第十卷第五期 中華民國九十四年 十月十五日 Oct. 2005

  發 行 所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人: 吳榕峰 Publisher:Rong-feng Wu
編輯小組:尚愛梅、 鄭碧玟、 Barbra Levine、李秀芬
刊頭照片:雙語部   十一年A班 石安睿同學(素描:鷹)
地 址:新竹市介壽路 300 號
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
FAX:886-3-5781813 http://www.nehs.hc.edu.tw
學校要聞English News

科管局李界木局長蒞校 嘉勉林穎璇與王渝溥勇奪奧林匹亞金牌



在升學輔導老師Mr. Keith Eckerling 的聯繫與安排之下,雙語部訂於10月19日在活動中心舉辦國外大學展,將有超過25所國外大學在活動中心設立展示攤位,提供雙語及實驗部師生與家長們國外大學的第一手資訊,讓即將開始大學申請程序的兩部高三同學們,能有機會對國外大學有比文宣更進一步的了解,而高一、高二的同學們也可以及早開始蒐集有用的資訊。大學展時間訂為10月19日(星期三)上午11時到下午1時。另於九月到十一月間有Boston University, USC 等七所大學個別到實中來與學生會談,時間與地點詳見本刊最後一頁。歡迎高一到高三同學們及家長們踴躍參加,增進對大學的了解,掌握先機,而能順利申請到自己心儀的大學。

圖書館舉辦西文經典圖書與兒童繪本展 由Page One書店提供圖書

圖書館訂於十月份舉辦西文經典圖書與兒童繪本展,由位於台北的Page One 書店提供展示。書展依年齡層分為兩梯次:10月5日到10月11日為西文兒童繪本展,於一樓展示;10月17日到10月21日則為美國紐約時報所選出的100本年度經典西文書展。其中兒童繪本展並配合圖書館課進行,將使同學們的課程資源更豐富且多樣化;歡迎師生及家長們踴躍參觀。

台灣區TRML數學競賽 高中部及雙語部學生榮獲全國團體銀牌獎

本校高中部邵書珩等十四位及雙語部陳信翰同學參加第七屆「台灣區TRML高中數學競賽」,榮獲「全國團體銀牌獎」。此項競賽是由財團法人九九文教基金會主辦,競賽內容分團體賽、思考賽、個人賽及接力賽四項,今年於八月二十日及二十一日兩天分別在國立台灣師範大學體育館及台灣大學舉行,總計有一百九十九支隊伍參賽。本校隊伍在顏貽隆、莊添丁、林淑真、黃芳芷及葉佐欽五位老師的指導下,比賽前積極備戰,比賽時奮戰不懈,勇奪全國團體銀牌佳績,令人喝采! (得獎名單詳見榮譽榜)


在教育部支助下,由雙語部主辦、教務處協辦的新竹市「模擬聯合國」討論會將在12月舉行,與會將有來自雙語以及高中部的實中同學與老師,以及新竹市新竹女中等四所高中的參與師生。「模擬聯合國」討論會的目標在增進學員對聯合國之了解,培養參與學員對世界性議題的關懷,進而經由外交與合作來達成世界和平的宗旨。學員們經由角色扮演、討論而培養團隊精神、具說服力之寫作技巧,以及辯論交鋒與折衝協調之能力。討論會中學生們將模擬聯合國之運作方式,扮演各國代表、聯合國官員以及各委員會主席等角色,就某一特定議題進行闡明立場、辯論、遊說、談判以至起草文件、最後通過決議等程序,以親身體驗在真實世界中主導全世界各國和平共存、合作共榮之聯合國的運作方式,提升政治、外交素養與國際宏觀。為求參與學生們在角色扮演及聯合國議事運作上更嫻熟順暢,實中已於9月7日及21日舉辦兩次新竹市籌備會議,說明「模擬聯合國」活動緣起並研擬實施細則;21日之會議並由台中美國學校校長Mr. Irwin Stein主講,主題為「模擬聯合國」之由來及其宗旨,與會教師均覺獲益良多;而師生們並將在10月20日赴台中美國學校參加研習訓練。此為新竹市第一次舉辦「模擬聯合國」討論會,由本校承辦頗為殊榮,對學生而言更是難得的學習與交流經驗,師生都拭目以待,並預祝活動圓滿成功。

HSP Director Dr. James Lee Visits NEHS

To Commend the Two Olympiad Gold Medalists Ying-Hsuan Lin and Yu-pu Wang Two seniors of the High School Department, Ying-Hsuan Lin and Yu-pu Wang, brought home gold medals for Olympiad physics and chemistry respectively. Ying-Hsuan Lin placed first worldwide, and Yu-pu Wang placed 8th. NEHS teachers, parents, and fellow students all felt immensely proud of the two. In accordance to the Ministry of Education's regulations, the Ministry will provide scholarships for the two seniors to study abroad for a total of eight years. In preparation for college and the English-speaking environment abroad, the school has arranged for them to transfer to the Bilingual Department this semester. After a month of classes, Bilingual Department teachers and students were awed not only by their outstanding knowledge in the sciences, but also their zealous attitudes toward learning. It can only be said that their achievements are well deserved. Dr. Wu Maw-Kuen, minister of the National Science Council, has commended the two gold medalists at the NSC administrators' meeting, and asked Dr. James Lee, Director of the Hsinchu Science Park, to publicly recognized these outstanding students in person .On September 21st, Dr. Lee made a special appearance at the High School Department's assembly and commended their exceptional work, and also encouraged the two to continue on the path of endless knowledge.

Bilingual Department Holds College Fair

On October 19th, with the help and arrangement of Mr. Eckerling, the Guidance counselor of the Bilingual Department, representatives of over 25 universities and colleges from abroad will be participating in the college fair in the school gymnasium. The fair will be from 11:00 AM to 13:00 PM, high school students and parents are most welcome to familiarize themselves with the colleges through personal contact and firsthand information. There are also a series of college visits from abroad from September through November. Please check the detailed schedule on the last page.

Library Holds Western Classics and Children's Picture Books Exhibition

Throughout the month of October, the library will hold a book exhibit of western books, sponsored by Page One. The exhibit will be divided, by age, into two: a display of children's picture books (10/17-10/21) and a display of "New York Times 100 Notable Books of the Year". The children's picture books display will be coordinated with library classes. Students, parents and teachers are welcomed to pay a visit and enjoy a fascinating treat for your mind.

High School Students Awarded Silver Medal in TRML

The TRML team of NEHS, consists of 14 high school students and 1 bilingual student, attended the 7th Taiwan division TRML High School Mathematics Competition and received a silver medal in team competitions. The competition, founded and hosted by the "99 Culture and Education Foundation", is divided into four categories: team competitions, critical thinking competitions, individual competitions, and relay competitions. A total of 199 teams entered the competition this year, which took place in Taiwan Normal Teachers' University and Taiwan University on 8/21, 8/22 respectively. Under the coaching and guidance of 5 teachers, the team was able to bring home outstanding results (the names of the team members and the coaching teachers are on the last page).

Bilingual Department Holds Citywide MUN Conference in December

Under the Ministry's guidance and support, the Bilingual Department will be holding a city MUN conference in December. Students from both High School and Bilingual Departments, along with students from 4 high schools in Hsinchu, will participate in this grand event that is unprecedented in Hsinchu. The foremost goal of MUN is to increase and enhance students' understanding of UN. In addition, the conference also serves to help students fully understand the importance of maintaining world peace and taking part in the global community. Through role-play, discussions, persuasive writings and debates, students gradually build a sense of community and team spirit; meanwhile sharpen their skills of negotiating and reaching mutual understanding and consents on various world issues. While the conference will be modeled after actual UN procedures, students will post as delegates from different countries. To fully prepare for the conference, NEHS has already hosted two meetings in September to familiarize the teachers and administrators of participating high schools with the MUN conference. Mr. Irwin Stein, Principal of the Taichung American School, was invited as the speaker on the 9/21 meeting and introduced the concepts of MUN. For further preparation, students will attend a seminar at Taichung American School on 10/20. The MUN conference held in December will be a first for Hsinchu, and NEHS is elated to have been selected to host the conference. Students and teachers alike look forward to this upcoming event. Good luck to MUN!