards are given for ideas, and those ideas usually come from group efforts. The leader of the group publishes material related to those ideas and is given most of the credit and awards. She says that most high-tech awards are centered on three aspects of electronic products: size, cost, and speed. These are the primary demands of producers and consumers, so developments in these areas are important.
  Dr. Yew also stresses that awards are not the prime motivation for being a scientist. She loves her work, and it's very important to her. Also, she says that as she grows older, she has come to realize that she really wants to do something for humanity, for her country, or just for her friends and the people close to her. These motives are more rewarding for her than being presented with plaques and medals.

On Being a Scientist... and Female
  In most of her classes from college onward, women were the minority (a few hundred in classes of over a few thousand). Dr. Yew says that, when there are so few women, it is the women who will be remembered. She also states that male-dominated society is less evident in the high-tech industry, and it's possible to find companies that are very open-minded.
  While Dr. Yew believes in promoting equal opportunities for men and women, she recognizes that there are some fundamental differences between the genders. She says that women are not so strong and are more easily tired by long periods of work. They are also less confident, sometimes questioning, "Can I do this?" and less aggressive because they don't want to compete with men and be thought too aggressive. However, women have their strengths as well. Dr. Yew thinks women are more patient, persistent, careful, observant, and communicative than men. She also thinks they work together better.
  When thinking and innovation are involved, women and men are just about equal. Often, Dr. Yew forgets about gender differences in the workplace because, after all, we are all humans. Sometimes, she says, the inequalities may be imagined and we should just try to overcome our differences.

On Family and Compromises
  Dr. Yew met her husband, got married, and had her first baby all while studying at MIT. Because both she and her husband were still students, they could not afford to have someone watch the baby. They took turns in 12-hour shifts, alternately working and taking care of the infant. Dr. Yew expresses the opinion that women don't necessarily have to take care of the housework and play the role of the housewife. She says that before getting married, a woman should make sure her future husband will support her decisions. To have a successful marriage, Dr. Yew states that husband and wife must accept each other's lifestyles and be willing to support each other.

On General Advice
  Dr. Yew says that life is long and that we are only starting out on our journey. Unexpected twists in life have led her down her present road, and she's happy with where they have taken her. She states that one must have a goal and do one's best to achieve it but not be blind to other opportunities. Dr. Yew thinks language is an important communication tool, and communication is essential to success. Time management and planning are also vital skills. Finally, well-mannered people who know how to think and have set a good foundation early on are the people who will succeed in life.

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