第九卷第六期     中華民國九十三年十一月十三日   Nov. 2004

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國中組 第一名

◎國三4班 蔡苑蓉


,醫師汗水淋漓的臉上,新生兒的母親欣然的擁抱這交融下的奇蹟。  人海茫茫。眨眼之間,就有一個小嬰兒出生在這繁華美妙的大地

線有短、有長、有的殘缺而細,有的飽滿且閃耀著光輝,但大部份的線,看起來都是相似的 :平凡的曲,沒有什麼特別之處;瞄一眼也就忘了。



每一天都如此這般的啊……連小學生也是這樣想的。  不過,放眼四望,好像總是有些身旁的人,過得很開心。























高中組 第一名

◎高一4班 黃紹峰










One Thing That Has Worried Me Very Much


高中組 第一名

◎高二3班 張皓瑜


Like millions of high school students around the world, I see education as an important goal in life. A good education at a prestigious university will often grant us the successful careers we strive to achieve. But is this what life is all about?

The school bell tolls in a melodious tune. Wearily, I step out of the classroom in an attempt to savour a breath of fresh air. Meanwhile, the classroom has erupted with chaos: people discussing the answers to the Math test in frenzy; people crying on each other's shoulders, dismayed by their failures...Ah! It's always the same scene replaying itself after exams. I need to get away. Not for the first time, I ask myself if marks really matter that much to me.

Of course, I worry for myself. Strolling down the stairs, I wonder where two failed Math tests and a zero in Physics all in one week are going to take me. Harvard? Very unlikely. As I pass by the glamorous college attendance list of last year's graduates, I realize all too strongly the distance between my ambitions and reality.

I must try harder, I tell myself. I was taught when I was young that people who go the extra distance will turn out to be outstanding figures. Eventually, apparently. Because after devoting myself to new vocabulary, horrendous math exercises, and seduction by physics, I still did not see the difference. My vision blurs as my eyes cloud. Angry tears of frustration stream down like the furious tidewaters. This moment, everything seems to darken, with the no longer significant attendance list fading away into nothingness.

I close my eyes, allowing myself to fall into the unknown abyss and sink into my pool of innermost thoughts. Something stirs in my memory: an old man selling flowers at the market, grinning ear to ear at the passer-bys; a bus driver who greets his passengers every morning with an energetic "Hel~~lo~~"; a bakery owner bragging to her neighbours happily about her sales for the day...These people are live proof that we can lead perfectly content lives even without a Ph. D from Yale. Stressed-out tycoons; professors who stay up the entire night to finish marking reports...Can I seriously dismiss people with not as refined an education as them as ones who end up leading inferior lives? Moreover, what do I really want from life?

The lines of letters regain their shape, while everything suddenly slides back in to focus. Light filtering through my mind shadows the insignificance of those black and white words. With glee, I realize that this is the first time in weeks I do not have a book in hand. Faintly, I hear the school bell tolling once more, sounding the beginning of another period of torture. I smile at myself, knowing that a path has been chosen. Acceptance from a prestigious college, after all, is only one aspect of our high school lives. Resolutely I trudge back into the deadly classroom. I feel, more than ever, prepared.


