第九卷第一期     中華民國九十三年三月十五日   March  2004

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◎國小部英語教師 洪瑩容

相信許多同學對於「非揮發性化學花卉肥料免費」這句繞舌的話都有印象,也曾為了唸好它差點將門牙給擠了出來! 不只是中文,英文中的 tongue twister 不僅讓我們在茶餘飯後自娛娛人,如果善加利用,更可以是學習英語發音的最佳媒介喔!

世界上的語言雖然各不相同,但若從語言觀點來看,其中有許多類似之處,例如子音、母音及鼻音的存在。沒有一種語言完全沒有母音;也沒有一種語言僅有母音或是僅有子音的。其間母音和子音的組合情形各不相同。但各語言也有相異的發音方式;對中國人而言, 〔 phapha 〕 ( 怕怕 ) 和〔papa〕(爸爸) /p /音送氣與否會產生語意上的差異!

拿一個有趣又淺顯的英語繞口令和文前的那句中文句子相對應,我們會發現許多類似之處 ! 先清清喉嚨試試看:

Five fat farmers have five fine fruit farms; 

Food and fruit from four fruit farms and flowers from one;

Five fat farmers have fun on their farms ! 


在力求發音標準的階段,你可以時時找出已學過的類似音,或是最小音對,如/s/與/z/, 自己創意地組合成有意義的句子,或長或短,都可以幫助你辨音辨得更好;同時你也會驚覺自己有這般的創造力!以下是一位六年級同學在隨堂造句中的有趣創作:Kim is cooking a cup of coffee in a clean kitchen. 有沒有發現/k /聲不絕於耳呢 ? 在自創的過程中,我認為這位同學已經掌握也歸納出/k/音的發音重點了!


Doctors also doctor doctors, but the doctor doctors doctors in different ways he doctors different doctors!

這裡的doctor 運用了兩種詞性:一種是同學們熟悉的名詞(即醫生);另一種則是動詞(即是醫治)。由這兩種詞性組合成的聚串還可繼續延伸,不妨現在就提起筆來小試一下 ! 同類型的這一段繞口令,你再熟悉不過了: 

How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? 

A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans.

有些人以偏蓋全地認為繞口令是純粹耍嘴皮的一種語言存在形式。但平心而論,它卻是奠定英語發音基礎不可或缺的輔助! 在朗讀或是創作的過程中,許多英語發音規則、語調及韻律感也在不知不覺中建立了。這種概念的形成,遠比背誦坊間參考書中條列的各種生硬發音規則來的自然又有效率多了! 我們來欣賞幾則國小部六年級同學的可愛創作: 


Monsters                          六年三班 黃浩維

I see a cute monster.

He likes to drink water.

He has a good brother.

His brother likes to play soccer.

Also he has a great sister.

She likes every color on the soccer! 


Butterfly                                  六年三班 駱為家

There is a butterfly.

It tries how to fly in the sky.

On its wings, there are two eyes.

It tries many times.

It still can’t fly in the sky.

It started to cry.

Finally, it tried one more time.

It can fly in the sky! 


Draw a Picture                      六年七班 王嘉澍

I went to a bookstore.

I bought a pencil and an eraser.

And then I drew a spider on the picture.

What a big spider! The spider scared my sister.

But my sister said, You are a good painter! 


One, Two, and Three       六年六班 賴冠琳

One, two, three, four and five,

I am a little child.

Red, yellow, green, purple, blue and white,

The clouds in the sky are always white.

Water, juice, coffee and wine,

I like to drink juice better than wine.

Swimming, tennis, baseball, running and slide,

Which sport do you like? Which one makes you shy? 


