第十三卷第七期 九十八 年一月十五日出刊   January 2009










      本校於2008年10月25-26日舉辦新竹區高中生模擬聯合國會議,本校高中部與雙語部學生參加踴躍。以下前三篇為高中部學生的學習心得分享。雙語部學生又於11月18-23日參加於新加坡舉行的模擬聯合國會議,所以第四篇為帶隊教師雙語部的Ms. Elizabeth Wyant 王以思老師的帶隊經驗感想;最後三篇則為雙語部學生的心得報告。希望這樣的經驗分享有助於以後更多老師與同學參與模擬聯合國會議,更加關心國際事務,並經由英語的表達,達到多元學習的效果。

高二3班 李文心 莊善淯

知道有MUN時報名時間已經截止了!我們十萬火急的要求老師讓我們報名,後來老師同意了,我們便飄飄然地離去。在MUN會議的前一周我們才發現報上的是Security Council!人少不打緊,還充斥著elites!既然如此就只好硬著頭皮拼了!到了會場才發現,人的英文能力果然是需要激發的。還記得在辯論時間,主席趁著我們毫無防備時點我們,「The delegate of Croatia please prepare your speech.」嚇的我們冷汗直流,心驚膽跳的我們腎上腺素被激發,一篇debate speech就誕生了!在MUN時才了解國際之間的爾虞我詐,讓我們成長了不少。活動的最後幾個小時,突如其來的瘋狂危機位嚴肅的氣氛添加了不少笑聲,小而美的Security Council讓認識了許多好朋友,套一句Mr.Oh My God先生的話:Oh! My God!真是太有趣了!

高二4班 簡凱倫


高二4班 李亭儀




雙語部 王以思老師 Ms. Elizabeth Wyant

This fall the Model United Nations Program at IBSH has participated in two conferences: HSIMUN which was held at IBSH in October, and THIMUN Singapore, which representatives from our school attended November 18-23, 2008. In October over two hundred students from around the Hsinchu area attended our home conference, which included the Economic and Social Council and the Security Council held at the Experimental High School. This conference was useful in training our students to participate in the regional Singapore Conference in which IBSH represented Belarus and Somalia. THIMUN stands for The Hague International Model United Nations. This original conference, and a similar conference in New York were begun by the United Nations in order educate students from around the world in the principles of the United Nations by becoming delegates and running a Model United Nations themselves for a week. Students write resolutions, represent nations, and learn to speak in front of forums of up to one hundred people. Passed resolutions are submitted to the real United Nations at the end of a major Model United Nations conference for the real United Nations to consider. This international educational program teaches students speaking, writing, thinking, and critical thinking skills while educating them in current events.


Singapore’s conference at Hwa Chong Institution is an extension of this larger program, and as such, invites schools from Taiwan, Singapore, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand and Australia, to participate. This year the conference of over one thousand participants also included students from Poland, France, Germany, and Great Britain. The fourth annual Model United Nations Conference concentrated on the topic of Climate Change, and featured the following forums: The General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council or ECOSOC, the Security Council, the Human Rights Commission, and the International Court of Justice. The conference also convened an Advisory Panel on the question of Nepal, and a Youth Forum, a body composed of students who write policy for the United Nations directly. The American School in Taichung, the American School in Taipei, the European School in Taipei, and the Pacific American School, also sent teams to the conference from Taiwan.

In addition to representing Belarus and Somalia in the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, our students also applied for positions in the Press, and as chairs of the forums. Proanne Liao was a reporter for the Conference Newspaper, MUNITY. Benjamin Hsu co-chaired the General Assembly Sixth Committee, and Kevin Chu co-chaired the Economic and Social Council. The other members of our THIMUN Singapore team were: Allen Fang, Sunny Wang, Stephanie Chin, Rosa Kim, Joyce Chen, Gary Liou, Daniel Cheng, James Huang, Theresa Lou, Jeffrey Lii, Grace Chou, Albert Shih, and Kenneth Jeng. They represented our school extremely well and deserve our thanks and congratulations.

雙語部 12B Benjaman Hsu 徐沐恩

This year’s HSINMUN has definitely been a very exciting conference. Not only were students from different schools able to get to meet each other and form new acquaintances, we also saw a lot of constructive debate. As delegates in the Security Council students lobbied on the different issues. Many had differing stances that required much negotiation. I was excited to see delegates were very passionate about the issues and that they spent much time preparing for their speeches. From my viewpoint in the Security Council, perhaps the most interesting aspect of this conference was the crisis situation. During the crisis situation, delegates had to think quickly on their feet and think out of the box. Delegates were really able to enjoy the debate and to propose many creative solutions to the topic at hand. I'm sure many who were there in the Security Council that day would agree that it was a great way to end the conference.



雙語部 11A Gary Lou 劉愷瑞

This year’s trip to THIMUN-Singapore was academically fulfilling and satisfying. During the trip, all of the delegates, press, and teachers had the chance to expand his or her intellectual horizons as well as experience life in Singapore. This year’s THIMUN-Singapore trip seemed especially fun because of the atmosphere presented in each and every forum. This year, I was fortunate enough to be in the Economic and Social Council, where a fellow delegate from our school and I worked together to represent the country of Somalia. In the Economic and Social Council, our school sent two delegations of two delegates each to participate actively in lobbying and to try to pass resolutions solving current world crises and emergencies.

The actual conference itself was indescribably successful. Most of the delegations worked and collaborated with each other in a group effort to make corrections to the flawed resolutions, speeches for and against the resolutions, with the ultimate goal of getting the job done well. Despite the success of the conference, I feel that it is what we learn not only in the forum, but outside the committee, that we hold dearest to us. I myself had the chance to meet many people from different countries, including those from schools in China, Malaysia, Switzerland, Singapore, Vietnam, and many more.

The experience of the THIMUN-Singapore conference was one I will never forget. I learned so much during the conference and I got a real taste of what the outside world was like. I encourage all people who like public speaking and debating with others to try this new experience, and to join Model United Nations in an effort to help oneself as well as the whole world.


雙語部 11A Daniel Cheng 鄭得恩

The word unforgettable is often times overused, but to me, THIMUN was truly an unforgettable experience. Having heard of the many THIMUNs in previous years, being allowed to go this year was a great thrill for me. From waking up at 3 in the morning, to passing the resolution on mass air traveling, every last part of THIMUN kept me exhilarated and excited. Representing Somalia at the Economic and Social Council, THIMUN was a great joy for me, even though I did not represent a very big country, being at MUN, every delegate was respected equally and was given the right to speak and vote. My THIMUN experience also brought me to meet many people from around the world. I became friends with a guy from New Zealand (Delegate of Netherlands) and met a girl from Beijing (Delegate of Pakistan). These are only two examples of the many amazing people I met at THIMUN. As a whole, THIMUN was really enjoyable. Though tiresome and boring at times, THIMUN never failed to amuse me with furious debates and hilarious comments. Even when we weren’t at the conference and off shopping, just hanging out with my IBSH buddies was probably the best part of my trip. I’d like to especially thank Ms. Wyant, Ms. Nancy Wang, and Dean Huang for spending so much time and effort, just to make our trip safe and successful. Thank you.