第八卷第五期     中華民國九十二年十月十五日   OCT. 2003

回 首 頁 校長的期許 歡迎新進教師 雙語部學聯會 人物專訪 視訊會談 每月一樹 升學榜單 活 動 看 板



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Bilingual Department Student Council Year 2003

Formed in 1994, the Bilingual Department Student Council's (BDSC) main purpose is to represent the student body, address school affairs, fulfill the needs of the students, and to improve the general welfare of the students. This year's BDSC officers are Fung-Lin Wu, President; Christine Teng, Vice President; Stephanie Sun, Secretary; and Debbie Chang, Treasurer. The Bilingual Department Student Council leads activities such as dances, spirit week, and movie nights; at the same time, student council enhances the environment of the school with new air fresheners and soap. This year, the student council plans to focus sufficient amount of time on both student affairs and school activities. BDSC desires to arrange new activities that the student body wishes for. In addition, we hope to deal with more student issues proposed by the study body. Within the Student Council are three branches: Honor Council, Executive Council, and Activity Council. The officers and all three branches of the Student Council wish to improve the students'life and the school's environment. The Bilingual Department Student Council looks forward to satisfying the needs of the student body. 


From left to right are: Christine Teng, Debbie Chang, Fung-Lin Wu,
and Stephanie Sun.

A Letter from Mr. Keith Eckerling 
- College Advisor, Bilingual Department

Welcome back for another year at NEHS. I am pleased to be back for my third year as your College Advisor and am looking forward to another successful year of college placement. I spent most of the summer in my hometown of Chicago but managed to travel for pleasure, as well as learning more about the exciting world of college counseling. I attended the 2003 Harvard Summer Conference on College Admissions during the last week in June. I also attended a three-day conference on college admissions in Chicago during July. Both conferences were very useful as I learned of new developments in counseling and networked with my colleagues in the profession. The Harvard Conference included such people as the deans of Admissions at Harvard, Yale, Penn, and Miami. Please note the picture of the Harvard Dean and myself partying at a cocktail party. 

So what is new in the field of college counseling you may ask? The biggest news of the summer was the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action. This will make it possible for schools to use race or ethnicity in the admissions process. It may not be the sole reason for acceptance, but may be a considered a variable in the admissions process. In my opinion this will have a positive benefit for college students as it will help to insure campuses are communities of diverse learners and diverse cultures. The other major development came with the announcement by Harvard and Stanford of new early admission programs. Both schools will issue early acceptances and allow students until May 1 to make final decisions. But they will limit students to applying to only one college on their early admission plan. 

The “New SAT 1” exam has sparked much talk among admissions professionals and teachers. It will be offered in the spring of 2005 and features a writing component for all students. This will most likely replace the SAT II writing most of our students have taken in the past. The new exam also ends the dreaded analogies section and contains changes to the mathematics section. This will have the most impact for the current 10th grade, the class of 2006. You may check out www.collegeboard.com to learn more about the developments regarding the “New SAT 1”.

This year I am planning on meeting with all the parents of the various grades to inform them about planning for college. I am looking forward to a rewarding and exciting year for all the classes at NEHS. Please don’t hesitate to stop by my office or call me if you have any questions or concerns. 


Keith Eckerling

College Advisor

編者按: Mr. Keith Eckerling 擔任本校雙語部升學輔導教師職務已經三年,以其豐富的升學輔導經驗和熱忱,不斷更新相關資訊,幫助了很多雙語部的學生進入理想的美國學府。Mr. Eckerling也十分樂意為高中部考慮申請美國大學的學生提供諮詢服務。請致電564-1405或e-mail:


