第八卷第五期     中華民國九十二年十月十五日   OCT. 2003

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         讓人仰望的學生導師-訪問曾志朗博士           View English



 教育部部長 陽明大學校長 
 中央研究院院士(1994 起)


 Creative Talent Award, American Institute for Research
 教育部國家學術獎 (1992)
 美國加州科學工程委員會科學貢獻獎 (1993)
 國科會傑出講座教授 (1993)


◎高三1班 胡品圭


這次更是如此,九月十六日早上,在一聲〝What can I do for you?〞之後,身兼教育學家與心理學家身份的曾副院長,以親切的口吻和誠懇的態度,招呼我們圍坐在中央研究院副院長的接待室,耐心地與我們分享著寶貴的經驗及看法。
















Psychology, Philosophy, Philanthropy, and Fame
~An Interview with Dr. Ovid J.L. Tzeng

         by 12A Debbie Chang

You may know Dr. Tzeng as the former Taiwanese Minister of Education. Tzeng, a cognitive neuropsychologist, is now at the Academia Sinica, where we paid him a visit. Tzeng began the interview by joking that he probably shouldn't say anything bad about anyone since we were taping everything he said . He was very energetic and willing to talk, eagerly leaning forward in his chair to relate his stories and philosophies.

Tzeng stated that many people don't understand psychology. In his time, especially in Taiwan, there was very little basic scientific psychology. He believes psychology actually has less to do with emotions and feelings than how we interact with society and how it affects us.   Tzeng  became interested in psychology through education, because the study of learning has to do with how effective different methods are and why.


Tzeng wishes that more people could be exposed to psychology through education. He says it's important to allow students to understand the complexities of society and behavior. Although psychology may not be as precise as other sciences, psychologists are more able to see the whole of human behavior. 

On a subject important to many NEHS students, the importance of prestige in selecting a university, Tzeng explains that it should be a careful personal decision. He was able to rattle off a list of smaller liberal arts schools in America, such as Antioch, Bryn Mawr, Reed, and Occidental. Among the advantages they can provide, he cited smaller classes, enthusiastic teachers, personal attention, and abundant opportunities. He still recommends a larger research university for those interested in a career in research. For example, Tzeng's own experiences include research at such universities as Penn State, UC Riverside, UC Berkeley, Ohio State, and Yale. 

What follows is a partial, edited transcription from the half of our interview that was conducted in English:

In one of your speeches, you mentioned encountering racism during an interview at UT Austin. Besides your decision to go to Ohio State instead of Austin, what were your initial reactions or thoughts? Did that experience affect your later research or policies?

You have to understand the situation. We were from Taiwan and I was spending all my time in the lab. I didn't pay much attention to the culture, because it's a university town, a college town. So when I went to UT Austin, I began to feel the reality of discrimination. As an Asian, I felt shocked. Did the UT experience have any effect on me? Of course. I began to think about and read about the history, the speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and began to realize, yes, the discrimination's there. And I came back to Taiwan and saw a different type of discrimination. We discriminate against our aboriginal people, and that's the same thing. All this experience really gave me some good guidance for my life. When I was the Minister of Education, I sent books to the underprivileged because I thought reading was important to them; the only way you can get out of impoverished situations is if your kids can read. I went to Taitung and I met a teacher to whose school I sent three hundred books. She thanked me and said, “Without those books, I don't know how to teach them.” With books, kids can be guided to read comics, or books about people like themselves. Discrimination is very, very real. You get the underprivileged, and they tend to be looked down upon and you want to try to help them. 

You are quite an accomplished person, well known far beyond the scientific world. How does it feel to know that many Taiwanese recognize your name and know who you are? What is your most interesting or embarrassing encounter as a public figure?

I spent almost two years as Minister of Education, and I think I tried to show that a man cannot be corrupted. The system had its ups and downs, and politics had its way of dealing with things. But, as a Minister making decisions to allocate money or promote certain ideas, I had to take responsibility for certain actions and decisions. I thought, maybe I will be condemned by certain sectors, but I can argue and be persuaded by the other side. But when the argument becomes irrational, I stay on my own course. It's not important to be an official, it's when you're in that position, you should do what you think is important for the people. When I'm in a cab, a lot of taxi drivers won't accept money. Even after three years, when I go to a local restaurant, usually the owner will come out with one or two dishes and say, “This is for you.” I feel embarrassed, but I feel good because I know I did what people think is right. Maybe they don't respect all my ideas, but they respect my ways. If we can get everyone to feel the same way, then we can elect good officials. But it takes time, because democratic society doesn't guarantee good Congressmen and officials. It takes time for people to recognize that THEY have the power to do it. But every time I go out and feel complimented, I really feel hope for Taiwan. People respect good deeds, and for that I'm very proud of Taiwan. 

Which is more important (for present and future): Chinese or English?

English is cosmopolitan; English is worldwide. If you are in the global village, then English is one language that you should have. It is because of the intrinsic open nature of the English language, always borrowing and adopting, that new words are being created all the time. Its large vocabulary makes English one important language. But being Chinese, of course Chinese is very important to me, because it carries traditions. And there's a lot of great thought in our civilization that goes deep down into the culture and what we value. You don't learn language on the surface; you learn it to learn the culture.

Many NEHS students are aware of your work. Do you have any words of encouragement or advice for students interested in research?

You have to stay on a career path to understand it. It's not just doing something because people asked you to. For all students who want to be in research in any area, get first-hand experience. Talk to people in the lab, get an internship, and learn. Get a feel for the kinds of questions scientists ask, and think, “Hm. That's interesting. I never thought of that.” See if the way they do things is something that you're interested in doing. And that's the way to go. 


