第九卷第五期     中華民國九十三年十月十五日   Oct. 2004

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學聯會    →English


學聯會幹部由左至右為: 劉柔君、莊子萱


◎高二3班 蔡宜庭


學聯會長之下,有活動、音控、文宣、公關等組。活動組是一切活動辦理者,同時也是四組當中最龐大的一支,所有活動主要策劃人手,幾乎都是活動組,想加入活動組的必要條件是敢show、不惜犧牲形象,能夠 high到最高點,並且可以跟任何剛認識的人達成良好互動。音樂,永遠是辦活動的靈魂,它操控著氣氛該是莊嚴、歡樂、或是悲傷,而音控組就是控制靈魂的神,他們不但要和主持人有很棒的默契,對於活動中音量控制,音樂剪接等辛苦的工作也要有一手,雖然人數不多,但已是校內頂尖的「音樂人」。文宣組負責活動的宣傳和推廣,校內活動海報的製作,全出自文宣組,他們有過人的美術天分和藝術氣質,更厲害的是有「趕稿」的功夫,能夠在最短的時間畫出最美的作品。公關組則是實中形象的代表,他們以整齊的服裝、大方的姿態、帶著笑容的臉龐和外交的長才去參加各校的公關茶會和聯誼,實中因此和其他學校建立起良好的關係,另外,公關組員們更用他們的條件去找特約廠商簽約,讓實中的老師同學們能省則省,享有折扣優惠。說了那麼多




Bilingual Department Student Council 2004

Student government for the students, and by the students, is the goal of the Bilingual Department Student Council. The purpose of BDSC is to plan activities for the students to relieve the stress of school, and to solve problems that crop up throughout the year. By working with other clubs on campus, various events and occasions can be carried off with success. BDSC is also an essential link between the Bilingual student body, the administration and the Experimental Department. The council is comprised of junior high and high school students dedicated to helping their peers at school. 

This year's officers are president Alex Chen, vice president Joyce Kuan, secretary Jodi Jean, and treasurer Jon Liu, all current high school seniors. 2004 to 2005 promises to be an eventful year, with both interdepartmental and bilingual department activities planned to increase unification and cooperation. Among the tentative schedule of events are an interdepartmental raffle, outdoor movie night, and a T-shirt contest. In addition, there are plans for holiday celebrations and decoration contests around Halloween and Christmas, two dances, student concerts, and social events. For the first time in several years, there are also activities planned especially for the elementary bilingual children, such as a stocking contest in December and an Easter egg hunt. 

One of the major goals of BDSC is to represent the student body on campus. This can be achieved by increasing communication between the student council and the student body concerning the quality of the school. BDSC can then work with the administration to remedy the situation. This year, specific goals are to improve school spirit and enrich cooperation between the Bilingual Department and the Experimental Department, so that the school can truly be one NEHS.

From left to right:Vice President Joyce Kuan, Secretary 
Jodi Jean,Treasurer Jon Liu and President Alex Che


