第十卷第  100年12月15日出刊  December 2011




模擬大選 環境教育







勝選的共和黨總統參選人12A 梁怡翎 Albert Liang的競選演講

Opening speech

Hello America

Thank you all for coming

These past two weeks have been a crucial time for our nation.

I have listened to the thoughts of the American people, I have heard what America is saying.

From the desert plains of Arizona to the peach state of Georgia, I have heard your cries about the illegal immigration problems that your states face.

I have enjoyed talking to you, Ohio and Florida about sustainable health care reform concerns.

You have shared with me, California, about the minority issues that you have,

I have heard from Texas and Nebraska, from many of you, all of you, loud and clear, your concerns over where the American economy is today.

I have heard what America is saying. I understand the American people, I understand the economic hardships that we Americans are facing.

And the plans that I propose will help America to a better future.

Our economic 4 point plan is very simple and consists of four parts: tax reform, spending reform, monetary policy reform, and regulatory reform.

Tax reform: We want to reform the tax code and reduce the tax burden. Our corporate tax code is full of tax breaks, deductions, and credits, creating loopholes that let politically connected companies avoid paying taxes. Because less money is received due to loopholes, politicians are forced to make up for this lost revenue by increasing overall tax rates. We want to close those loopholes, so we can cut taxes for everybody. The current tax code is over 2000 pages long. Individuals and businesses spend over 6 billion hours and 160 billion dollars each year just trying to understand our tax code. With closed loopholes, we can make the entire tax code simpler and let people keep more of the money they earn.

Spending reform: We are currently headed towards as pending driven debt crisis. We want to reduce our federal spending by eliminating wasteful spending, reducing overseas commitments, and reforming health care to make our budget sustainable for the future.

Monetary Policy reform: Currently, our Federal Reserve, the central bank of America, has the power to control our economy. It essentially creates money out of thin air, manipulates interest rates, and interferes with the free market. The Fed makes secret deals with Wall Street executives, foreign central banks, and other politically-connected insiders. Yet, the Federal Reserve does not publicize its actions. We want the Federal Reserve to become more transparent by requiring the Federal Reserve to televise its meetings, and having Congress oversee its actions.

Regulatory reform: We want to eliminate regulations that push companies to seek capital outside of US markets. We want to eliminate unnecessary regulations on small businesses and entrepreneurs. These unnecessary regulations actually hinder our economy’s growth, and by eliminating them, our jobs will be created at a faster rate.

With the 4 point plan, we will help to grow real, sustainable jobs in the US economy and close the deficit gap.

Today, we are in almost 15 trillion dollars in debt, an amount equal to the size of the entire US economy.

That number is rising by 1.3 trillion dollars per year because of our federal deficit.

The U.S. government is NOT running unsustainable deficits because Americans are taxed too little. The government is running deficits because it spends too much. And this immense amount of money spent is not only out of control, it is used inefficiently and irresponsibly.

We want to tackle this problem by making the cost of government healthcare sustainable and by eliminating inefficient spending.

Our current healthcare budget is growing by 7%annually, far faster than our economy.

Healthcare will soon grow to unsustainable costs.

Our solution is to provide choice to citizens through the form of premium support payments.

Premium support will not increase the healthcare budget, contrary to what many Democrats may say. Instead, it will decrease the budget. Government provided healthcare services are simply converted to premium support, so that citizens will be able to choose which company will provide their healthcare.

Because companies will be competing for business, market forces will push companies to provide healthcare with the highest quality and the lowest cost.

This is how we will make the costs of healthcare sustainable.

The cost for Environmental Protection Agency is rising, and soon, it will become unmanageable. So what we propose to do is to scale the EPA back, divide the money into block funds which will be allocated to the states to invest in the green technologies of their choice and to better address each state’s unique environmental concerns. I must emphasize that by scaling back the EPA, it DOES NOT mean that we don’t care about the environment. We are simply removing the bureaucratic inefficiencies and allowing the states more specialization to better address their own green technology and environmental problems. With this, we will achieve smarter and more efficient spending to protect our environment.

Our plans will grow our economy and create jobs...the real way. Real economic growth depends on our citizens, not stimulus money the government pumps into the economy. Stimulus funds were always intended to be temporary, and the jobs that are created along with it are always temporary. Not only that, but stimulus funds add to our national debt, further burdening our country. Our plan will cure the economy from its roots and create real economic growth for the long term. Real jobs will be created, jobs that will last even without government support. Our economy will be back.

Long ago, Abraham Lincoln stated,

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

This is an indisputable quote. It is truth.

So America, let us stand together as one countryto restore our nation.

I stand here today,

Not just as the representative of the Republican party,

But as the president FOR America.

Thank you.

Closing speech

After weeks of campaigning that has taken us from the rocky coasts of Maine to the sunny shores of California, from the dusty plains of Texas to the bustling cities of Illinois, we are only a few hours away from change in America.

In a few hours, you can turn the page of America’s history and write a new chapter of prosperity.

In a few hours, you can give this country the change that it needs.

We are at a crossroads of America’s history.

What we do today will determine the future of our great nation and of our sons and daughters.

I know this change is possible. Because I have seen it over the last two weeks. Because in this campaign, I have had the privilege, the honor, to witness the best of America.

In a few hours, we can choose an economy that creates new long-lasting jobs and fuels prosperity from the bottom-up. We can choose an environmental plan that is more efficient and effective, that is tailored to each state’s needs. We can choose sustainability and prosperity for our nation.

In a few hours, we can come together as one nation, as one people, and once more choose for the better of America.

Stand up with me, my friends, stand up and fight for America

Together, as a single voice,

We will spark change in the right direction.

Liberty will be back.

Freedom will be back.

Stability will be back.

America will be back.

It is time for change - change we can afford.

Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America.