第十四卷第六期  中華民國九十八年十一月十四日出刊  November 2009


Career day





Career Day

Career  Day

On May 19, 2009, the IBSH Career Day featured thirteen professionals, all of which are currently working in Taiwan.  The careers presented were as follows:  Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, Psychology, Accounting, Law, IT Consulting, Elementary Education, Sports and Administration, Coaching, and Music/Art Performers.  All studentsgrades 7 to 12were given the opportunity to listen to two presentations, each lasting just over one hour.  The goal for the day was to give students a chance to gain a better understanding of not only the career itself, but to also learn about the presenter’s personal experience on the job, required education and all the unknown details of each career.  After speaking with numerous students about their thoughts on the presentations, many found the presenters to be interesting and informative, providing them with helpful and realistic insight on the daily operations of each field. 

    Many thanks go out to all the presenters and faculty who helped organize this event.  We look forward to making this an annual event for our students.  See you next year!by IBSH College Adviser Mr. Eric Swan


我相信每個人在求學的階段裡,一定至少寫過一次題目為「我的志願」的作文。除非家長有計畫的指導,或學校曾一系列的做過各種職業的介紹,否則大部分的人都只能天馬行空地書寫一番。等到真正接觸到這份工作時,才發現原來不是這麼一回事!為了避免這樣的遺憾發生,雙語部希望能逐年為學生舉辦不同職業領域的介紹與經驗分享,讓同學們及早發覺自己的潛能與性向,找到適合自己發展的領域。今年透過許多人的努力,我們邀請了:建築與設計(彭定吉建築師及曹拯元教授)、心理學的運用(趙宇玄校友)IT諮詢(張明華小姐)、小學教育(Mrs. & Mr. Merz)、體育與行政(陳樹華師)、體育教練的生涯(鄭維欣師)、音樂人(羅文裕先生)、律師(Ms. Lisa Bartle)、市場行銷(鄭皓云小姐)、財務與會計(林東旭先生)及工程師(徐保羅教授)等十一個領域的專業人士,與同學們做面對面的溝通與經驗分享。相信這次的活動必定在同學的心裡埋下了生涯探索與規劃的種子,希望透過未來幾年的活動薰陶,我們的學生能夠領略「天生我才必有用」及「行行出狀元」的哲理,在個人生涯發展中人盡其才並造福社會國家。IBSH 輔導老師 黃湘絮老師)



律師       11A 葉奕歆





心理諮商師        11A 藍培藝

心理諮商師的工作是什麼?通常我們對它的第一個印象就是一個心理醫生坐在沙發椅上邊記錄邊問病人:「你今天心情如何?請用幾個形容詞來形容你現在的感受。」Career Day這天聽完主講人 (雙語部2002年畢業的學姊) May Chao的演講,我才恍然大悟,原來心理學並不是一個那麼狹隘的領域,而是包含六個branches的廣大領域。May的專長是社會心理學,針對顧客的需求與心理來做有效率的廣告,以達到商業行銷的目的。她的演講引人入勝,且充滿活力。她問我們:「當我說啤酒,你們第一個想到的是什麼品牌呢?」大家紛紛說出「Heineken」、「Bud Light」和「台灣啤酒」。May用「啤酒」這個例子帶領我們了解social marketing的過程,從 development of new products à building of brand à optimizing retail performance managing stakeholders。在這發展的過程中,他們會不斷的做研究,並針對顧客的心理,設計問卷做調查,希望能增加銷售的業績,進而開發出新的商品。聽完演講之後,我認為social marketing是一個值得我考慮的領域,因為它不像其他單調乏味的工作,每天要一成不變的坐在辦公室裡,而是可以與顧客有密切的互動,創造出新的點子。最棒的是,它有彈性的上班時間。雖然薪水不是特別高,但卻是相當有挑戰性的工作。我想我應該會喜歡這個領域的!


Accounting and Marketing     11A 鄭得恩

        The two jobs that I chose were Accounting and Marketing, both of which I have always wanted to know more about. Marketing especially has been a major I might want to choose in college. The presenter started out with her presentation with many pictures in her slides. The slides were all very interesting. Then, she gave us a real life situation to act as if we were really people trying to market our products to consumers. The interactive discussion and activities made the presentation a lot more interesting and helped the listeners to have a more hands-on feeling of the topic. Overall, I’d say Career Day was quite a success, for me at least. Both of my presentations and presenters were fantastic. It was easy to tell that they were very good in their area and had lots of experience and stories to share with us. Career Day was really a great day, despite the fact I skipped double activities, I still enjoyed it greatly.



音樂     11B 王柏英

我選的兩場座談是會計和音樂。歌手羅文裕在敘述他的人生經驗時,我真的被感動了。他是那麼有才華,可是走這一條路真的是非常艱苦的,所以我非常敬佩他。Career Day 如果早些年辦,那該有多好!



Career Day Experience with “Law”     11B 婁修于

For the first time ever, our school decided to host a formal career day, and I was definitely not disappointed by the sessions I attended. The one that made a lasting impression on me was, without a doubt, my first session- Law. Unlike the stereotypical lawyer one sees in movies, the lecturer was well very amiable and approached her subject in a very easy going way. After covering some knowledge about law, such as what law school is like and some daily routines of a lawyer, our lecturer spiced up the session with a case scenario and asked the students sitting in 10B to think like a lawyer. The experience was enriching and captivating, and it helped me gain a better understanding of my potential future career.




會計     11A 張雅芝

Career Day那天,演講者給了我全新的概念,改變了我內心對會計的印象!原來會計不必天天與數字打交道,而且從事這項行業數學不必特別厲害。這些話鼓舞了我,我的未來又多了一種可能! Career Day使我認識了過去非常陌生的行業,我相信我身邊的人也有同感,真希望下一次能有機會聽到更多行業!
