第十一卷第五期 中華民國九十五年 十月十五日October 2006











Howdy! 我是今年新進的國中部英文老師,施以力。最喜歡的,是每天早晨踏進校園的那一瞬間,聽見天真無邪的孩子們微笑著大喊「老師早」的感動。最近發現,進入這個學校後,生活中再也沒有任何埋怨。原來,這是因為我已經得到生命中最值得期待的--給予我的孩子們學習的動力,傳遞知識,並與最好的校長、主任、老師前輩們一同共事學習!


And music is how I make sense of this amiable world.

Thank you for giving me this chance to be with you, to learn from you, and to dedicate myself to this lovely school.























Greetings to NEHS students, parents and faculty. My name is Joyce Lo(羅思穎) and I am the seventh grade life science and the fourth grade science teacher this year. I was born and raised in Taiwan.. It is an extreme pleasure to be here as part of the NEHS bilingual department. I'm willing to teach students and learn from and with all of my students, parents, and colleagues here.





Ms. Tammy Nimmer

Hello to the wonderful staff, students and parents of NEHS. Most of you know me already because I started teaching 2A in the middle of last year. I am excited about having the opportunity to be teaching my first full-year here. Prior to working at NEHS I worked at a private kindergarten, also in Hsinchu. Last year was an eventful and fun first year of living in Taiwan. I love this island's beauty and friendly people and am looking forward to experiencing more of Taiwan wonders during the next few years. I especially enjoy riding my bicycle around the mountains, hiking and swimming. I also play on an all-girl rugby and Gaelic football team. When I am not busy playing sports, I enjoy the company of my dog, Ole. Thank you to all the outgoing parents who helped to make my first year at NEHS a success.

Ms. Linden Cross - Hello to NEHS

I'm so pleased to be teaching at NEHS. My colleague Paul Guenther had told me I would learn to love teaching again if I came here, and that is exactly what has happened since I arrived in Hsinchu last February. Here I've found bright, committed students with delightful personalities and a wide range of interests, and parents who are deeply involved in the education of their children. In education, it doesn't get much better than that!

My background reveals that I must have a drop or two of Gypsy blood. I grew up on the Mexican border in Yuma, Arizona, and over the years I've lived in the states of New Mexico, Nevada, California, Minnesota, Iowa, Louisiana (briefly), and Arkansas. Outside the U.S., I've lived in London, in the Bahamas, and now in Taiwan.

I earned my bachelor's degree at ASU in Arizona and took my master's degree in English at UCA in Arkansas. In the field of education, my two most interesting teaching experiences have been here at NEHS and in Elfrida, Arizona, where I taught in a medium-security boys' prison. Let me quickly add that these two teaching experiences can best be described as polar opposites. When people ask why I chose to teach in a boys' prison, I always say, "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Which it did.

Ms. Cary Yang

I am so excited to be here at NEHS. I am from the United States. I grew up in the state of Minnesota. I taught Kindergarten (5-year-olds) and First Grade in a city called Saint Paul, the capital of Minnesota. It is wonderful to come back to live in the country that my family has shared so many memories with me about and now I get to make my own. I have loved the fruits, noodles, and access to all the wonderful foods that Taiwan has to offer. My family is very jealous. So if you have a favorite food you want to share come find me I would be interested to know. Let's have a great year!

Mr. Jonathan Berry

Hello! I am the third grade Humanities teacher and this is my first teaching experience in the continent of Asia... I am loving it! I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. The Minneapolis Public Schools is also where I had experience teaching elementary and middle school students. I believe that living and teaching in Taiwan will help me grow as an educator as well as a person. I love to ride my bicycle and it is even better to ride with a group of others, so if you like to ride bikes let me know... I would love to go for a ride!

Miss Tessa Wright

Hi everyone! I am the new English teacher for Grade 11 and 12 Regular. I have a great group of kids to work with this year and a wonderful group of coworkers and parents. I just bought a new bike and I have been cruising around the streets of Hsinchu. I've yet to find some good mountain biking trails... (if you know of any, tell me where!) Travelling is a hobby of mine; most recently, I took the trans-Siberian railway across Russia after teaching in Korea for two school terms. I am from a very cold part of Canada (smack-dab in the middle of the prairies) where everyone wears toques and mitts. I hope everyone has a successful year here at NEHS!

Mr. Karel Van Blijenburgh

The National Experimental High School ... "Hmmm, what are they experimenting on?" I thought as I sat down for my interview. I found out later that the 'experiment' was combining two great cultures in an educational environment, what a great idea! It's my pleasure and honor to be a part of this wonderful 'experiment'.

I come from the lovely city of Vancouver, Cananda. A land of snow-capped peaks and rugged Pacific shores. This is my fifth year as an educator -- I've taught in South Korea, New Zealand and Canada. My passions are education and travel; being the new college advisor on campus allows me to combine those two interests. I am committed to supporting the graduates of NEHS during their difficult and exciting transition to post secondary education. Also, my experience in adapting to new cultures is an invaluable asset for giving advice to students seeking higher education overseas. I pledge to work diligently and look forward to being a productive member of the NEHS team.