第十卷第五期 中華民國九十四年 十月十五日 Oct. 2005





家好,我是國小部新進教師朱志青,畢業於新竹師院學院數理教育學系數學組,很幸運也很高興能到實驗高中教書,希望在這裡可以寫下一段又一段難忘的回憶。 我主修數學之外,對於資訊、歷史、天文、球類運動等等也都很有興趣,也希望自己朝向全方位教師努力,讓學生可以獲取各種不同類型的知識,「以有限的時間開發孩子無限的潛能,為孩子僅有的一次童年留下永遠的回憶」是我教職工作中陪伴左右的兩句話,願我的學生都能快樂成長。大學時期,曾擔任竹苗校友會會長、康輔社文書長、數學豐年慶籌委會主席等等,畢業之後也曾擔任過上湖國小幼童軍及幼女童軍團服務員,也曾在新竹縣政府教育局服務過,今年則接下生教組長工作,若有任何建議,歡迎隨時指教,讓學校生教工作更臻完善。




Ms. Marjorie King

 Jay and I are so grateful to be at NEHS this year. We have looked forward to and prepared for this opportunity for a long time. While I was in college, I studied Chinese language, history, and culture in Taipei. More recently, I've taught English in Beijing for several years. I've also started a scholarship fund for poor high school girls in China's Gansu province. I am so happy to have the chance to live in a Chinese culture again, to teach great students my favorite subjects (history and psychology), and to practice speaking Chinese. The only sad part was leaving our beloved dog, Sadie, with friends in Tucson, Arizona. Now, as the advisor for the community volunteer activity group, I can play with 20 dogs at NEHS!!! 

Mr. Jay Shumway

I like boats. I learned to sail when I was 14, did a hitch in the Navy, and almost got to be an Army sailor too. I also like art, literature, science, photography, music, languages, mechanics, woodworking, and so forth, but mainly boats. I grew up in a family that moved every year or two because of my father’s job. We lived in Europe and all over the United States, and later the Navy took me to Hawaii, the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Persian Gulf. My father taught us to get what we wanted through planning, hard work, and patience. I also learned a love of travel and adventure and not to be afraid to try new things. I am delighted to be teaching Physics here at NEHS amid so many excellent people, in a wonderful land where I can learn a new language and new ways of living, and have (at last) a decent sailboat and someplace to sail it.



小到大,文章很少有機會可以登上校刊,沒想到一來這學校,就給我這個機會一償宿願。 我是今年剛考進雙語部的數學教師,吳佩蓁。自師大數學系畢業後,去年在台北縣中山國中擔任實習教師,很幸運的今年考上鼎鼎大名的新竹實驗高中,感謝學校和這裡的主任、教師給我這個機會,使我可以延續我熱愛的工作。



Mr. Shawn Campbell

Hello and thank you for giving me the chance to tell you about myself. My name is Shawn Campbell. I come to you from the beautiful country of Canada. There, I taught grade 7 in a city called London (about 2 hours from Toronto). I have also taught 2 years in Japan. After teaching in Japan I took a year off to pursue my dream of playing professional basketball in Belfast, Ireland. That along with my time in Japan was a life changing experience. If you would ever like to play basketball or even just talk “hoops”, find me. I would love to share experiences. I am sure this stay in Taiwan will also be a fantastic experience. The staff and parents have been very welcoming. I have already developed a soft heart for the children here at NEHS. Children of all grades have been so kind to me, especially my grade 4A and 4B Humanities classes. I love how ‘big’ the NEHS student’s dreams are! I look forward to seeing this ‘Formosa” and experiencing the Taiwanese culture. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. It should be a great year!



Hello, my name is Kuan-Min Lien (連冠閔), you can also call me Frances. I am the new music teacher of the Bilingual department. I received my master degree in piano performance from the University of Southampton in the UK, and BA in Music Education from Taipei Municipal Teacher’s College(台北市立師院). It’s my pleasure to join the big family of NEHS. Music is the most beautiful thing in the world to me, with the passion to it, I will be very glad to share it with students and any of you at school.



Mr. Matthew Kiedrowski

 Hello, I'm Matthew Kiedrowski-married to the wonderful Mrs. Sonny Shaw. The First graders know me as Mr. Sonny, but Mr. K also works. I've been in education for the last 7 years, teaching predominantly in Junior High, and will be 7th grade Humanities and Drama this year. My wife and I are from Minnesota, so we're waiting to see if we will actually need the electric blanket we were told to bring? Minnesotans pride themselves on being able to handle the cold, so I'm still skeptical! We've heard such great things about the Taiwanese students, so we're excited to challenge the students and ourselves. We've purchased a car already, so we're also ready to be challenged on the road! Thank you to everyone who has made our transition here so easy and comfortable. Looking forward to a great year.

Ms. Sonrisa Shaw

 Greetings to NEHS students, parents and faculty. My name is Sonny Shaw and I am teaching first grade this year. I was raised in Minnesota where I also attended University and finished my graduate degree in Education. I am very excited to be teaching first grade again after three years of teaching Middle School in Minneapolis. I am married to Mr. K.-- the seventh grade humanities and drama teacher and we are very excited to see more of the Island’s natural beauty. I like to read, ski, sail and laugh. Thank you for helping make our adventure here so much fun.





Ms. Ann Lu

 Hello to all, my name is Ann Lu. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved to the States when I was about 15 years old. I went to Arizona State University for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, and I worked as an ESL teacher in Phoenix for four years before I return to Taiwan and started working at NEHS. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, surfing the internet, and watching television. It is really an honor and pleasure to be able to work at NEHS. Please feel free to say hi to me if you ever see me on campus.




大家好!我是熊明德,很高興能夠成為實中大家庭的一份子. 去年我在雙語部擔任代課老師及設備組長的工作,承蒙主任及諸位老師的指導,還有工作夥伴的支援、協助,順利的完成教學及工作的需求;今年又蒙幸運之神的眷顧,能夠成為正式的老師, 老天真是對我太好了! 我願本著一股赤誠,在教學工作上,請教前輩,精益求精;另外在業務上更希望做到行政支援教學的目標,歡迎大家來找我!



